Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump clashed Friday after Cuomo demanded the president provide the funding necessary for the state to reopen the economy amid the coronavirus ciris, warning not to "pass the buck without passing the bucks."


I guess he who has the bucks has the power?
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump clashed Friday after Cuomo demanded the president provide the funding necessary for the state to reopen the economy amid the coronavirus ciris, warning not to "pass the buck without passing the bucks."


I guess he who has the bucks has the power?
but I thought they wanted Trump to stay out of it? I'm confused do they want Trumps help or not
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He did not personally pull the trigger and it was unintentional. It was negligence and buffoonery, not criminal.

But, yes, his inaction makes Benghazi look like a church picnic.
Lol. One phone call would have stopped a world wide pandemic, and Trump ignored it so he could get his beauty sleep?

It's amazing how far you have to leap.
Viruses, AIDS, Chinese and Homosexuals

On April 7th, the well-respected journal Nature ran an article titled “Stop the Coronavirus Stigma Now!” It insisted that the Covid-19 virus should not be associated with Wuhan or China even though the virus originated there either through release from a lab or Chinese culinary practices. Instead, we were to avoid stigmatizing the Chinese.

This has happened before and allow this writer to harken back to another era- specifically, July 27, 1982. On that day, the CDC convened a meeting with the NIH, FDA, the Red Cross, people from the gay community, and blood banks to announce that a baffling new disease- then referred to as the “gay cancer-” was blood-born. It noted that people other than gays were being infected by donated blood. That is, the nation’s blood supply was tainted with what would become known as AIDS. The CDC recommended that gay men stop donating blood until a test was devised to screen donations (no test existed at the time). The CDC asked for assistance in getting the word out. Dr. B.L. Evatt of the CDC described the results of that meeting:

Homosexuals were major blood donors in the large cities on the east and west coasts. It was thought that singling out homo​

sexuals for exclusion would unnecessarily stigmatize them without evidence that they were indeed transmitting the disease. The blood industry, threatened by losing a large donor pool, strongly supported the position of the gay groups on this issue.​
The CDC was saying nothing about homosexual behavior and no one was asking them to stop being gay. They were merely being asked to stop donating blood until a reliable test could be developed. According to Evatt, the only result of that meeting was agreement that the new disease would be called AIDS because the new name suggested the problem extended beyond the gay community.

Put this in perspective: the gay community was informed of a disaster in the making and one that could kill thousands of innocent people. They were asked to make a small sacrifice- stop donating blood. They responded with resistance because to do so would stigmatize homosexuals. As an added bonus, a new name was given the disease.

Viruses, AIDS, Chinese and Homosexuals
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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump clashed Friday after Cuomo demanded the president provide the funding necessary for the state to reopen the economy amid the coronavirus ciris, warning not to "pass the buck without passing the bucks."


I guess he who has the bucks has the power?

Oh deer????
Easy. Any scenario under which logic would say that Trump's actions saved lives is due not just full credibility but to be embellished upon and exaggerated; whereas, any theory under which Trump's slow reaction and minimization of the virus for weeks cost lives, well, that's a bunch of left wing media bull crap right there.

Don't forget about anyone that sneezes close to their time of death will be counted as Covid 19 death. Strange that the highest death counts come from blue states and that they are too be believed when Bill Deblasio throws out a number higher than 9/11 deaths in one day. I am now confident that anyone who dies in a blue state will be counted as Covid 19 and for no other reason than to raise the number in an election year. No different than the Puerto Rican hurricane count "correction"
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Lol. One phone call would have stopped a world wide pandemic, and Trump ignored it so he could get his beauty sleep?

It's amazing how far you have to leap.
You obviously don't understand the power the President has. He could have used his Sith force powers to destroy the virus if he wanted.
One of the only positives to come out of this bullcrap is that many countries an western Europe are completely reevaluating their relationships with China. The world has turned a blind eye for far too long to the chinese absolutely destroying planet Earth at unbelieveable levels...just to have poorly made trinkets at Walmart for dirt cheap. Screw them. I am sure Malaysia, central and south american countries, etc. Will quickly fill any voids in the market if the west tells China to STOP polluting so much...STOP the genocide ...STOP oppressing their people as well as Tibet, HK, Taiwan....STOP trying to create artificial islands in the sea to mess up shipping lanes....

That is way too many STOPS. The only reason nobody has already put a foot in the CCCP ass is because they are simply too big and there is nothing to gain by kicking their butts. China is horrible in pretty much every way...and is far and away the biggest threat to western prosperity.
I don't think movie theaters are coming back after this, I rented a new movie for my kids the other night Onward for 20 bucks would have cost 50 to see it in theaters
They will but certainly not all of them. It's still an experience to go sit and overpay for bad popcorn while getting your eardrums blown out and telling people to be quiet. Who wouldn't pay for extra for that!?
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They will but certainly not all of them. It's still an experience to go sit and overpay for bad popcorn while getting your eardrums blown out and telling people to be quiet. Who wouldn't pay for extra for that!?

I am so hopeful for unintended consequences of this. Less Hollywood actors being paid ridiculous amounts of money for crap movies
I don't think movie theaters are coming back after this, I rented a new movie for my kids the other night Onward for 20 bucks would have cost 50 to see it in theaters
I came home from work a few days ago and my daughter, she’s 8, was watching the new Trolls movie. I asked her is that the new one? She said yes. “It cost $20 to stream it. It costs you way more then that when you take mom and I to the movies. So your welcome.” I said what do you mean “you are welcome?” She replied I just saved you money dad. She is her mother’s daughter.
I came home from work a few days ago and my daughter, she’s 8, was watching the new Trolls movie. I asked her is that the new one? She said yes. “It cost $20 to stream it. It costs you way more then that when you take mom and I to the movies. So your welcome.” I said what do you mean “you are welcome?” She replied I just saved you money dad. She is her mother’s daughter.
I didnt spend all your money, say thank you. Definitely sounds like a woman.
What I don't get is why the Dems and MSM go nuts when Trump says things like he hopes to have things reopen by Easter. What's wrong with hoping? Then you look at his actual plan he laid out yesterday and his ACTIONS show that it will be July before things open and that's if everything goes perfectly and will only be for those states where the governors choose to do so. He didn't actually try to open anything by Easter or pressure anyone to do so. He said he hoped for Easter but that didn't happen so he put together a plan of action with input from experts, the states, and key business leaders so I really don't get why there is such a problem with how he has handled things overall. He hasn't done everything perfectly but he has handled them pretty well and I have full confidence he has handled things much better than Hillary would have. That would have been a true disaster.

Anything positive helps his re-election. It's 💯 nothing more than that.
He did not personally pull the trigger and it was unintentional. It was negligence and buffoonery, not criminal.

But, yes, his inaction makes Benghazi look like a church picnic.
California’s Governor put the shelter in place order out 3 days before New York did. How many deaths are you laying at Cuomo’s feet?

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