Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

On the first point: Trump's timeline is entirely accurate. That the CDC kit failed in the field after identifying the first U.S. patient on Jan 21, is no secret. The CDC attempted to fix the issues through the entire month; here are Messonnier's statements during that time:

Feb. 12, Messonnier said “rapid development of a diagnostic and rapid deployment to the states” is “clearly a success.”
Feb. 14, she said: “We can be proud. … We moved quickly.”
Feb. 21, Messonnier acknowledged problems with the testing kits, but described the issues as “normal.”

Throughout this period, CDC continued promising state labs they would be shipping replacement kits right into March, kits that never came.

Again, this is no secret and Politico posing this as a "gotcha" instance is laughable. Trump had every reason to throw CDC and FDA under the bus for their handling, but not once did he do so. Instead, he has taken all the arrows for their failure, and preserved public trust in the two agencies. That's an example of leadership that magically! did not make its way into the Politico tale.
On the second point: China Monitoring.
The U.S. - and the rest of the world - had been trying to get a team into China since JANUARY 6, and were denied three times by China. Unless you and Politico propose we invade them, that's the score.

Alex Azar, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, previously told CNN that he and CDC director Robert Redfield had made an official offer to put a CDC team into China during the first week of January 2020, but that they did not get permission to do so.

“Dr. Redfield and I made the offer on January 6th - 36 days ago, 60,000 cases and 1,300 deaths ago,” Azar said to the news organization on February 14. “We made the offer to send the CDC experts in to assist their Chinese colleagues to get to the bottom of key scientific questions like, how transmissible is this disease? What is the severity? What is the incubation period and can there be asymptomatic transmission?”

A team was allowed to go in on February 16, after the World Health Organization got them permission to do so. That team had two U.S. experts aboard. However, by that mid-February date, China had over 75,000 cases.

Because of all that, the CDC maintains that staffing decisions weren't the cause of the U.S.'s inability to learn about the virus prior to its worldwide outbreak.

Dr. George Conway, who is a medical epidemiologist who served as a resident advisor for three years and knows Quick, said that the position's funding was often debated because U.S. officials believed China should be funding their own training programs.
U.S. Reportedly Cut CDC Expert's Job in China Months Before Coronavirus Outbreak

In short, the implication that the CDC staff reduction mattered one iota is false. I give Politico 4 Pinocchios.
Regarding Trump "downplaying"...this is such a vapid meme that I have documented ad nauseum on the forum, that Trump's comment mirrored those of the "experts" all the way into March when the WHO declared a global pandemic. We have Fauci repeatedly telling us there is no to very little danger to Americans, go about your business and worry about the flu instead. If you really need me to beat you over the head and post these public statements by the experts again, just ask.

Ditto for the last couple points. Just let me know which stick you want to be clubbed with.
Watch Live: Minnesota Workers Protest Outside Governor’s Mansion

Hundreds of Minnesotans plan to protest outside Governor Tim Walz’s residence Friday to demand an end to the state’s stay-at-home order.

The group, which is organizing using a Facebook event called “Liberate Minnesota”, plans to protest from noon to 3pm local time.

“Now is the time to demand Governor Walz and our state legislators end this lock down,” writes the page’s organizers. “Thousands of lives are being destroyed right now.”

“Small businesses are shuttering by the thousands across our state, and families and retirees are watching their life’s work be destroyed in front of their eyes.”

The organizers also allege that the governor is using the pandemic “to launch a full blown attack on the citizens of Minnesota, not to save lives, but to strip away and annihilate [our] freedoms.”

Watch Live: Minnesota Workers Protest Outside Governor’s Mansion
He did not personally pull the trigger and it was unintentional. It was negligence and buffoonery, not criminal.

But, yes, his inaction makes Benghazi look like a church picnic.

Trump, by the thousands. Soon to be tens of thousands.

When covid kills 150,000 (minimum) get back to me on that.
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When Trump told us there was 11 cases and soon to be zero or near zero and it's under control he knew there was a problem. Regardless of what the news reported or the democrats or anyone else said it was his baby. During this time the Fox Wing of the WH including Limbaugh was downplaying it as scare tactics and politicalization by the Left. Nothing but the everyday flu ranted Rush. You know Trump as well as anyone. He would listen to them before any expert or adviser. The warning signs of a serous pandemic were blaring while he fiddled.
Yes, the weather in the south of France is quiet nice this time of year.
When Trump told us there was 11 cases and soon to be zero or near zero and it's under control he knew there was a problem. Regardless of what the news reported or the democrats or anyone else said it was his baby. During this time the Fox Wing of the WH including Limbaugh was downplaying it as scare tactics and politicalization by the Left. Nothing but the everyday flu ranted Rush. You know Trump as well as anyone. He would listen to them before any expert or adviser. The warning signs of a serous pandemic were blaring while he fiddled.
FAKE NEWS!! Rush called it the common cold, not the flu.

Does anyone see a problem with this?
Trump administration pays bankrupt firm with no employees $55 million for N95 masks

"The FEMA contract pays Panthera about $5.50 per mask, while established suppliers such as 3M charge about $0.63 per mask, the Post reports. "
Got to love government contracts.

I am betting the 3M is a standard contract with the good rate. This other contract is probably not standard, ergo the higher price. If you have ever worked with the government this is EXACTLY how it works.

But I would be really curious if they ever actually got the masks.
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newarkvol "Look a a right wing repug. that didnt drink all the trump kool-aid:"

Yeah, except no; the article isn't about what you think it is.

M. Savage is criticizing people like Hannity who, in his estimation, has downplayed the outbreak.
Savage is NOT criticizing Trump's response or saying that he has downplayed it or lied about it. Rather, he compliments Trump.

Thus, there is no "trump kool-aid" to drink.
I've found reading articles before linking them to be helpful.
Wtf! You have to post it before you can know what's in it!
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Now how the hell do you figure that. Let's say one person contracted it from someone from an airport, who was already recovering from the flu, and that person died when they caught COVID, and otherwise would have lived.

You can say I'm giving an extreme scenario, but Trumps claims of millions of lives saved because of shutdown measures must really be off base.
Or based on the projections that we used to shut down our country....
I thought we were for States Rights.....what are we for? Anarchy? Every man for themselves?
That doesn't give them license to constantly violate the Constitution.

These governors are violating the Constitution day in and day out and are acting like tyrants.

All I want is adherence to the Constitution. There's no point in having a Bill of Rights if a calamity gives the government license to trample on it.
Because he downplayed it at first and they remember that, plus he's said things like he wanted to open up again for Easter, a much faster timetable that what basically everyone else was saying.

Trump routinely has shown deference to the economic side of the equation rather than the public health side (and I'm not saying he's wrong for doing so), so that's probably where it comes from.
What I don't get is why the Dems and MSM go nuts when Trump says things like he hopes to have things reopen by Easter. What's wrong with hoping? Then you look at his actual plan he laid out yesterday and his ACTIONS show that it will be July before things open and that's if everything goes perfectly and will only be for those states where the governors choose to do so. He didn't actually try to open anything by Easter or pressure anyone to do so. He said he hoped for Easter but that didn't happen so he put together a plan of action with input from experts, the states, and key business leaders so I really don't get why there is such a problem with how he has handled things overall. He hasn't done everything perfectly but he has handled them pretty well and I have full confidence he has handled things much better than Hillary would have. That would have been a true disaster.

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