Lambda Variant

He may get multiple states to lock down but I don’t think the south locks down again or Texas or Ohio.

Could be wrong but it seems they are moving on.

Also, only 28 percent of the AA community has been vaccinated. They keep making rules about not being able to enter restaurants etc without proof of being vaccinated and I think the backlash is going to be insane.
Some researchers fear the lambda variant could be even more dangerous than delta

Excellent scientific rundown on what is different about the Lambda strain. No fear porn.

"This does not mean that lambda should induce despair or panic. Another study published in the same paper found that, although the variant is roughly 2 to 3 times more resistant to antibodies produced by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the average number of antibodies produced by those inoculations is more than sufficient to protect against lambda."
He may get multiple states to lock down but I don’t think the south locks down again or Texas or Ohio.

Could be wrong but it seems they are moving on.

OK, we shall see. I'm not so sure just based on some of the stuff I'm seeing out of AR, MS and TN right now.

Also, only 28 percent of the AA community has been vaccinated. They keep making rules about not being able to enter restaurants etc without proof of being vaccinated and I think the backlash is going to be insane.

What about the military and Federal employees?
Some researchers fear the lambda variant could be even more dangerous than delta

Excellent scientific rundown on what is different about the Lambda strain. No fear porn.

"This does not mean that lambda should induce despair or panic. Another study published in the same paper found that, although the variant is roughly 2 to 3 times more resistant to antibodies produced by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the average number of antibodies produced by those inoculations is more than sufficient to protect against lambda."

And after lambda, should we take drastic steps to avoid the nest strain? At what point do we just realize that this is going to be with us and start returning to normal?
This pandemic stuff is a communists wet dream. Government telling you what you can and can’t do, having “papers” telling them what your status is, economic uncertainty, being controlled through fear and propaganda, and not working because your government check hits the mail every month.

You would think some are just aching for this to go full blown USSR circa 1984.
OK, we shall see. I'm not so sure just based on some of the stuff I'm seeing out of AR, MS and TN right now.

What about the military and Federal employees?
I’m concerned that the crazies have infiltrated every branch of government and will get the lockdowns in the south. We’ve got a real problem on our hands with the marxists.
About every 3 or 4 weeks it's something new. They should just hire Frau!

Would you agree some of the Lockdowns are just a bit draconian?

Of course, some.

I don't discount the need in some of the areas where the healthcare systems are at capacity.
As someone this board labels a liberal, socialist, marxist, american hating commie... I hate the lock downs period. I am all in favor of mask wearing and other precautions, but locking us down is bs

Mandatory mask wearing?

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