Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Here's what I don't understand. The U.S. gives the WHO $400 million dollars. China gives them $20 million dollars. Why do you lie to the people who give you the biggest part of your budget? Why do you go along with China and their propaganda? I mean, wtf??! It makes no damn sense. Apparently they are in need of major reform, and I'm perfectly okay with withholding funds until such a time as it happens. And given we have our own CDC, why do we even need to make up the majority of their budget? Where are the other countries at? Apparently we're supposed to be the world's bitch, and I'm not okay with that.
Well, we borrowed the $400M we gave them from China.
The point is Obama became increasingly aware that it was underfunded and to be adequately prepared would require more funding which the repub congress refused to give.

I don't think so. Just because Obama wishes to endow the program doesn't mean it lacks funding to perform it's mission. In fact, it isn't hard to pull up one article after another of how the CDC has allowed far-and-wide-ranging mission creep to divert it from its core mission. Gee, like gun control, for example.

The CDC programs abroad are not meant to install a permanent fixture in those countries, but to develop those countries' capability and stand up their own CDC-like capabilities. As Azar stated, it's not coincidence that China's counterpart is also called the CDC.
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And now, the rest of the story....
Beginning Jan 6, CDC offered to assist China on three occasions; China refused assistance from all countries until Jan 28 when it agreed to allow a WHO team in for research and containment strategy.

However, on Feb 7:
For more than a month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus outbreak and help if it can.

Normally, teams from the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service can be in the air within 24 hours.

On Thursday, a W.H.O. spokeswoman said that there was no delay in the organization’s own mission to China.
“Our understanding is that the mission is on,” Marcia Poole, the spokeswoman, said. But she could not say when the team would leave or who would be on it.

The United States has offered Dr. Tedros 13 specialists who are ready to go, Mr. Azar said.

The two fields in which China appears to need outside help, experts said, are molecular virology and epidemiology.

The first involves sequencing the virus’s genome and manipulating it to refine diagnostic tests, treatments and vaccine candidates.

The second involves figuring out basic questions like who gets infected and who does not, how long the incubation period is, why some victims die, how many other people each victim infects and how commonly hospital outbreaks are occurring.

“This isn’t rocket science, it’s basic stuff — but it’s been five weeks and we still don’t know the answers,” one expert said.

China has greatly improved its ability to fight disease since it was embarrassed by SARS, and its scientists now frequently publish in major medical journals.

Many of them trained at the American C.D.C. and have friends there.

“We have a decade-long relationship,” Mr. Azar said Friday. “It’s not an accident that it’s called the Chinese C.D.C.” C.D.C. and W.H.O. Offers to Help China Have Been Ignored for Weeks

The WHO team was not allowed in until Feb 16 and contained two U.S. CDC representatives.
“CDC has had a 30-year partnership with China CDC and close collaboration,” the U.S. agency said in a statement. “We had the right staff to engage China and ability to provide technical assistance were it requested.”

Scott McNabb, who is a research professor at Emory University following a 20-year career as an epidemiologist (meaning he studies this) for the CDC doesn't think that, if Quick's position still existed, it would've mattered due to the Chinese government's reputation for censoring information anyway.

“In the end, based on circumstances in China, it probably wouldn’t have had made a big difference,” McNabb commented. “The problem was how the Chinese handled it. What should have changed was the Chinese should have acknowledged it earlier and didn’t.”

Alex Azar, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, previously told CNN that he and CDC director Robert Redfield had made an official offer to put a CDC team into China during the first week of January 2020, but that they did not get permission to do so.

“Dr. Redfield and I made the offer on January 6th - 36 days ago, 60,000 cases and 1,300 deaths ago,” Azar said to the news organization on February 14. “We made the offer to send the CDC experts in to assist their Chinese colleagues to get to the bottom of key scientific questions like, how transmissible is this disease? What is the severity? What is the incubation period and can there be asymptomatic transmission?”

A team was allowed to go in on February 16, after the World Health Organization got them permission to do so. That team had two U.S. experts aboard. However, by that mid-February date, China had over 75,000 cases.

Because of all that, the CDC maintains that staffing decisions weren't the cause of the U.S.'s inability to learn about the virus prior to its worldwide outbreak.

Dr. George Conway, who is a medical epidemiologist who served as a resident advisor for three years and knows Quick, said that the position's funding was often debated because U.S. officials believed China should be funding their own training programs.
U.S. Reportedly Cut CDC Expert's Job in China Months Before Coronavirus Outbreak

In short, the implication that the CDC staff reduction mattered one iota is false.

CDC China staff is racist?
I'll watch when another student asks the same of Trump and the media either ignores it or mocks it regardless of how many likes it gets.

Let's go back to those 20K likes - how many are from high school students do you think?

Maybe it’s CDC rules on counting likes. A like is counted as a HS senior, irregardless if whether the HS senior actually posted the like. A positive like is all it takes.
More want Billie Eilish. But CNN wouldn't write a story about that.

Curious that no students are clamoring for Biden to give a virtual address...
They've seen the pictures, lol.

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Governor Whitemer and Senator O'Biden are a perfect match. She is digging the protesters.

Senator please nominate her now. We can't afford to wait.
So you're saying ignore the evidence that China and the WHO misled the world just to score some political hit points in an election year?

You really are a tool.

A tool overlooks the incompetence at home to search for incompetence abroad.
A tool overlooks the incompetence at home to search for incompetence abroad.
A tool worries more about the narrative he wants rather than the actual truth. Hate Trump. I don't care. But ignoring that China and the WHO misled the world on how serious this was just so you can try to place all the blame on him is ignorant.
Are you advocating that China was truthful? WHO?

China was not. The WHO underestimated it, but there is no evidence to suggest it was intentional.

Unfortunately for you slurpers, the facts is that notwithstanding those shortcomings by others, the administration was REPEATEDLY told by others, including within Trump's orbit of advisers, the truth about the spread of the virus. The alarm was raised very seriously and more than a few times.

But Trump and his team did not want to hear it. They ignored it and downplayed it. A combination of 18th century religious thinking about science and not wanting to burden the economy costs months of preparation on the front end. People died due to Trump and his team's incompetence. Exactly how many is not known right now. But its a lot of people and the tally due to his poor judgment is growing every day.
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China was not. The WHO underestimated it, but there is no evidence to suggest it was intentional.

Unfortunately for you slurpers, the facts is that notwithstanding those shortcomings by others, the administration was REPEATEDLY told by others, including within Trump's orbit of advisers, the truth about the spread of the virus. The alarm was raised very seriously and more than a few times.

But Trump and his team did not want to hear it. They ignored it and downplayed it. A combination of 18th century religious thinking about science and not wanting to burden the economy costs months of preparation on the front end. People died due to Trump and his team's incompetence. Exactly how many is not known right now. But its a lot of people and the tally due to his poor judgment is growing every day.

First 2 sentences you were almost there then apologized for them after that. Another post of yours that will not age well

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