Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That argument doesn’t hold water. You can have anything you need delivered to your door. You can even leave it outside for x amount of time or spray with disinfectant before you bring it in. I’m only exposing others who’ve assumed the risk of their actions by also going into public
Living in rural America has it's inherent advantages when combating the Coronavirus. The cities are hit hardest and I find it stupid to pack up the truck with Trump flags and drive to the biggest city around protesting civil liberties and lack of jobs. Fact is these uneducated fools are going to spread the virus to the rural areas, and wouldn't work in the minimum wage service sector jobs of the economy, that are lost for the moment, for minimum wage anyway.
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Living in rural America has it's inherent advantages when combating the Coronavirus. The cities are hit hardest and I find it stupid to pack up the truck with Trump flags and drive to the biggest city around protesting civil liberties and lack of jobs. Fact is these uneducated fools are going to spread the virus to the rural areas, and wouldn't work in the minimum wage service sector jobs of the economy, that are lost for the moment, for minimum wage anyway.

I find a lot of things you say stupid. You’re still welcome to say them. Do you believe your personal definition of stupidity to be so important that it should shape laws?
I find a lot of things you say stupid. You’re still welcome to say them. Do you believe your personal definition of stupidity to be so important that it should shape laws?
So you don't think these people are going to spread the virus? So, you think they're ready to go back to work at McDonald? You see, It's not my opinion that's shaping the law, it's the opinion of the majority of non idiots. What about the civil liberties of the at risk population in those rural areas? I guess their civil liberties are being trampled, not by the law, but by people without common sense.

Are Trump supporters desperate to reach 60K deaths by the end of the week?
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So you don't think these people are going to spread the virus? So, you think they're ready to go back to work at McDonald? You see, It's not my opinion that's shaping the law, it's the opinion of the majority of non idiots. What about the civil liberties of the at risk population in those rural areas? I guess their civil liberties are being trampled, not by the law, but by people without common sense.

How are they going to spread the virus? Are they coming into your home?

What about the civil liberties of the at risk population? Do you believe I’m advocating limiting those?
January, me and the wife came down with something. Flu and strep tests negative, both high fevers for week/10 days and a cough felt like a 400 lbs gorilla sitting on your chest.

Both NGV and I have had something recently . No fever , actually both our temps were lower than normal , I didn’t / don’t have a cough but zero energy , all either of us wanted to do is sleep and every joint in my body just aches . Crusty eyes every time I wake up etc . Looks like both are going to run it’s course from a week to 10 days also . I’m starting to feel better and it’s been a week . Have no idea what it is/ was could be anything from a bad cold to Parvo . I just know I’m glad it’s finally letting up . Lol
“I was real sick back in 2002, I mean real sick. That’s proof that the virus was here way earlier than everyone thought, and I, too, am a survivor.”

How some people sound on here/my Facebook feed

Mock it if you wish, but every place that’s done antibody testing has found it to be true. They’ve also found the actual death rates to be far below 1%. 0.37% in Germany
So you don't think these people are going to spread the virus? So, you think they're ready to go back to work at McDonald? You see, It's not my opinion that's shaping the law, it's the opinion of the majority of non idiots. What about the civil liberties of the at risk population in those rural areas? I guess their civil liberties are being trampled, not by the law, but by people without common sense.

Are Trump supporters desperate to reach 60K deaths by the end of the week?

What civil liberties/unenumerated rights are being “trampled” by allowing people to get back to work? Do you jump on this tired soapbox every fall and winter, angling to require anyone “non-essential” stay home lest too many people contract the sniffles?
So you don't think these people are going to spread the virus? So, you think they're ready to go back to work at McDonald? You see, It's not my opinion that's shaping the law, it's the opinion of the majority of non idiots. What about the civil liberties of the at risk population in those rural areas? I guess their civil liberties are being trampled, not by the law, but by people without common sense.

Are Trump supporters desperate to reach 60K deaths by the end of the week?

McDonald’s ( at least here) never slowed down . People still go inside to order , you just can’t sit down and eat . The drive thru is as busy as ever . 🤷‍♂️
I’m curious. Is the left still pretending economics and healthcare are unrelated?

Spain 13% unemployment in 2019
France 9% unemployment in 2019
Italy 10% unemployment in 2019
You do understand that if you come into this country illegally that you have no rights, correct? There are people in a few states in which the Governors just want a giant political pissing contest with Trump, the Governor here in Virginia is hinting at this lockdown lasting well into October which isn't going to go over well at all. You have a Governor in Michigan who won't let people by seeds or be in more than groups of 2, she is way over stepping. You have leaders in Maryland that are going to assign grocery store days by last name. I'll say this much, the Bernie Bros should be walking around with full hardons because this is Socialism, this is communism and I hope they're enjoying it. This is the new progressive government the left is pushing for, 100% full control. By the way, how can anyone on the left force someone to get tested or get a vaccine, I mean my body, my choice right?
So you want States Rights, or federal government intervention. Pick one, we don't live in anarchy.
How are they going to spread the virus? Are they coming into your home?

What about the civil liberties of the at risk population? Do you believe I’m advocating limiting those?
LOL, So stupid, Someone doesn't have to come into your home to spread the virus. Are you familiar with the term "Community spread"? Do you even know how the virus spread, because you don't seem to?
So you want States Rights, or federal government intervention. Pick one, we don't live in anarchy.

You’re pretending the options are only anarchy or totalitarianism. Either we have absolute anarchy, or you’re not allowed to go fishing by yourself in Michigan. This isn’t a dichotomy.
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What civil liberties/unenumerated rights are being “trampled” by allowing people to get back to work? Do you jump on this tired soapbox every fall and winter, angling to require anyone “non-essential” stay home lest too many people contract the sniffles?
When was the last time the sniffles killed 40,000 Americans in one month?
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LOL, So stupid, Someone doesn't have to come into your home to spread the virus. Are you familiar with the term "Community spread"? Do you even know how the virus spread, because you don't seem to?

How are they putting you at risk? You seem to be avoiding this. They’re not coming into your home. How are you at risk due to the negligence of others?
You can laugh hill but people walking around with antibodies to a coronavirus really doesn't mean anything considering its been around forever.

Edit: I'd love to know if these people testing positive had the H1N1 or the Sars viruses. And do states get any extra Federal money from just positive tests of their citizens?
You do understand that if you come into this country illegally that you have no rights, correct? There are people in a few states in which the Governors just want a giant political pissing contest with Trump, the Governor here in Virginia is hinting at this lockdown lasting well into October which isn't going to go over well at all. You have a Governor in Michigan who won't let people by seeds or be in more than groups of 2, she is way over stepping. You have leaders in Maryland that are going to assign grocery store days by last name. I'll say this much, the Bernie Bros should be walking around with full hardons because this is Socialism, this is communism and I hope they're enjoying it. This is the new progressive government the left is pushing for, 100% full control. By the way, how can anyone on the left force someone to get tested or get a vaccine, I mean my body, my choice right?

It's not communism or socialism. Does the government control the means of production? NO. Does the government own or has it nationalized some or all of the businesses? NO. Are we still a capitalist country? YES. Are their regulations in place to minimize exposure to a highly contagious virus? YES.
When was the last time the sniffles killed 40,000 Americans in one month?

To be fair , when was the last time we made the choice to call deaths tested or just suspected caused by one specific thing and then counted in that tally ? Our numbers are horribly inflated across the board .
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