Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This will be great for farmers in the mid west during planting but I’ll bet it’s going to hurt during harvest .
Why do you think this is good for farmers? Corn Futures are about to hit a 10 year low due to ethanol/gasoline demand crashing.
tens of thousands of people are going to lose their jobs this week and whole towns that depend on the oil industry are going to go belly up. I'm glad you feel good about your kroger points though

West Texas and Huston area property will be cheap.
Why do you think this is good for farmers? Corn Futures are about to hit a 10 year low due to ethanol/gasoline demand crashing.
Ethanol is responsible for killing more lawn mowers and weed eaters every day than the Covid-19 virus has killed people. It ranks right up there with the EPA mandated fuel can pieces of sht.
Ethanol is responsible for killing more lawn mowers and weed eaters every day than the Covid-19 virus has killed people. It ranks right up there with the EPA mandated fuel can pieces of sht.

I don't have much trimming to do, and I just gave up on gas-powered ones for that very reason. I picked up an el-cheapo electric one at Lowe's and slapped a protection/replacement plan on it, 3 years I think, and basically said just forget this.

Last summer, I had to go through a storage area and find some old-school gas cans that didn't leak for mower gas, because mine had some stupid springy mandated release to pour deal on it. The spring broke. And I had a hard time finding a regular old gas cap that would fit the tank.
It means us oil is in all likely hood done. It means they won’t be drilling bc no where to put it. It means when things get moving again potential shortages and ridiculously high gas prices. It means back to being at the mercy of OPEC.
Who's mercy are we under now?
Why do you think this is good for farmers? Corn Futures are about to hit a 10 year low due to ethanol/gasoline demand crashing.

You realize they will still plant corn , soybeans , milo and wheat right ? You can’t do anything on a farm without using fuel . The cost of that fuel affects everything that is done .

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