Lambda Variant

Actually evolution would seem to tend toward a virus mutating to something more virulent. Maybe viruses have just now read the book.

Viruses only purpose is to reproduce so if they kill off their hosts they kill of themselves so they tend to get less virulent or so that's my understanding.
Actually evolution would seem to tend toward a virus mutating to something more virulent. Maybe viruses have just now read the book.
It can get more contagious, but it tends to get weaker. If the virus is too deadly, you kill too many of the hosts before it can effectively spread.
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Viruses only purpose is to reproduce so if they kill off their hosts they kill of themselves so they tend to get less virulent or so that's my understanding.
It can get more contagious, but it tends to get weaker. If the virus is too deadly, you kill too many of the hosts before it can effectively spread.

Thanks, I keep forgetting that. Maybe this one is really dumb ... according to Fauci.
I think you missed what I was saying. I don't think we are going to be able to vote our way out of this.

I know what you're saying but that's why even if we can't we can if we don't change the congress we definitely don't stand a chance.
I know what you're saying but that's why even if we can't we can if we don't change the congress we definitely don't stand a chance.
2022 is a make or break for the republic. If they stretch out these variants and start locking down stuff again, I could very easily see them using that as an opportunity to mandate mail-in voting.

And then what will you do?
The thing that bothers me most about the thinking in this thread is that people seem to think that the virus will be static. Unchanged. And that if scientists alter their stance on something, then that's somehow showing bad faith or intent on their part.

The situation is evolving. That doesn't mean you ignore the science, as it evolves too.
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The thing that bothers me most about the thinking in this thread is that people seem to think that the virus will be static. Unchanged. And that if scientists alter their stance on something, then that's somehow showing bad faith or intent on their part.

The situation is evolving. That doesn't mean you ignore the science, as it evolves too.
I haven't seen that as a theme. I think most people in here realize that viruses mutate. The disagreement comes when the media and so-called experts say that each variant is more dangerous than the least one, and that it requires more and more reduction of freedoms and more authoritarian mandates.
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I haven't seen that as a theme. I think most people in here realize that viruses mutate. The disagreement comes when the media and so-called experts say that each variant is more dangerous than the least one, and that it requires more and more reduction of freedoms and more authoritarian mandates.
Take a look at the Spanish flu. The first 2 mutations were in fact worse than the first. Then the mutations became weaker. We are just hitting the 3rd wave. If the trend follows history we will get to endemic in about a year. I believe this will eventually get to where we are with influenza
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I haven't seen that as a theme. I think most people in here realize that viruses mutate. The disagreement comes when the media and so-called experts say that each variant is more dangerous than the least one, and that it requires more and more reduction of freedoms and more authoritarian mandates.

Who is saying that? Even with delta the advice is less than at height of prior milder version.
The thing that bothers me most about the thinking in this thread is that people seem to think that the virus will be static. Unchanged. And that if scientists alter their stance on something, then that's somehow showing bad faith or intent on their part.

The situation is evolving. That doesn't mean you ignore the science, as it evolves too.
Tell me about it. This would be like the only virus in history where natural immunity apparently means nothing. People need to stop ignoring the science.
Take a look at the Spanish flu. The first 2 mutations were in fact worse than the first. Then the mutations became weaker. We are just hitting the 3rd wave. If the trend follows history we will get to endemic in about a year. I believe this will eventually get to where we are with influenza
Possibly... look obviously there are exceptions to the general rule. But in general, these things tend to die down over each successive stage.
I carry a $250 deductible on my vehicles. it went off the car. still had to pay $600 for the ambulance

Ask your insurance company or agent about adding medical payments. Barely adds to the premium and will pay for ambulance rides, urgent care visits, health co-pays and health insurance deductibles.
Zika isn’t much to worry about and Ebola burns itself out to quickly for a mass pandemic.
Cool but not relevant to the point
It’s 2 viruses that have not mutated down but have actually gotten worse as time has gone along.
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