Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

why do you think this was their motivation?
No-name first-term swing-state governor gets into a tiff with the leader of a political cult that is notoriously thin skinned and defensive and suddenly a bunch people with MAGA flags and Trump stickers and pro-Trump signs show up forming a protest in her capitol. And because it fits with the trend here of the Trump cult bagging on this random governor who has absolutely zero effect on their life.

Plus, I see people with Gadsden flags supporting the TAZR president, it sets off the ******** meter.
Taking a life away is "life sustaining". Quite ironic

Her body her choice...yeah right. They can do whatever they want to their bodies...but the body of that little growing human in their womb should be protected and have rights too...and I guess Dad gets no say at all in the matter? But if she decides to keep it, he will be caged like an animal if he doesnt support the child right? Something doesnt add up here in the moral understanding of the relationship between rights/responsibilities...

I call BS on this since there are many many separate medical facilities in Europe and the US having nearly 100% success with these drugs.

Also folks...I have seen several different doctors say that quinine does the same thing, and Zinc such as in Zicam along with quinine can work as a great preventive for the virus and probable treatment as well of the drugs used above are not wife and kids are drinking a little tonic water (best source of quinine) and Zinc daily...
No-name first-term swing-state governor gets into a tiff with the leader of a political cult that is notoriously thin skinned and defensive and suddenly a bunch people with MAGA flags and Trump stickers and pro-Trump signs show up forming a protest in her capitol. And because it fits with the trend here of the Trump cult bagging on this random governor who has absolutely zero effect on their life.

Plus, I see people with Gadsden flags supporting the TAZR president, it sets off the ******** meter.

So the majority of these people weren't legitimately protesting; it was just a MAGA event?

Seems you are completely ignoring the highly restrictive and arbitrary actions of said first-term swing-state governor.

Just because many of the protesters have a different political view then you doesn't mean their protest was illegitimate or not sincere.
No...christ ..members of his own administration were sounding alarms

Trade Adviser Warned White House in January of Risks of a Pandemic
And this has been discussed before, but why would the POTUS have listened to a trade adviser over the head of the NIH and expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci, who is on record of saying the risk of the virus was miniscule at least as late as mid-February, and I think similar comments, on air, later in February? Obviously, in hindsight, the trade adviser was more correct, but in the moment? You don't take the word of a trade adviser over an infectious disease specialist when discussing a pandemic. No POTUS would do that.
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So the majority of these people weren't legitimately protesting; it was just a MAGA event?

Seems you are completely ignoring the highly restrictive and arbitrary actions of said first-term swing-state governor.

Just because many of the protesters have a different political view then you doesn't mean their protest was illegitimate or not sincere.
seems like you’re ignoring about 2/3 of the post that you quoted to do some of your own performative nonsense.
And this has been discussed before, but why would the POTUS have listened to a trade adviser over the head of the NIH and expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci, who is on record of saying the risk of the virus was miniscule at least as late as mid-February, and I think similar comments, on air, later in February? Obviously, in hindsight, the trade adviser was more correct, but in the moment? You don't take the word of a trade adviser over an infectious disease specialist when discussing a pandemic. No POTUS would do that.

Not to mention that the left hates Navarro and thinks he's nuts - but yeah, this was the one time he should have been listened to.
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So the majority of these people weren't legitimately protesting; it was just a MAGA event?

Seems you are completely ignoring the highly restrictive and arbitrary actions of said first-term swing-state governor.

Just because many of the protesters have a different political view then you doesn't mean their protest was illegitimate or not sincere.
Why would people be upset by financial ruin? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It HAS to be a Trump cult thing. No one ever worries about how they're going to pay their bills.
seems like you’re ignoring about 2/3 of the post that you quoted to do some of your own performative nonsense.

I'm not - so what if some pro-Trump people attended. You are ignoring the actions of the Gov who has her own political aspirations AND ignoring that her restrictions are the most restrictive in the country.

Why is it so hard to imagine most of those people sincerely felt she was abusing her authority?

Her response only seems to justify it. Instead of recognizing the right of the citizens she represents to protest her actions she calls them a danger to public health and threatens she may have to punish them with longer restrictions for their insolence. Not tyrannical at all.

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