Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

We argue over the people in politics instead of debating the politics (laws, concepts, social network, etc). This is by design. It keeps us distracted. The real substantive matter isn't on our radar.

If our country collapses economically, your side will blame theirs and their side will blame yours. We should blame ourselves and them (politicians, bureaucrats, and the divisive).
This is why dictatorial, one-party states (China, Russia, etc.) constantly gin up real or imagined external threats. If bad things happen to the country, there is no "other party" to blame. In order to keep the blame off the party, you have to blame someone outside the country, like the United States or someone else.
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The April jobs report is going to be ugly. Another 5.2 million Americans filed initial unemployment claims in the week ending April 11. That brings the total unemployment claims over the past month to 22 million, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. An unemployment rate of 15% is possible.

No worries. Government will guide us past this.
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Those of you are on the flip side, "no authority" and "all responsibility."

The interpretation is different but the "logic" is the same.

I was paraphrasing, if not quoting Trump. I don't think the flip side represents enough people to warrant a meaningful generalization.
It's hard and if I was paying I would be upset. We have optional art and music but haven't forced those at all. We now have more work meetings and calls to attend too because our jobs are remote. The expectations have not dropped and I want to keep my paycheck

But this made me laugh since I have a K and 2nd who have zero issues with tech. None of our teachers are struggling either and the K teacher is definitely on the older side

We've got all kinds of P.E., Art, and Music assignments that I'm completely ignoring and the teachers have said won't be graded.

For my kid, I'm focusing on math, science/social studies, and reading every night. Reading and Math 4 days a week and alternating Science and Social Studies the other two. Music and whatever else I don't care. He's usually done in a couple of hours every day then I work from home the rest of the day while he goes outside or plays video games.

Fridays are off school the rest of the year. I don't care.
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Skeptical about Ozark. Is it worth watching? Oh and BTW COVID19 really sucks.
Yeah, it ain't too shabby. They have these white trash trailer park people who remind me of a lot of posters on here when it comes to making bad decisions and trying to justify them and/or blame other people.
And I cant help but wonder why. We keep watching our healthcare system get worse and worse, and more and more socialist. And I cant help but wonder why you cant see the link?
I saw the problems grow as more people tried to profit from the system.
He never shut anything down, explain to me how he opens it up?


Those things the federal government provided to states before they shut down. The things he's been discussing with all governors in preparation for not being locked down any longer.
All good. Looks like you caught one with your trolling. Bad memes just irritate me.
This guy is what Donny would love to be.

Theses state and people that think this virus ain't so bad might be in for a rude awakening. You know if you can keep this thing contained to the big cities we would be doing great. The rural dips should praise their efforts but They're too stupid to realize that the Big cities drive the economies of the states. The more people going in and out of the cities, the quicker its going to spread. We have a self centered society without social responsibility. But here they are praising the dollars floating down from the gods, personal responsibility be damned as long as I can drive my big truck to the capital and block traffic.
Theses state and people that think this virus ain't so bad might be in for a rude awakening. You know if you can keep this thing contained to the big cities we would be doing great. The rural dips should praise their efforts but They're too stupid to realize that the Big cities drive the economies of the states. The more people going in and out of the cities, the quicker its going to spread. We have a self centered society without social responsibility. But here they are praising the dollars floating down from the gods, personal responsibility be damned as long as I can drive my big truck to the capital and block traffic.
You again, painting with a broad brush. You do realize without rural dips there would be no farms which means there would be no food, now I don't know about you but I think I can survive without amazon, chase bank or anything else the Big City has to offer. So again, stop painting with a broad brush out of your hatred for the president. You are seriously acting like a spoiled b!tch
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