Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

It proves that Trump used taxpayer dollars to fund a campaign ad, then shown to start a press conference. Its wrong.

End of the world? No. But emblematic of the hypocrisy and poor judgment shown by Trump on a daily basis at this point.

Maybe the news media should be reporting when the chi coms remove press members from their country. Not a good day for the libtards the press 💩 their pants yesterday. Has to be tough when Dr Fauci takes the President's side. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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My bad I didn’t see the Unrelated funds . So as long as Trump uses unrelated funds it will be normal ?

Who knows. Has it ever happened before?

It is probably not a court issue. It’s an issue that should have been addressed by the legislature, which is presently dysfunctional and was previously both dysfunctional and deluded into thinking the president would exercise discretion in good faith.

Setting related benchmarks to receive those funds is an exercise in good faith. Whether or not what Obama admin was doing was good faith, I don’t know enough about Medicaid/obama/what was happening to decide, but the point is that it’s a grey area, just like the Ukraine thing, where impeachment, not court intervention, is probably the appropriate solution.
Wrong again. 4 more years and you will like it!

That's the problem, Trump will probably do more time than that in a Fed prison, if he can't figure out to be reelected. And there is why his declaration of "absolute authority" shouldn't be taken lightly.

there's your ammunition to go off on how he's unfairly persecuted... better run with it. things are getting hot.
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Who knows. Has it ever happened before?

It is probably not a court issue. It’s an issue that should have been addressed by the legislature, which is presently dysfunctional and was previously both dysfunctional and deluded into thinking the president would exercise discretion in good faith.

Setting related benchmarks to receive those funds is an exercise in good faith. Whether or not what Obama admin was doing was good faith, I don’t know enough about Medicaid/obama/what was happening to decide, but the point is that it’s a grey area, just like the Ukraine thing, where impeachment, not court intervention, is probably the appropriate solution.

Impeachment when our attention would have been better served on a possible pandemic coming from Communist China? Got it
That's the problem, Trump will probably do more time than that in a Fed prison, if he can't figure out to be reelected. And there is why his declaration of "absolute authority" shouldn't be taken lightly.

there's your ammunition to go off on how he's unfairly persecuted... better run with it. things are getting hot.
There should be plenty of Governors in prison right now -- namely Pritzker, Newsome and that hague from Michigan
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That's the problem, Trump will probably do more time than that in a Fed prison, if he can't figure out to be reelected. And there is why his declaration of "absolute authority" shouldn't be taken lightly.

there's your ammunition to go off on how he's unfairly persecuted... better run with it. things are getting hot.

Like when President Obama himself bypassed Congress in passing DACA with an executive order? Hello pot kettle here...
It proves that Trump used taxpayer dollars to fund a campaign ad, then shown to start a press conference. Its wrong.

End of the world? No. But emblematic of the hypocrisy and poor judgment shown by Trump on a daily basis at this point.
It proves nothing of the sort.
But given your past histrionics on anything Trump related I wouldn't take your interpretation of it as a fair and unbiased analysis that lead to your conclusion.

Your label of what it was is generated more from your own mind set than any provable facts. Someone of equal or greater intelligence than yours could label it as a "fact filled time line of CV-19 events" prove it from the information it contained and deem it appropriate for a CV-19 press conference.

Who is right, who is wrong?

Well, that depends, now doesn't it?
Like when President Obama himself bypassed Congress in passing DACA with an executive order? Hello pot kettle here...

Totally the same thing as declaring "absolute authority". I guess Trump doesn't even have to put his magic Sharpie to paper. Just wave it in the air, and it must be done.
Since I don't do that, my original thought remains. You can't think clearly for yourself Vols40, so stop trying to think for other people.

I will never ask the government to do anything for me but GTFO my way. You pansies who can't are why the country was shut down. If your scared say your scared. The rest of us have been rest to get back to work.
It proves nothing of the sort.
But given your past histrionics on anything Trump related I wouldn't take your interpretation of it as a fair and unbiased analysis that lead to your conclusion.

Your label of what it was is generated more from your own mind set than any provable facts. Someone of equal or greater intelligence than yours could label it as a "fact filled time line of CV-19 events" prove it from the information it contained and deem it appropriate for a CV-19 press conference.

Who is right, who is wrong?

Well, that depends, now doesn't it?

Did you see it?
Totally the same thing as declaring "absolute authority". I guess Trump doesn't even have to put his magic Sharpie to paper. Just wave it in the air, and it must be done.

Once again you don't answer the question. And remind me of all those Dem governors who are heaping praise in the President for his actions which have been so freaking right on the money.....
Cuomo "140 k hospital beds and 40 k ventilators"
President "I don't think they are going to need that many next question"
Do you consider him a highly competent and respected epidemiologist?

Yes, I believe he is.

But, I'll need to see the numbers behind those numbers to get on board.

Perhaps my error is doing my evaluation of the US but trying to lay his comments about the UK on top of it. As I said earlier, if the testing is targeted only to one group - then it could skew my analysis.

Let's look at the UK.

The UK currently has 12.1k deaths and 94k positive tests - that is a 12% case fatality rate. And given that delay between a positive test and death that I talked about before, it is really more like 12.1k deaths vs. 55k cases, or 22%. That suggests to me that the UK may only be testing their hospitalized cases. That is an incredibly high CFR for a country that isn't saturating its medical system. So, IF they only count deaths from CV+ individuals and these are the numbers, I'd say that's a very high rate of death. So high that it makes me think the only people that are getting CV tests are those that are being hospitalized. Surely the odds of dying aren't higher than 1 in 5 when you enter the hospital with CV? I've seen numbers like 30% of ICU admissions end in death. So 22% of hospitalizations would still seem high.

My point is that if their positive cases only reflect the people struggling the most with the disease (likely older and already ill, not just at-risk) and you can only be a CV death with a CV+ test, then it becomes more possible that a large fraction of your deaths would have happened within the year.

So, how at risk of dying would this group have to be? Using 55k cases and 12.1k deaths as the baseline. If 2/3 of those deaths would happen this year anyway and using that same 6 week window over which deaths have been recorded, let's do the math:

12.1k * .667 = 8.1k deaths over the course of this year (we started counting deaths around March 1, so we'll call that 44 weeks left in the year) would be 8,100/44*52 = 9572 deaths on an annual basis. And that is from a sampled population of 55k. So the inherent risk of this population (on a 100,000 population basis which is how these statistics are usually recorded) would be 9572 / 55000 = 17,400 deaths / 100,000 population. So what group has a mortality rate that is that high? The mortality rate of 85+ individuals from all causes is 13,600 in the US. So of they have only tested really old people with other risk factors then maybe I can get there.

Maybe I'm missing something in the way I'm looking at it?
Well, yes, yes I did.


You with straight face claim that it was just an informative video about coronavirus?

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Once again you don't answer the question. And remind me of all those Dem governors who are heaping praise in the President for his actions which have been so freaking right on the money.....
Cuomo "140 k hospital beds and 40 k ventilators"
President "I don't think they are going to need that many next question"

What question, the DACA one... what have the courts said about it? Doesn't matter so much what I think.

So, saying a worst case scenario is a high estimate is some kind of genius prediction? That's kind of like predicting there won't be a 100 year flood in the next 10 years.
I will never ask the government to do anything for me but GTFO my way. You pansies who can't are why the country was shut down. If your scared say your scared. The rest of us have been rest to get back to work.

I didn't ask for anything, Gina. I work in an essential business and have been on the job everyday. I haven't been hiding at home. There is no fear here, just respect for the virus and wearing a mask in public,

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