Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

You again, painting with a broad brush. You do realize without rural dips there would be no farms which means there would be no food, now I don't know about you but I think I can survive without amazon, chase bank or anything else the Big City has to offer. So again, stop painting with a broad brush out of your hatred for the president. You are seriously acting like a spoiled b!tch
Please by all means highlight the pork processing plant in SD, failure of the industry and the corona outbreak. GO. Might want to mention poring milk down the drain and destroying crops as part of their economic recovery plan. People aren't starving but when it hits the rural areas. It's bad. We don't want it to get bad so I applaud the efforts of the big cities.
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I’m sure it will. I’m saying, though, that Trump himself probably won’t be part of that guidance in most states and there isn’t anything substantive to his statement announcing anything opening back up.

Opening back up is largely dependent on available testing which is poor right now, to say the least. Without large amounts of available testing any decision that is made is epidemiologically blind, and governors who don’t want to face backlash for making the wrong decision aren’t going to budge until this is remedied.

Agree with some of that.

There is a lot going into even an incremental reopening.

Some of those governors already under heat from the opposite direction as well.

That elephant isnt going anywhere and hes getting bigger by the day.
Now dat's some juicy loot.

OK, 3 industrialized nations NOT doing what we're doing:
1. Sweden
2. North Korea
3. New Zealand

How'd I do?
Elimination: what New Zealand's coronavirus response can teach the world | Michael Baker and Nick Wilson

On that day the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced that New Zealand was going to rapidly escalate levels of physical distancing and travel restrictions, reaching the level of a full national lockdown on 26 March (level fouron the alert scale).

No idea about North Korea’s strategy, but I’ll assume it is probably to shoot anybody who tests positive. I guess that counts as different.

2/3: partial credit.

The points I was making are:

1. It seems incredibly unlikely that nearly every industrialized nation, including those who DGAF about public opinion, have enacted unprecedented, economy-shuttering measures to control the spread of this disease based on “chicken littles” and American right-wing political propaganda media pundits, and those who idolize them, are the only ones to have it all figured out.

2. Given this reality that all these countries “fell for it,” if The United States, Sweden, and North Korea are the only countries with a somewhat functioning economy, we would be in economic free fall regardless of measures taken to control it.
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We've got all kinds of P.E., Art, and Music assignments that I'm completely ignoring and the teachers have said won't be graded.

For my kid, I'm focusing on math, science/social studies, and reading every night. Reading and Math 4 days a week and alternating Science and Social Studies the other two. Music and whatever else I don't care. He's usually done in a couple of hours every day then I work from home the rest of the day while he goes outside or plays video games.

Fridays are off school the rest of the year. I don't care.
The couple hrs of work is what gets me. My boys are pretty smart and are done so fast. I know the 2nd grade teacher does 1 on 1 with students who need it but mine doesn't. Hate that they're playing games all day but my kindergartener is doing 3 and 4 digit math to figure out how much more $ to get the next gun/car/skin so maybe it's educational? Kids need the social aspect of school and sports too and that's not happening. They get restless fast
Please by all means highlight the pork processing plant in SD, failure of the industry and the corona outbreak. GO. Might want to mention poring milk down the drain and destroying crops as part of their economic recovery plan. .
Again, you're painting with a broad brush by calling all rural Americans dips. I'm sure in your head you use more vulgar language but you're to chicken sh!t to share your real thoughts here because you don't like to be called on BS. So, please keep painting with a broad brush because your true colors keeping shining through brighter and brighter.
You called me out for apologizing. What do you think you're doing? Really You interjected yourself just to ridicule me for apologizing. You didn't have 2 cents in the race but here you are trying to take a victory lap. You're a desperate man that has nothing to offer. At least create a meme to express yourself. Stick with what you know.

Wrong, I called you out for being full of sh**. And yep, I am laughing at you. It’s funny. Maybe try knowing what you’re talking about for once and then you won’t be on a constant apology tour. Or you could, as you say, stick with what you know and keep on living the clown life.
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Elimination: what New Zealand's coronavirus response can teach the world | Michael Baker and Nick Wilson

No idea about North Korea’s strategy, but I’ll assume it is probably to shoot anybody who tests positive. I guess that counts as different.

2/3: partial credit.

The points I was making are:

1. It seems incredibly unlikely that nearly every industrialized nation, including those who DGAF about public opinion, have enacted unprecedented, economy-shuttering measures to control the spread of this disease based on “chicken littles” and American right-wing political propaganda media pundits, and those who idolize them, are the only ones to have it all figured out.

2. Given this reality that all these countries “fell for it,” if The United States, Sweden, and North Korea are the only countries with a somewhat functioning economy, we would be in economic free fall regardless of measures taken to control it.

1. Thanks for the partial.
2. I threw NK in there because the society is closed and no one can possibly know. Pulled a sneaky on ya.
3. I FINALLY understand your point. Thanks. Took you long enough, Noob!

I am unconcerned with who and how many are taking the same action. A consensus isn't scientific. It also isn't math. I acknowledge the leaders of countries have a duty to err on the side of caution, though.

But the math on the virus is coming to light. The math is incongruous with the chosen approach.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.

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