Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I thought it was actually an article from the onion at first. Then I found out it was real. They actually drank aquarium cleaner. Duh.
Look up red man syndrome and pimphygus vulgaris for some interesting reading, the latter is not drug induced. I have seen 4 cases of red man in my career, all 4 associated with vancomycin. I had a pt on a ventricular assistive device that had it. When I touched him his skin peeled off in sheets. I refused to turn him until they put him on a pain pump. He would beg me not to turn him, my unit coordinator got upset with me, i made her go in with me. She changed her tune quickly.

I reacted to lisinopril and have permanently scared areas on my upper forearms from it after 3 doses, my ears were on fire with the last dose. We are seeing more and more reactions to that specific drug. I've seen people's faces that aren't recognizable from lisinopril reactions we intubate them and on x-ray all we can see it the tube with their trachea swollen closed around it. It would have killed them had we not intubated them.
Certain drugs we give even though listed as an allergy. We just prep them before we give it.
Benadryl, steroids and something to decrease stomach acid.
I've gone through 5 penicillan desensitization with pts. They get a form of pcn every hour for 16 hours. It's an interesting project but they are in ICU should they react badly. None of mine did. Thankfully.
Drugs can be highly beneficial like antibiotics, they are curative. The majority of drugs we give are purely to control symptoms. If people had healthy diets and exercise from birth we could get rid of 80% of the drugs we give. Some drugs, like chemo, kill cancer cells and healthy cells.
I give the broad spectrum antibiotics all the time. I've only ever seen 6 people who have a bug that's resistant to all antibiotics. Call the CDC with those findings and you'll have a rep there within a day. And they will turn every stone to find out about it.
Some people have zero reaction to meds. Others react to everything. The immune system is an amazing thing, when it runs normally we get back to a normal level of function when it runs amuck it's hard to get under control and can cause severe damage to the body (covid sets up a condition that specifically highlights an immune response cascade that doesnt stop) HCQ stops the virus before the body can set off all the cascades of attack. I think it mitigates the response pretty well in conjunction with other drugs.
Sorry, long post.
Great information. The bolded part is exactly what happened with my wife. The CDC was there very quickly. The docs don't know how she finally turned the corner. It wasn't due to the antibiotics. I attributed it to God works in mysterious ways. The weekend of the Florida game in 2014 we had to go back in for a bile duct constriction. That time when they released her, she had to do Invanz, and she wasn't strong enough to go to the infusion clinic every day. I wound up doing those IVs from home after a home health nurse showed me how, and the meds had to be delivered from Greensboro, NC every couple of days. (We live in East TN.)
We will see. Joe Biden is offering nothing. Zero. Nothing. He was finishing 5th in the Primaries until the higher ups twisted arms and forced everyone to withdraw. Biden did zero in DC for half a century. Every time he speaks in his basement he says something stupid. The electoral college will be worse than with Hillary
Delusional... and based on nothing more than your own wishful thinking. The unemployment rate will be over 10% in November, and that was all Trump ever really had.
I still feel the same as I did then. Allegations should always be investigated, but sometimes people lie, even women, even about sexual assault. Do you still feel all women should be believed when they come forward?

And like it or not, it illustrates the hypocrisy and leanings of media when they turn allegations against one side into a circus while basically keeping mum about allegations of the same against the other.
You would have to include Fox News in this as well.
Delusional... and based on nothing more than your own wishful thinking. The unemployment rate will be over 10% in November, and that was all Trump ever really had.

It's 20% now. Joe and Barrack never got it much under 8. Lol. I can see President Trump doing an ad saying I cut unemployment in half in 6 months and Joe still doesn't know guys wife.

WTN I can vaguely see you doing a meme of this and it's funny as h3ll in my mind
It's 20% now. Joe and Barrack never got it much under 8. Lol. I can see President Trump doing an ad saying I cut unemployment in half in 6 months and Joe still doesn't know guys wife.

WTN I can vaguely see you doing a meme of this and it's funny as h3ll in my mind
That is not true. When Barack Obama left office in January of 2017, the unemployment rate was at 4.7%.
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Great information. The bolded part is exactly what happened with my wife. The CDC was there very quickly. The docs don't know how she finally turned the corner. It wasn't due to the antibiotics. I attributed it to God works in mysterious ways. The weekend of the Florida game in 2014 we had to go back in for a bile duct constriction. That time when they released her, she had to do Invanz, and she wasn't strong enough to go to the infusion clinic every day. I wound up doing those IVs from home after a home health nurse showed me how, and the meds had to be delivered from Greensboro, NC every couple of days. (We live in East TN.)
I bet you have a wealth of knowledge you never thought you would. I lift you up for being her caregiver. It is a tough, long road. Invanz is a relative to merrem which I give quite frequently. Potent antibiotic.
We have pts who's % of survivability is 3% and they still make it. We can't explain why, they just do. Glad your wife was one of them. It reaffirms to me that it's not their time, fight harder, because this stubborn pt is not giving up.
I have some interesting experiences, some funny, some humans completely defying the odds and some just downright human stupidity. (Enter Smoking fentanyl patches and finding a ding dong in a fat fold)

I tell people about one certain experience, they are amazed. The pt should have died 3 different times, he wasn't ready. They were in their 40's and i hugged his wife and tried to support her the best I could. We were doing an experimental therapy called therapeutic hypothermia. We cool the pt to 92 degrees for 48 hours to preserve their neurological function after a heart attack. He had every complication that could happen. I found myself yelling at a surgeon on the phone at 1a.m. and hanging up on him. He made it.
A year later I got my assignment one night and recognized the name, it was his wife. He walked in and she told him who I was, he just grabbed me and hugged me. We sent her home 3 days later. Very humbling, enriching and makes me know I'm in the right place.
Life's funny.
I bet you have a wealth of knowledge you never thought you would. I lift you up for being her caregiver. It is a tough, long road. Invanz is a relative to merrem which I give quite frequently. Potent antibiotic.
We have pts who's % of survivability is 3% and they still make it. We can't explain why, they just do. Glad your wife was one of them. It reaffirms to me that it's not their time, fight harder, because this stubborn pt is not giving up.
I have some interesting experiences, some funny, some humans completely defying the odds and some just downright human stupidity. (Enter Smoking fentanyl patches and finding a ding dong in a fat fold)

I tell people about one certain experience, they are amazed. The pt should have died 3 different times, he wasn't ready. They were in their 40's and i hugged his wife and tried to support her the best I could. We were doing an experimental therapy called therapeutic hypothermia. We cool the pt to 92 degrees for 48 hours to preserve their neurological function after a heart attack. He had every complication that could happen. I found myself yelling at a surgeon on the phone at 1a.m. and hanging up on him. He made it.
A year later I got my assignment one night and recognized the name, it was his wife. He walked in and she told him who I was, he just grabbed me and hugged me. We sent her home 3 days later. Very humbling, enriching and makes me know I'm in the right place.
Life's funny.

I did learn way more than I ever anticipated. We are very lucky, all things considered. We did the fentanyl patches for a couple of months here (with grandkids and dogs in the house), and now all the talk about the "dangers" of these is pretty crazy to me. We were careful with them, used them as we were supposed to, and had no issues. We had to go back in for something minor about a year or so, and one of the doctors remembered her and said something like, "We gave enough antibiotics to kill Godzilla, and you're stronger than Godzilla." HA

I salute what you do. You are in the right place, and it's a calling for sure.

I predict someone's going to have fun with the part I bolded. HA
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