Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Are you going to tell us how you stumbled on this disinformation?

Are you going to tell us the story of how you automatically assumed it wasn’t true because you saw zep say so and now everyone is laughing at you? 😂😂😂
These press briefings are nothing more than sideshow now. We just hear a steady diet of whining, scape-goating, revisionist history and petty squabbling with Andrew Cuomo and the press. It's purely a public relations battle at this point... and basically, just things Trump would say at a campaign rally, if he was at one. The networks are justified in not covering these anymore. They serve no purpose, other than Trump letting off steam.

This is exactly the reaction that is expected from the left.

How dare Trump use the press' words to illustrate his point.

This is so clear in the big government libs complete 180 on states rights. LMAO

Winning BIGLY
First off, what in the hell does that even mean?

Second, I tended bar for six years. I won a few competitions, got a handful of four figure tips, and made a living travelling around and doing well for myself because I was passionate about it and, as a result, was considered "good" enough to move up to independent contracting and restaurant consultation. Started doing food and beverage direction as a full time gig a couple of years ago and by all accounts from employers have been considered a valuable asset. You couldn't be further off.

My point is that your intuitions fail you because you're either blinded by your disdain for our differences, a complete and utter dumbass, or both.

I may still think you're a politically misguided sh*tbrain, but I'm not questioning the fact that you're essentially a loan shark preying on the economically disadvantaged. You can be both.

It means you are not a service industry.

You said I **** on the service industry. I never **** on the service industry just you as an individual.

I’m a politically misguided sh&tbrain? That’s hilarious coming from someone who defended the Chinese wet markets and tried to normalize eating bats, dogs, cats, rats, and God knows what else while demonizing everyone and everything America. You are a real winner.

I’m impressed by your new found resume if true. You have come along way in 3 plus years. I remember you crying after the election because you were afraid you would lose your free health insurance. Hopefully with your new found success the American taxpayers are not subsidizing your health insurance.
Holy crap I can’t be the only one that thinks the police's reply has got to be in the all time horrible choice of words category . “ Protesting is a non-essential activity “ .
I didn’t think they would enforce these radical unconstitutional orders by these little dictator wanna be governors and mayors
Boring episode of the Trump Show tonight. Will there be questions?

1) Trump is blaming the WHO again, for failing to identify the risk earlier (which ironically was at the same time he was ignoring express warnings of exactly that from his own employees);

2) Trump is magnanimously giving to the Governors the power to decide when to reopen. (Which they already had).

3) Trump blames the Obama administration for everything.

Basically the same thing as the last two weeks or so.
Stop trying to deflect from Trump's incompetence and denial of facts. Trump was being stupid in Jan and Feb, among other things. He didn't listen to his intelligence community, who told him what to expect with COVID. He was more worried about being re-elected by preserving the economy than he was with saving lives.

How dare you question President Trump after telling everyone to be obedient to authority. You need to follow your on advice and submit to the government.

President Trump is the highest authority in the United States of America why should he listen to his servants?
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1) Trump is blaming the WHO again, for failing to identify the risk earlier (which ironically was at the same time he was ignoring express warnings of exactly that from his own employees);

2) Trump is magnanimously giving to the Governors the power to decide when to reopen. (Which they already had).

3) Trump blames the Obama administration for everything.

Basically the same thing as the last two weeks or so.

So we have put to rest the "Trump is not listening to Fauci" nonsense?
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Stop trying to deflect from Trump's incompetence and denial of facts. Trump was being stupid in Jan and Feb, among other things. He didn't listen to his intelligence community, who told him what to expect with COVID. He was more worried about being re-elected by preserving the economy than he was with saving lives.

How dare you question President Trump after telling everyone to be obedient to authority. You need to follow your on advice and submit to the government.

President Trump is the highest authority in the United States of America why should he listen to his servants?
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How dare you question President Trump after telling everyone to be obedient to authority. You need to follow your on advice and submit to the government.

President Trump is the highest authority in the United States of America why should he listen to his servants?

This is so true guys intelligence people had to this point been 💯 spot on
So we have put to rest the "Trump is not listening to Fauci" nonsense?

He has obviously grudgingly been listening to Fauci for about 4 weeks now. He doesn't like it. It's bad news. It means sacrificing what at least appear to be some economic success to save lives and plod through this.

He likes it when his team come up with spin to make it sound like we should all be grateful to his idiocy and mishandling of things. But then he invariably gets mad again when the news channels prove categorically that he is lying yet again, and it makes him feel stupid and that he has made it worse.
Can We Talk About American Media's Connections to Chinese Interests?

Several weeks ago, we detailed how American mainstream media outlets were intent on parroting communist propaganda talking points coming from disinformation ministers in Beijing.

At first glance, it would be easy to write this disturbing surrender of journalistic integrity to advanced stages of Trump Derangement System. It would be reasonable to suspect that reporters, producers, anchors and editors held such an intense zeal to oppose, resist and damage President Trump that they'd even stoop so low as to hand their bylines over to propagandists supporting the totalitarian murderers at the top of the Red China food chain.


However, something even more disconcerting may be at work here.

Over at National Review, Jim Geraghty has assembled a disturbing and thorough timeline of the communist Chinese government's complicity in the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.
It's fantastic reporting and well worth your time when you're finished reading this.

This is fantastic work by Jim, but why is he the one who put this together? Jim's one of the best, don't get me wrong, but he, like so many of us, works for a scrappy media outlet with limited resources. I mean, there are huge media companies in this country covering this story who have resources and reporters all around the world at their fingertips to assemble this data.

Why didn't NBC News do this reporting? Or ABC News? Or CNN?

Every single major broadcast and cable news outlet covering the COVID-19 pandemic has a direct and critical interest in pleasing the communist regime in China. Every single one of them. To understand this critically important connection between these American news outlets and the Chinese government, you only need to understand the power of the Chinese market when it comes to the film industry.

It's not breaking news that the Chinese market is the single most important region for growth and revenue for Hollywood. The profitability for many films these days is almost entirely dependant on ticket sales in China. If a major film doesn't sell in China, it's a problem for the studio. And films are only allowed to be shown in China if the communists in Beijing give permission. That's the beauty of a totalitarian, communist state. Nobody in the country sees "Avengers: End Game" unless the authoritarians are accommodated.

This directly affects how Hollywood makes its movies.

Much has been written about the growing influence the Chinese censors have on the product coming out of Hollywood. Both conservative and liberal news outlets have lamented this growing trend. The influence of Chinese censors is often depicted in amusing anecdotes like this NPR feature explaining how a Tom Cruise blockbuster was modified to assuage the communist propagandists:

Consider Mission: Impossible III, which was partially shot in Shanghai. The film's establishing shot of Shanghai shows Tom Cruise walking past the winking lights of the modern cityscape and then past underwear hanging from a clothesline. The movie was released in 2006. Even now, many people in Shanghai don't own dryers and hang their clothes out on the balcony to dry.

"The censors felt that it did not portray Shanghai in a positive light, so that scene was removed from the movie," says T.J. Green, CEO of Apex Entertainment, which owns and builds movie theaters in China.

"The censorship always goes back to the Communist Party. They're in charge and they're always looking at how China is portrayed," he says. "They didn't want to see something that portrayed it ... [as] a developing country."​

- CBS News is part of a conglomerate of media and entertainment companies called National Amusements. The companies under their control include Viacom and Paramount Pictures.

- NBC News/MSNBC is part of Universal and Comcast.

- CNN is part of AT&T Time Warner, which owns Warner Brothers.

- ABC News is owned by Disney, which owns, well, pretty much everything else coming out of Hollywood.

Beyond the direct concerns of the film producing and distribution arms of these major corporations, they also have other direct interests in not ticking off the Beijing communists. These companies also own theme parks, cellular telephone networks, cable networks, movie theatres and much more.

All of their movies and theme parks sell toys and clothing which are manufactured in China. Cell phones and infrastructure equipment are manufactured in China. Cable boxes and broadband devices are manufactured in China.

Angering the Chinese government is just bad for business for these companies.
Can We Talk About American Media's Connections to Chinese Interests?
He has obviously grudgingly been listening to Fauci for about 4 weeks now. He doesn't like it. It's bad news. It means sacrificing what at least appear to be some economic success to save lives and plod through this.

He likes it when his team come up with spin to make it sound like we should all be grateful to his idiocy and mishandling of things. But then he invariably gets mad again when the news channels prove categorically that he is lying yet again, and it makes him feel stupid and that he has made it worse.

You do realize that Dr Fauci said after the 1st time the president was approached about mitigation that he was on board?

The same news outlets that were unequivocally saying that the flu was much more of a concern?
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This is exactly the reaction that is expected from the left.

How dare Trump use the press' words to illustrate his point.

This is so clear in the big government libs complete 180 on states rights. LMAO

Winning BIGLY
This "winning" rhetoric really is the dumbest thing that the Trump acolytes say on a regular basis... Winning what, exactly? The unemployment rate is going to hit 12%. It's likely already at 10%... but Trump supporters are still using rhetoric as if this is some kind of game or sporting event. It is stupid.

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