Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I'm not - so what if some pro-Trump people attended. You are ignoring the actions of the Gov who has her own political aspirations AND ignoring that her restrictions are the most restrictive in the country.

Why is it so hard to imagine most of those people sincerely felt she was abusing her authority?

Her response only seems to justify it. Instead of recognizing the right of the citizens she represents to protest her actions she calls them a danger to public health and threatens she may have to punish them with longer restrictions for their insolence. Not tyrannical at all.
Go back and read the post you quoted. When you’re done dishonestly misrepresenting what it said, I’m happy to discuss it.
Go back and read the post you quoted.

I did originally (but thanks for the condescension) - I'm commenting on your opening conclusion (as I highlighted in my post) that the protests were some culture war issue as opposed to legit concerns.

I asked why you reached that conclusion and your response was to minimize the gov's role and highlight some aspects of some protestors.
And this has been discussed before, but why would the POTUS have listened to a trade adviser over the head of the NIH and expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci, who is on record of saying the risk of the virus was miniscule at least as late as mid-February, and I think similar comments, on air, later in February? Obviously, in hindsight, the trade adviser was more correct, but in the moment? You don't take the word of a trade adviser over an infectious disease specialist when discussing a pandemic. No POTUS would do that.
If he had can you imagine the uproar!
Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Abortions Are ‘Life-Sustaining’

APRIL 16TH, 2020

Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer said during an interview on Thursday that abortion services needed to be provided during the COVID-19 pandemic because they are “life-sustaining.”

Whitmer made the remarks on David Axelrod’s “Axe Files” podcast while discussing other states that have sought to shut down abortions during the shutdown.

“As we speak, in Texas and a couple of other states, I think Ohio may be another, the state has asked to suspend abortion services as part of this COVID-19 protocol,” Axelrod said. “This is probably gonna go to the Supreme Court. What is your reaction to that? You’re a governor, you have to make these decisions as well, there are other procedures that have been suspended.”

“You know, we stopped elective surgeries here in Michigan, and some people have tried to say that that type of a procedure is considered the same, and that’s ridiculous,” Whitmer responded. “You know, a woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life.”


Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Abortions Are ‘Life-Sustaining’
“You know, a woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life.”

This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life! For one you take an inherent risk when engaging in an act that causes pregnancy that you will get pregnant. No matter how careful you might be you might still get pregnant. Everyone takes sexual education in school you are well aware of potential outcome when you engage in sexual intercourse. Women and men absolutely have the ability to decide if and when they start a family and it is in that moment when you decide to have intercourse.

Start taking responsibility for your own damn actions instead of making excuses for them.

It takes a special kind of stupid to justify the killing of an unborn baby because the mother doesn’t want to take responsibility for her actions essential while banning people from boating to supposedly save lives.
I did originally (but thanks for the condescension) - I'm commenting on your opening conclusion (as I highlighted in my post) that the protests were some culture war issue as opposed to legit concerns.

I asked why you reached that conclusion and your response was to minimize the gov's role and highlight some aspects of some protestors.

Roughly 1/3 of it was about people who may have valid reasons for being there and 1/3 of it was about ways those people could be treated differently to fix their issues. So if you actually did read it then I’ll default back to “you’re lying about what it said.”

Either way, you deserve the condescension and either way there’s not much point in discussing it more until you fix the problem.
Seeing stories that researchers at Oxford University, using a prior vaccine process, think they have a real chance of a vaccine that can quickly be produced and ready by September. It is already in multi stage testing and has passed safety testing in animals. This would be great news and there's enough confidence there is already production ramping up in anticipation its going to work.
Seeing stories that researchers at Oxford University, using a prior vaccine process, think they have a real chance of a vaccine that can quickly be produced and ready by September. It is already in multi stage testing and has passed safety testing in animals. This would be great news and there's enough confidence there is already production ramping up in anticipation its going to work.

Until then, this may be a band aid

Gilead data suggests coronavirus patients are responding to treatment
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Seeing stories that researchers at Oxford University, using a prior vaccine process, think they have a real chance of a vaccine that can quickly be produced and ready by September. It is already in multi stage testing and has passed safety testing in animals. This would be great news and there's enough confidence there is already production ramping up in anticipation its going to work.
Can you provide a link? I would like to read up on it.
Roughly 1/3 of it was about people who may have valid reasons for being there and 1/3 of it was about ways those people could be treated differently to fix their issues. So if you actually did read it then I’ll default back to “you’re lying about what it said.”

Either way, you deserve the condescension and either way there’s not much point in discussing it more until you fix the problem.

The 1/3 that was they have valid reasons was invalidated by the opening statement that they were dimwitted for engaging in the action which you described as a culture war as opposed to valid protest.

I simply questioned that - even highlighted it so you could see what I was asking about.

The lying and fixing the problem comments are hilarious - kudos.
The day he announced it of course.

What would you say? None of the critics seem to be able to offer up answer.

I don't know the exact date but it should have already been in the works while trump was blaming the Left and the MSM of being alarmists and politicizing the virus.
I don't know the exact date but it should have already been in the works while trump was blaming the Left and the MSM of being alarmists and politicizing the virus.

give me a rough date. End of Feb?

how do you know it wasn't in the works BTW - you think they figured it a few minutes before they announced it?
That was tweeted out five days after he retweeted this.

The cat was already out of the bag on China and the WHO, and he was still "licking up what China was laying down" as referenced in the post about irony that I replied to.

Also, from Whitehouse .gov minutes from the March 19 presser...

"Q Mr. President, if I could, on China: They reported, for the first time since the outbreak, no new cases over a 24-hour period. Do you have any reason to disbelieve them? And second to that: The National Security Council yesterday put out a tweet very critical of the Chinese government, saying the Chinese Communist Party suppressed initial reports on the Chinese virus and punished doctors and journalists causing Chinese and international experts to miss critical opportunities to prevent a global pandemic.
Could you expand on that?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, it would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier. It could have been contained to that one area in China where it started. And certainly, the world is paying a big price for what they did and the world is paying a very big price for not — for not letting them come out. Everybody knows that. We all know that."

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | The White House

He had already stopped calling it The Chinese virus by the time he sent the tweet licking Xi's nuts.

Excellent point!

If it were for the fact that the "experts" were advising Trump. And what were they saying on MARCH 19?
March 19, Birx states:

White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told "Special Report" Thursday night that she believed reports out of China that there had been no new cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic originated, in recent days.

"If you watched the trend lines over time, they're similar to South Korea," Birx told host Bret Baier during a wide-ranging interview. "At this time, we believe that data."

However, Birx added, "Everyone is concerned about why we weren't alerted earlier." Dr. Birx says she believes coronavirus reports from China 'at this time,' won't rule out air travel shutdown
What cat are you talking about? You seem to be placing a lot of stock in Don Trump Jr; do you contend the president should listen to his son and not Birx/Fauci et al? No? Then what are you yammering about?

It has been just over the last three weeks that the dream team has progressively migrated from their "trust China data" position. Trump has consistently listened to the experts and his message following their advice, their message. The WHO has never retreated from their over the top complimenting of China's efforts.

You might crawl back under the porch and resume the navel-gazing licking of your own nuts.
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I have been thinking about this. The last major pandemic happened 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. Scientists have speculated that the Spanish Flu was a special mutation of the flu that attacked the body in such a dangerous way. Do we take a Spanish Flu vaccine today? The Swine Flu was another special mutation of the flu that wasn’t as dangerous as the Spanish Flu but still dangerous. Do we have a Swine Flu vaccine? All dangerous pandemic mutations of the flu and other viruses have died off. Corona Viruses have been around for years and this specific mutation will die off.

Will we have a CoronaVirus shot every year like the flu shot even though this specific strand will more than likely die off?
I have been thinking about this. The last major pandemic happened 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. Scientists have speculated that the Spanish Flu was a special mutation of the flu that attacked the body in such a dangerous way. Do we take a Spanish Flu vaccine today? The Swine Flu was another special mutation of the flu that wasn’t as dangerous as the Spanish Flu but still dangerous. Do we have a Swine Flu vaccine? All dangerous pandemic mutations of the flu and other viruses have died off. Corona Viruses have been around for years and this specific mutation will die off.

Will we have a CoronaVirus shot every year like the flu shot even though this specific strand will more than likely die off?
Common sense...
I have been thinking about this. The last major pandemic happened 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. Scientists have speculated that the Spanish Flu was a special mutation of the flu that attacked the body in such a dangerous way. Do we take a Spanish Flu vaccine today? The Swine Flu was another special mutation of the flu that wasn’t as dangerous as the Spanish Flu but still dangerous. Do we have a Swine Flu vaccine? All dangerous pandemic mutations of the flu and other viruses have died off. Corona Viruses have been around for years and this specific mutation will die off.

Will we have a CoronaVirus shot every year like the flu shot even though this specific strand will more than likely die off?

It will die off very slowly given our current strategy of stringing it out.
give me a rough date. End of Feb?

how do you know it wasn't in the works BTW - you think they figured it a few minutes before they announced it?
Like I said I don't know the time frame. It is clearly obvious that it wasn't soon enough though. The man at the top is charged with getting it right. No ifs ands or buts. I wonder what would have happened if FDR had said this Japanese thing will go away. We have It totally under control.
The 1/3 that was they have valid reasons was invalidated by the opening statement that they were dimwitted for engaging in the action which you described as a culture war as opposed to valid protest.

I simply questioned that - even highlighted it so you could see what I was asking about.

The lying and fixing the problem comments are hilarious - kudos.
Seriously? In your experience how often do people bother to say a thing after they’ve “invalidated” it with their “initial conclusion?”

If the goal is to overwhelm me with sheer quantity of ********, it doesn’t work, but it’s an impressive effort, nonetheless.

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