Lambda Variant

OK, we shall see. I'm not so sure just based on some of the stuff I'm seeing out of AR, MS and TN right now.

Texas has a law we’re people can exclude themselves from a vaccine due to either religious or philosophical belief. One of few states to allow philosophical aspect. I think this makes them safe from vaccine mandates. I think the counter part to that is they can’t shut the state down as there is no end game. I could be wrong about OH but Bill Lee just fired a pro vaccine person and the state senate just passed a bill banning mandatory vaccines. Germantown is about to challenge it though. I think the political climate in TN does not warrant a state shut down.

What about the military and Federal employees?

Think they are screwed and going to be forced to be vaccinated.
Has anybody in our worthless press asked Fauci when we can stop wearing masks? Where does all this end? At what point do we have to accept that we'll always have a variant strain out there. We as a society are not going to accept wearing masks indefinitely. This is also screwing with their messaging that the vaccines work. This kind of crap sure gives the signal that they're not confident that they work
Has anybody in our worthless press asked Fauci when we can stop wearing masks?

I'm pretty sure he was asked that some months ago during one of his interviews. If memory serves, he "suggested" people should be wearing masks all the thing during cold and flu season.

You aren't going to get a good answer out of him anyway; so, why bother asking.
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And after lambda, should we take drastic steps to avoid the nest strain? At what point do we just realize that this is going to be with us and start returning to normal?

They hope to use this for election rules again to cheat.
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They hope to use this for election rules again to cheat.
Yeah, we will probably have variants coming out every 2-3 months between now and next November. But in the meantime, an emergency EO will allow for all mail in ballots in Federal elections.

But that is the short term benefit. With the creation of these vaccine passports, now they are on the brink of establishing a Chinese style social credit score/Mark of The Beast fascist system.
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This pandemic stuff is a communists wet dream. Government telling you what you can and can’t do, having “papers” telling them what your status is, economic uncertainty, being controlled through fear and propaganda, and not working because your government check hits the mail every month.

You would think some are just aching for this to go full blown USSR circa 1984.
Is it just me or does U.S.S.R look more threatening.
Yeah, we will probably have variants coming out every 2-3 months between now and next November. But in the meantime, and emergency EO will allow for all mail in ballots in Federal elections.

But that is the short term benefit. With the creation of these vaccine passports, now they are on the brink of establishing a Chinese style social credit score/Mark of The Beast fascist system.
Yeah, we will probably have variants coming out every 2-3 months between now and next November. But in the meantime, and emergency EO will allow for all mail in ballots in Federal elections.

But that is the short term benefit. With the creation of these vaccine passports, now they are on the brink of establishing a Chinese style social credit score/Mark of The Beast fascist system.

I just hope we can get many of these extremist out as soon as possible. Take the House and possible Senate, then watch Biden flounder around like a fish on a boat until he looks to his bingo game he will be playing in 2025.
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Get rid of seat belt and helmet laws with proof health insurance. I don't care if you kill yourself, but I shouldn't have to pay for your stupidity. Masks i view differently because your stupidity can affect me.
Are you vaccinated? You get vaccinated to protect yourself. I don't get vaccinated to protect you. Besides, I have antibodies on loan from God.
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So, you want a government database of health insurance? I think it would have to include your financial information as well to ensure you could pay the deductible and out of pocket costs. This database would have to be accessible to every cop in the nation. And 911 operators. Also, if your driving someone else's car that would raise problems.

I think the tattoo is probably the safest route. But then again, what happens if you had a head injury that obscured your tattoo?

Since obama, don't we for all practical purposes already have a government database on insurance? With electronic reporting, it certainly wouldn't take much to develop databases of who pays for what when it comes to medical issues. Every online business probably knows more about you than you do.
I just hope we can get many of these extremist out as soon as possible. Take the House and possible Senate, then watch Biden flounder around like a fish on a boat until he looks to his bingo game he will be playing in 2025.
Oh, you are still hanging on to the possibility of solving this by voting.
I made this joke in the other thread the first time I heard of the Tri Lam variant. Who are the people coming up with these names?
View attachment 385076
This is the first thing I thought about when I heard about the Lambda variant was the tri-lambs from this movie. One of the best movies I've ever watched.
Fauci should just tell us to go eat drink and be merry because in the history of new viruses, the subsequent variants were less robust than the previous, if what he's saying is true, Delta worse than Original, now Lambda worse than Delta, mankind has no hope, because if Lambda doesn't get you, the next, or the next or the next will.
So go take the catalytic converter off your car, burn coal in your fireplace and dump plastic in the rivers because we'll be gone before we can ruin the earth.

Fauci should just tell us to go eat drink and be merry because in the history of new viruses, the subsequent variants were less robust than the previous, if what he's saying is true, Delta worse than Original, now Lambda worse than Delta, mankind has no hope, because if Lambda doesn't get you, the next, or the next or the next will.
So go take the catalytic converter off your car, burn coal in your fireplace and dump plastic in the rivers because we'll be gone before we can ruin the earth.

View attachment 385212

That is now considered to be yesterday's truth. That no longer applies now.
That is now considered to be yesterday's truth. That no longer applies now.

Actually evolution would seem to tend toward a virus mutating to something more virulent. Maybe viruses have just now read the book.

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