Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Just for sh*ts and giggles, I'd love to see the reaction from the MAGA demonstrators if a few stooges were sent in to cough uncontrollably.
So, with this post did you finally want to achieve one goal, that you are fing scum bag? Congrats. How do you think Biden supporters would respond to something like that. Hell, let alone anyone with a brain. Nice job. You have proven the only thing you care about. Beating Trump. You are worse then trump. And I hate the guy.
A timeline of all the lies and misinformation spread by the Chinese:

China's Coronavirus Coverup -- Devastating Lies | National Review

Keep this handy because these lies individually are very difficult to find on things like a Google or Yahoo search. Those search engines tilt far left and they make it very difficult to find such information but that could be another thread...
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Those paragraphs express two different sentiments, though. The second suggests that you can’t believe negative things you hear about him from the left, but the first implies that you could literally see him doing something objectively bad, with your own eyes, and still blame the left for it. That’s a lot worse IMO

No; it means that the left's narrative and characterizations have been so consistently wrong about everything Trump, I'd have to question my own senses. It's satire, and dismaying that I have to explain it.
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I'll take a shot at it......

If you took a sledgehammer to the engine in your car would you blame the mechanic you took it to for not being able to fix it?
So you support whataboutism as long as it serves your purpose. Got it.

At least one of you is finally admitting it. Kudos for that, I guess.
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I refuse to believe you can't see the difference between someone coming into contact with an infected individual, then passing that on to someone else who then goes home to infect a person who is at risk for this crap to a "piano falling out of the sky" when staying home would potentially break the chain of transmission..

No offense, but that's just childish.......
Life is full of risk. I'm not sure how you keep overlooking that. That's reality.
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I’m more inclined to give him some leeway because we (kind of) share ideology, but he is an old, main stream democrat and by far my least favorite candidate for president. I’ll probably be pretty hard on Joe compared to many with democratic sensibilities honestly.

If he starts tweeting his conscious, I’ll march on Washington with you.

I don't believe you would shower Joe with the same criticism you do Trump. If for no reason other than you don't have the same unreasonable hate for him that you do Trump. And hey, I've admitted many times, Trump is not a good guy. He's pompous, he's arrogant, and he's a classic narcissist. And he talks and tweets way too much. But I honestly don't see Joe as better. And I'm not saying he's worse either. I think it's same ****, different day. But I fully believe that no matter what he does, liberals(and especially liberals on this board) will defend him vigorously and hold him to a completely different standard than they have Trump. They absolutely did it with Obama.
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Just for sh*ts and giggles, I'd love to see the reaction from the MAGA demonstrators if a few stooges were sent in to cough uncontrollably.
And if someone suggested doing that at a Biden event you'd be screaming bloody murder. Kudos on showing your double standard and true colors.
So, with this post did you finally want to achieve one goal, that you are fing scum bag? Congrats. How do you think Biden supporters would respond to something like that. Hell, let alone anyone with a brain. Nice job. You have proven the only thing you care about. Beating Trump. You are worse then trump. And I hate the guy.

Gotta be honest. I'm curious if any of our left leaning posters will call out his/her/preferred pronoun on this?

NM was already heavily leveraged and it was just a matter of time.

Like Macys they have an antiquated business model. Gobbled up too many smaller chains and got stuck with multiple Macy's in the same mall.

Plus NM sells over priced crap.

Bought a pair of italian dress shoes when I was in my late 20s from them. Paid about 800 and the pos fell apart within 6 months.

Hole right through the sole.

My Johnson and murphys lasted almost a decade and were less than half of the price.
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I will respond to your question with some Weezer style "what-about-ism":

Why does Donald Trump still watch or read The New York Times and CNN... and why does he care about what they report, if he truly considers them to be nothing more than "fake news"?

You do realize you keep your friends close and your enemies closer, correct?
Only an idiot would not stay up to date on what his/her opponent was doing. And CNN and the NYT are the enemy of all moderates and conservatives.
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I don't believe you would shower Joe with the same criticism you do Trump. If for no reason other than you don't have the same unreasonable hate for him that you do Trump. And hey, I've admitted many times, Trump is not a good guy. He's pompous, he's arrogant, and he's a classic narcissist. And he talks and tweets way too much. But I honestly don't see Joe as better. And I'm not saying he's worse either. I think it's same ****, different day. But I fully believe that no matter what he does, liberals(and especially liberals on this board) will defend him vigorously and hold him to a completely different standard than they have Trump. They absolutely did it with Obama.

If you didn’t want an answer, why ask a question?
If you didn’t want an answer, why ask a question?
I wanted an answer. I just question the sincerity of your answer. If Joe wins, we'll see what happens. I have very little faith that he'll restore the economy. He'll be pushed to pass costly "green" laws that will hamper the recovery.
MSNBC, one day after that comment

A line on the coronavirus outbreak Trump may come to regret

Mother Jones two days later.

Trump says the coronavirus is no big deal. The disease won't stay on message.

And Biden:

Biden, Feb. 28: Biden goes on CNN and says Trump has yet to “gain control” of the coronavirus, while calling on Trump to stop downplaying it and urging him instead to “let the experts take this over” and “let the experts speak.”

Should I find some more for you or are these sufficient?
Try it without cherry picking and see how it goes.
NM was already heavily leveraged and it was just a matter of time.

Like Macys they have an antiquated business model. Gobbled up too many smaller chains and got stuck with multiple Macy's in the same mall.

Plus NM sells over priced crap.

Bought a pair of italian dress shoes when I was in my late 20s from them. Paid about 800 and the pos fell apart within 6 months.

Hole right through the sole.

My Johnson and murphys lasted almost a decade and were less than half of the price.

$800 dollars? bawahaha
Hog said he had something last December (I think). My son had something in November. Work acquaintance had a nasty bug for 3 weeks in Jan. None of it was flu.

January, me and the wife came down with something. Flu and strep tests negative, both high fevers for week/10 days and a cough felt like a 400 lbs gorilla sitting on your chest.
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Yeah, a little dramatic, but in this case not all that much.

But, as a carrier, if you could isolate yourself from others and don't?

What are you then?

The people that you gave it to, in this case, didn't make a conscious decision to "go get infected". You took that decision away from them when you willingly went out in public and exposed them, unwillingly, to it.

Kinda puts the onus on you to not do so, no?

They made a decision to go out in public so they are just as culpable.
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January, me and the wife came down with something. Flu and strep tests negative, both high fevers for week/10 days and a cough felt like a 400 lbs gorilla sitting on your chest.

I’ve changed my mind on something you and I used to disagree. Competitive advantage vs protectionism. My opinion was “if they can make it cheaper, let them”. Yours was “if they control American industry, it puts us all at risk” (going off memory, let me know if I misrepresent). You were correct. I say we cut them off completely like we did Cuba.
Yeah, a little dramatic, but in this case not all that much.

But, as a carrier, if you could isolate yourself from others and don't?

What are you then?

The people that you gave it to, in this case, didn't make a conscious decision to "go get infected". You took that decision away from them when you willingly went out in public and exposed them, unwillingly, to it.

Kinda puts the onus on you to not do so, no?

That argument doesn’t hold water. You can have anything you need delivered to your door. You can even leave it outside for x amount of time or spray with disinfectant before you bring it in. I’m only exposing others who’ve assumed the risk of their actions by also going into public
I’ve changed my mind on something you and I used to disagree. Competitive advantage vs protectionism. My opinion was “if they can make it cheaper, let them”. Yours was “if they control American industry, it puts us all at risk” (going off memory, let me know if I misrepresent). You were correct. I say we cut them off completely like we did Cuba.
This thing has changed me, too.
I'm actively avoiding products manufactured in China (if possible).
You do understand that if you come into this country illegally that you have no rights, correct? There are people in a few states in which the Governors just want a giant political pissing contest with Trump, the Governor here in Virginia is hinting at this lockdown lasting well into October which isn't going to go over well at all. You have a Governor in Michigan who won't let people by seeds or be in more than groups of 2, she is way over stepping. You have leaders in Maryland that are going to assign grocery store days by last name. I'll say this much, the Bernie Bros should be walking around with full hardons because this is Socialism, this is communism and I hope they're enjoying it. This is the new progressive government the left is pushing for, 100% full control. By the way, how can anyone on the left force someone to get tested or get a vaccine, I mean my body, my choice right?
You do understand that if you come into this country illegally that you have no rights, correct? There are people in a few states in which the Governors just want a giant political pissing contest with Trump, the Governor here in Virginia is hinting at this lockdown lasting well into October which isn't going to go over well at all. You have a Governor in Michigan who won't let people by seeds or be in more than groups of 2, she is way over stepping. You have leaders in Maryland that are going to assign grocery store days by last name. I'll say this much, the Bernie Bros should be walking around with full hardons because this is Socialism, this is communism and I hope they're enjoying it. This is the new progressive government the left is pushing for, 100% full control. By the way, how can anyone on the left force someone to get tested or get a vaccine, I mean my body, my choice right?

I agree that all of the governors you’ve mentioned are trash. But your rights are not dependent upon your immigration status. The bill of rights/constitution does not apply to citizens nor non citizens. It applies to the government. The bill or rights is a list of how the government must treat people.
I agree that all of the governors you’ve mentioned are trash. But your rights are not dependent upon your immigration status. The bill of rights/constitution does not apply to citizens nor non citizens. It applies to the government. The bill or rights is a list of how the government must treat people.
Thats true, they do have the same legal rights however coming into this country is illegal. That's what so many people fail to understand

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