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Paul McCartney bashes China for keeping wet markets open: 'They need to clean up their act'

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Music legend Paul McCartney slammed China for allowing the continuation of the controversial wet markets, where it has been suspected the coronavirus outbreak originated.

The wet markets have sparked a global debate since they allow the selling of exotic animals for human consumption, including bats, the animal which the virus is believed to have come from.

During his Tuesday appearance on "The Howard Stern Show," McCartney took aim at the wet markets and referred to eating bats as "medieval."

"I really hope that this will mean the Chinese government says, 'OK, guys, we have really got to get super hygienic around here.' Let's face it, it is a little bit medieval eating bats," McCartney told host Howard Stern.

The Beatles icon called on other high-profile figures to join the call in the termination of the wet markets.

"It's not a stupid idea, it is a very good idea," McCartney elaborated. "They don't need all the people dying. And what's it for? All these medieval practices. They just need to clean up their act. This may lead to it. If this doesn't, I don't know what will... They might as well be letting off atomic bombs, because it's affecting the whole world. Whoever is responsible for this is at war with the world and itself."

Paul McCartney bashes China for keeping wet markets open: 'They need to clean up their act'
Slightly off topic, but I just saw where Yoko Ono is 87 years old. Wow... That is about 15-17 years older than I was expecting.
Slightly off topic, but I just saw where Yoko Ono is 87 years old. Wow... That is about 15-17 years older than I was expecting.

Odd that on the day reports are really starting to come to light that this virus started at a medical research lab. But good to see Sir Paul throw some shade in China's direction
And it took less than 30 days for him to blame China and tell WHO who pays the bills. But once again The Chi-Coms appreciate your efforts

Not until he’s taking heat for overseeing the worst outbreak in the world. Donnie has to place blame somewhere... he’s has more “hoaxes” around him in 3 years than anyone in human history. Ever heard of Occam’s razor?
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I get it but from the article it sounds like they are counting it even without any testing.

My bigger beef is that without standards of what should count and what doesn't then you have a lack of reliability in the data regardless of the validity of the measure.

At a minimum the US should adopt standard recording to establish measure reliability.

I don’t even know what to make of this:

After Anonymous Tip, 17 Bodies Found at Nursing Home Hit by Virus

I guess this is part of the problem.
And it took less than 30 days for him to blame China and tell WHO who pays the bills. But once again The Chi-Coms appreciate your efforts

Again, the problem is that he was told 30 days ago, and in fact more than 30 days ago, that the virus was much more dangerous than China reported. He barred trips based on this information......

But then made the deliberate decision to downplay it for fear of the economic impact of taking the steps he was being told needed to be taken. Even as we saw things unfolding in Italy, and as we watched them gradually take the shut down steps that China took, Trump continued to irrationally deny the scope of it.

Trump does not bear all of the responsibility for the state we are in. But he certainly gets a fare share of it. I think what is so infuriating to people who are not blinded by loyalty to him is that he has the gall to brag about what is being done now, as if it suddenly dawned on him to take these actions when in fact for weeks and weeks he refused to do so, and despite being told the consequences. That he would now take credit for what he should have done long ago, and resisted, is real chutzpah!

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