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Bloomberg EIC Reportedly Killed A Story To Appease Chinese Communist Party ‘Nazis’: ‘That’s Who They Are. We Should Have No Illusions’

Bloomberg News allegedly killed a story about the wealth of Communist Party elites in China six years ago to appease the country, and then sought to silence both the reporter and his wife.

The publication not only successfully censored the story at the time, but also was able to silence all reporters involved in the story, according to NPR, who broke the news. Bloomberg News reportedly tried to keep one of the reporter’s wife silent in an attempt to kill the news.

“It has to be done with a strategic framework and a tactical method that is … smart enough to allow us to continue and not run afoul of the Nazis [China] who are in front of us and behind us everywhere,” Bloomberg’s founding editor-in-chief Matthew Winkler said in a 2013 phone call about whether to run the story, according to audio verified by NPR. “And that’s who they are. And we should have no illusions about it.”

Former Bloomberg Beijing correspondent Mike Forsythe was among a team of journalists that reported an award-winning investigation in 2012 on China’s ruling classes and specifically about how they acquired their wealth. Bloomberg News published this story despite warnings from the Chinese ambassador, according to NPR.

Forsythe and his wife, journalist Leta Hong Fincher, moved to Hong Kong after the 2012 investigation came out and receiving what they viewed as death threats. There, Forsythe and the team tried to further their 2012 investigation, this time focusing on Chinese leaders’ ties to Wang Jianlin, the nation’s wealthiest man.

Included in this new investigation was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s family, NPR reported.
The story never saw the light of day under Bloomberg News.

Bloomberg EIC Reportedly Killed A Story To Appease Chinese Communist Party ‘Nazis’: ‘That’s Who They Are. We Should Have No Illusions’

Bloomberg News Fired Reporter, Threatened His Wife, Because He Called Out the CCP

Bloomberg News Fired Reporter, Threatened His Wife, Because He Called Out the CCP
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@hjeagle1vol ...where did your post go wrt the virus being messed with in a lab?? I was going to comment I've never believed 100% this virus came from a "wet market". Initial sniff test makes it seem completely contrived. We may never know, but I don't believe this is some one off event given the track record of viruses coming out of China over the last 30 years or so.
It had an F-bomb in the tweet and we try to keep it SFW.
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Wait, what is he talking about with regards to an outbreak on the Theodore Roosevelt? How did we get from an outbreak in Wuhan to an outbreak on a US ship? Or were there two outbreaks?

I'm confused.

I guess he's speaking that it was an unexpected outbreak on the ship and possibly inferring it wasn't an accident? Hard to tell with how it's written.
This "winning" rhetoric really is the dumbest thing that the Trump acolytes say on a regular basis... Winning what, exactly? The unemployment rate is going to hit 12%. It's likely already at 10%... but Trump supporters are still using rhetoric as if this is some kind of game or sporting event. It is stupid.
That’s exactly how both sides of the aisle..... they treat this like they are cheering for their favorite sport team..... just do look at the difference in the reaction to the accusation against Biden versus the accusation against kavanaugh.
Ahh, I missed that. See how desensitized we are as a society?

I’m constantly having to adjust my trucker language , if I did it would look like a newly released report from the NSA deemed appropriate for the public . Nothing but dots and dashes . Lol
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If that's true, there should be hell to pay for China.

I think we should hit them where it really hurts: their wallet. Let's bring manufacturing back to the US.

If it’s true we have to hit them, hell the world has to take action. That is exactly why no government will let that intelligence get out to the public.
You do realize that Dr Fauci said after the 1st time the president was approached about mitigation that he was on board?

The same news outlets that were unequivocally saying that the flu was much more of a concern?

You can take snippets out of context all you'd like. For every comment of Trump which admits the severity of things, I can find 20 to offset it where he minimized it, and minimized it DESPITE knowing better.

See, that's the difference. Its one thing for news reporters and commentators WHO DON"T HAVE REASON TO KNOW BETTER to have underestimated it. Trump had direct, AMPLE reason and information to know what was on the horizon.

He went the anti-science, pro business route. It has been his way for decades and certainly as President. No one is surprised by it, but he is going to be held to account.
If that's true, there should be hell to pay for China.

I think we should hit them where it really hurts: their wallet. Let's bring manufacturing back to the US.

We should do this regardless.

Agree, we should do that any way imo, but yea if true I'm saying all debts owed to China be cancelled and more.
You can take snippets out of context all you'd like. For every comment of Trump which admits the severity of things, I can find 20 to offset it where he minimized it, and minimized it DESPITE knowing better.

See, that's the difference. Its one thing for news reporters and commentators WHO DON"T HAVE REASON TO KNOW BETTER to have underestimated it. Trump had direct, AMPLE reason and information to know what was on the horizon.

He went the anti-science, pro business route. It has been his way for decades and certainly as President. No one is surprised by it, but he is going to be held to account.

Held to that like when Holder & Obama were held accountable for the fast & furious crap?
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I’m constantly having to adjust my trucker language , if I did it would look like a newly released report from the NSA deemed appropriate for the public . Nothing but dots and dashes . Lol

I didn't go all the way to the end on the tweet, that's why I missed it. I haven't used that word except in the last 12 years or so...when we play FLA and Bama.
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You can take snippets out of context all you'd like. For every comment of Trump which admits the severity of things, I can find 20 to offset it where he minimized it, and minimized it DESPITE knowing better.

See, that's the difference. Its one thing for news reporters and commentators WHO DON"T HAVE REASON TO KNOW BETTER to have underestimated it. Trump had direct, AMPLE reason and information to know what was on the horizon.

He went the anti-science, pro business route. It has been his way for decades and certainly as President. No one is surprised by it, but he is going to be held to account.

What are the estimated death tolls if Trump had waited until after Feb 29th (a full month) when Fauci was telling America not to change a thing? I'm gonna bet it's way more than have or will die from the Wuhan Red Death. How many lives are you personally willing to give Trump credit for saving?
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