Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

So you want States Rights, or federal government intervention. Pick one, we don't live in anarchy.
I don't care which one it is, I just want people to stop being a$$holes and let people be people. You forget so I'll remind you, I don't like either side because they're both full of sh!t and they're all bought.
How are they putting you at risk? You seem to be avoiding this. They’re not coming into your home. How are you at risk due to the negligence of others?
Do the at risk population not have civil liberties to go to the grocery store without running into Trump supporters. Why don't you all wear the MAGA hat all the time to let people know who to avoid?
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LOL, So stupid, Someone doesn't have to come into your home to spread the virus. Are you familiar with the term "Community spread"? Do you even know how the virus spread, because you don't seem to?
You can stay away from the virus if you need too..... it’s really not that hard to protect yourself.
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Do the at risk population not have civil liberties to go to the grocery store without running into Trump supporters. Why don't you all wear the MAGA hat all the time to let people know who to avoid?
The at risk people not hear of delivery or curbside pickup?
When was the last time the sniffles killed 40,000 Americans in one month?

40,000 American lives lost is nothing to sneeze at, but let’s not pretend that it’s an unfathomable calamity relative to things like the flu which kills ~50k of us each year.

Do the at risk population not have civil liberties to go to the grocery store without running into Trump supporters.

Neither a civil liberty nor an unenumerated right.
Living in rural America has it's inherent advantages when combating the Coronavirus. The cities are hit hardest and I find it stupid to pack up the truck with Trump flags and drive to the biggest city around protesting civil liberties and lack of jobs. Fact is these uneducated fools are going to spread the virus to the rural areas, and wouldn't work in the minimum wage service sector jobs of the economy, that are lost for the moment, for minimum wage anyway.
Do you still have income?
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It's not communism or socialism. Does the government control the means of production? NO. Does the government own or has it nationalized some or all of the businesses? NO. Are we still a capitalist country? YES. Are their regulations in place to minimize exposure to a highly contagious virus? YES.
We are in lock down with some of or all of our social freedoms stripped. This is 100% socialism/ communism and about control at this point. Look at our leaders on both sides, they're arguing over whos right instead of fixing the issues, they're all a bunch of lying dumba$$es
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You make a valid point with regards to the weird, unconstitutional "comments" made by Trump. But I would counter with what is worse, Trump's unconstitutional words or these governors' unconstitutional actions?

Trust me, I'm sure we could sit down together over a few beers and make a list of things that are wrong with Trump. But as of yet, lets not pretend that Trump's list of actions that go against the constitution are anywhere close to the actions of these governors.

Do you know for a fact these governors have acted unconstitutionally according to their respective state constitutions? As a rule, the executive branch is given "broad powers" to act in times of emergency, such as a declaration of martial law. Aren't the governors exercising the power of their offices?
Had to go to Lowe’s late last week and was shocked to see that they had stopped limiting the number of people in the store and none of their employees were gloves or masked. I asked the self checkout attendant what was going on and she said “we had a meeting this morning and President Trump says we don’t have to do that anymore”.

People are stupid.
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Had to go to Lowe’s late last week and was shocked to see that they had stopped limiting the number of people in the store and none of their employees were gloves or masked. I asked the self checkout attendant what was going on and she said “we had a meeting this morning and President Trump says we don’t have to do that anymore”.

People are stupid.
They never ever started limiting the amount of people inside the Lowe’s in maryville.... they did that at Home Depot but not lowes.
Had to go to Lowe’s late last week and was shocked to see that they had stopped limiting the number of people in the store and none of their employees were gloves or masked. I asked the self checkout attendant what was going on and she said “we had a meeting this morning and President Trump says we don’t have to do that anymore”.

People are stupid.
When did he say that? Must have missed it
We are in lock down with some of or all of our social freedoms stripped. This is 100% socialism/ communism and about control at this point. Look at our leaders on both sides, they're arguing over whos right instead of fixing the issues, they're all a bunch of lying dumba$$es

We are not in lockdown. You can shop, run errands and buy pretty much anything you want, including a car or truck. That's not a lockdown.

Again, you are using the wrong economic terms to describe our present situation. That reflects badly on you.
Do you know for a fact these governors have acted unconstitutionally according to their respective state constitutions? As a rule, the executive branch is given "broad powers" to act in times of emergency, such as a declaration of martial law. Aren't the governors exercising the power of their offices?

A states inability to acknowledge or protect the rights of its people, does not mean those rights do not exist. The holocaust did not mean Jews do not have a right to life. It just meant their government failed to protect those rights.

We should be concerned anytime the government takes the rights of people. Regardless of what their constitutions say.
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A states inability to acknowledge or protect the rights of its people, does not mean those rights do not exist. The holocaust did not mean Jews do not have a right to life. It just meant their government failed to protect those rights.

We should be concerned anytime the government takes the rights of people. Regardless of what their constitution’s say.

You better take a sedative (not sed-a-give) and relax. You are in for a long ride.
And those million people who aren’t producing anything means there are shortages, which drive up prices which make those without job further circle circle...hence we need to get back to work
Wont be too much longer until the shortages start to hit hospitals. Lots of widget places are shut down. Even if essential. Add on the loss of manufacturing in china for a month plus and we are to see some issues here at some point.
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It’s not the red hats. It’s the general public. It’s insane how much stupid stuff I’ve seen in the past month.

The general public is social distancing, red hats, not so much. The Trump rallies are not helping the situation. The general public is saying look at these idiots.

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