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He did not personally pull the trigger and it was unintentional. It was negligence and buffoonery, not criminal.

But, yes, his inaction makes Benghazi look like a church picnic.

What are you talking about? Other than the destruction of 33,000 non-responsive emails, Benghazi is our greatest National tragedy.
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It is definitely more of a biggie what a former VP says than what a sitting president says. When Biden says that from behind the presidential seal, I'll be raising the same objection.

But hey, Biden would probably threaten to dismiss Congress to get a new head of Voice of America too, and nobody would make a peep.

From an ignorance standpoint. One would think.

But hey, Joe slept the majority of those 8 years so I guess he has an out.

Honestly it doesn't matter what either said in that regard, because if Trump couldn't force to open, Joe couldn't have forced a shutdown either.

The rest is political racket.
In my ICU covid19 bubble, we are steadily testing people who are obviously not covid. It's bordering on ridiculous. The city big Whigs projected we would need 88 vents for just last week at our hospital. We have way under performed (thank God) by 64 vents.
The teams that were put together for coding or intubation covid19 pts have been used once.
Imagine this happening in communities all over the US. The models were wrong from the beginning, They continue to be wrong, time to end the farce.
What's your normal number of vents? Did your hospital have to go out and buy a bunch?
As defined in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (idiot Guv of Fl) Executive Order, essential activities include the following:

-Participating in recreational activities consistent with social distancing guidelines
-Such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, running, swimming, taking care of pets and surfing

Does this fool understand the definition of "essential"?

Essentially not.
It seems he understands it perfectly. I can't recall the last time I suspected any of these activities of putting me in contact with a virus. In addition, there are entire government departments and private enterprises demonstrating the importance of all of those activities for the general health and well being of the population.
I've got a friend that owns a small used car lot. He called yesterday and asked me if I wanted to sign on a lawsuit aimed at the governor. I'm shut down but he's not. He said he technically should be shut down but it's a gray area. I told him no, that before this got any traction that it would be over. I asked him why he was joining the suit if he was open. He said because I'm not supposed to be open. I said when they show up to your place and force you to close then you'll have a lawsuit.
Better than VA, Northam had UVA release it's own model and that model is predicting it won't peak here until late August. We're going to be locked down forever
At some point elected officials are going to have to acquire or find their balls and let people live their own lives. Hiding from this like cowards does nothing. We have never in history quarantined the healthy. It’s the most bassackwards event I’ve ever been a part of. Our hospitals sit empty, 11 people in our county of almost 400k are hospitalized. Including the surrounding counties it’s nearly 800k with 100 cases total. They’ve furlough led a third of the staff because they can’t do elective procedures. What are we doing? It takes an hour to get in and an hour to check out of Costco. The majority of people are not interested in sitting on their ass for months. I have never seen a group of people so afraid of the minute possibility of death that they would destroy millions of lives. If this was killing every other person these tactics might be warranted. Half of infected never know they had it. Something has to give or people are going to start flipping out.
So, let me get this straight. Governors say they want Trump to stay out of when they open up, Trump says fine open up when you're ready but when their state economies fail that's ultimately somehow Trumps fault?

No, if they open up and it works, he'll take credit by saying it was his leadership that pushed them from being closed to opening. If it doesn't work, he'll say it was your decision and you opened too early. I never forced you to open.
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No, if they open up and it works, he'll take credit by saying it was his leadership that pushed them from being closed to opening. If it doesn't work, he'll say it was your decision and you opened too early. I never forced you to open.
It should completely fall on the governors what happens in their state. The president is not in charge of their states. They want to blame him for not forcing them to do things and then bow up on him him for suggesting they do things.
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No, if they open up and it works, he'll take credit by saying it was his leadership that pushed them from being closed to opening. If it doesn't work, he'll say it was your decision and you opened too early. I never forced you to open.
Which is 100% true, they wanted him to stay out of it so he is. Make up your mind
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Noticed that Trump has dropped the malaria cure of late. Been at least a week I think.


But there are still charlatans like himself out there trying to make a buck off it and plenty of gullbile folks who believed what Trump was touting.

Feds charge doctor who cited Trump to push hydroxychloroquine "miracle cure" - CNN

"This is ridiculous. Trump never promoted or touted it. He just said he would take it if he had it and encouraged you to ask your doctor for it. That is not touting it!!!!" --Typical Volnation Trumper

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