Lambda Variant

“overall, relying on COVID to evolve to be a more tolerant and less deadly disease looks like abad strategy, based on scientific evidence. Some viruses do become less deadly over time, but others remain just as dangerous, and there’s no guarantee what will happen with this particular situation.”
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Some researchers fear the lambda variant could be even more dangerous than delta

Excellent scientific rundown on what is different about the Lambda strain. No fear porn.

"This does not mean that lambda should induce despair or panic. Another study published in the same paper found that, although the variant is roughly 2 to 3 times more resistant to antibodies produced by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the average number of antibodies produced by those inoculations is more than sufficient to protect against lambda."

Yes it is fear porn and it’s BS. The word variant is being used to scare the public. You and many other just can’t see it. If you test positive for COVID now it’s automatically the delta variant. It’s just assumed it’s that. Just like this will be the next one.

Pretty soon it will be the same old crap. Hospitals overrun with lambda variant. Delta will disappear and more people will be scared to death. This is shaping up as one of the biggest scams in human history.
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Full FDA approval will come before years end. It’s being fast tracked. Once that happens, vaccines are basically mandated. The blueprint on how to control the population has been laid. America as we know it is on life support.

Better get that bunker ready.
Yes it is fear porn and it’s BS. The word variant is being used to scare the public. You and many other just can’t see it. If you test positive for COVID now it’s automatically the delta variant. It’s just assumed it’s that. Just like this will be the next one.

Pretty soon it will be the same old crap. Hospitals overrun with lambda variant. Delta will disappear and more people will be scared to death. This is shaping up as one of the biggest scams in human history.

If we just shut up about it, it will go away.

Oh, how many wonderful things that mindset has given us throughout history.
If we just shut up about it, it will go away.

Oh, how many wonderful things that mindset has given us throughout history.

Edit: I went back with a mind open to your interpretation and tried to read from your perspective. I still come to the same conclusion I did earlier: when focusing on the article as the only item of consideration, examining word choice and writer's tone, a reasonable reader would find the article to be informational and explanatory in nature, with a slight bent towards positivity regarding vaccine efficacy.

I am not naive, nor am I blinded to sociopolitical trends. There is a lot to take in right now. But with all that in mind, I make the choice to approach things from a positive standpoint and not a position of malingering resignation. I would suggest trying it sometime.
In before “Godwin’s law” is applied

I'm actually kinda curious how this line could lead there now. I was thinking US abstinence-only education digging in despite increases in ten pregnancy and STDs in communities that push said abstinence only programs. If the kids don't ever hear about sex, they won't have it.

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