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In fairness, the largest study on this was done by New York, and they have delayed their release on this. Was supposed to come out today. Now pushed to next week.

I cited 5 other studies earlier, not including the one that was cancelled due to cardiac events.
I cited 5 other studies earlier, not including the one that was cancelled due to cardiac events.
I know you did. They weren’t nearly as large. I don’t believe it to be a game changer. But I will defer to NY study. It’s the largest and I trust them more then some other country.
I know for a fact they are using it in the same state they did that study on the VA in. Really makes me wonder why they chose the VA to do it instead of the hospitals that are using it .
I can tell you the VA was chosen for a fail study because every single one of the 200 had co morbidities and the treatment is not the same as a hospital.
What about the people who do know about it?

Why, exactly, was Dr. Acton a bad hire?

Did you hear DeWine talk today about elective surgeries? He mentioned that he didn't realize that elective surgeries were being delayed. Really? Where's he been and who's his health director?

Amy doesn't strike me as a person who's sharp enough to be doing such a job. She rarely says anything of significance. She instead drifts into tangents like suggesting we play Bridge Over Troubled Water or some REM song that I can't recall. She talks groovy stuff like Flourishing Lives programs. She wears a white coat like she's treating patients. I don't know that she's treated patients since her residency years. In 2008 as she was campaigning for Barrack Obama she was described as a part time physician.

Inside Obama's Surging Net-Roots Campaign

She's nothing but a bureaucrat who has no idea about running a business. Her predictions of doom have been very overstated

She said on March 12th that Ohio likely already had 100K cases:

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

OK. Most people that die of this do so within 14 days. As of March 26th, Ohio had a total of 34 deaths. So either we didn't really have 100K infected people on March 12th or this is not a very deadly disease. Which is it? Either way she's been very misleading

Mapping Ohio’s 14,117 coronavirus cases, updates and trends

Is that enough for you to chew on?
In fairness, the largest study on this was done by New York, and they have delayed their release on this. Was supposed to come out today. Now pushed to next week.
Not to overpoliticize it but don’t you think that if NY had even partial/preliminary results that put Hydroxychloroquin (i.e. Trump) in a bad light it would have been all over the MSM by now?
I can tell you the VA was chosen for a fail study because every single one of the 200 had co morbidities and the treatment is not the same as a hospital.
It’s also the case - granted it’s only “anecdotal” at this point - that many if not most of the bad outcomes in that study were patients that were already intubated before receiving the drug(s).
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Not to overpoliticize it but don’t you think that if NY had even partial/preliminary results that put Hydroxychloroquin (i.e. Trump) in a bad light it would have been all over the MSM by now?
That’s what gives me pause. Plus a lot of the other studies were a cocktail that caused heart issues. So there be a bit more data. Maybe NY did it different. Anyone *****ing on possible medical advances on this need to pause. Doctors in NY didn’t do a study bc trump says.
It’s also the case - granted it’s only “anecdotal” at this point - that many if not most of the bad outcomes in that study were patients that were already intubated before receiving the drug(s).
Timing is important. You start the regimen when you first suspect it. I'm skeptical of any study this early. We still have people in icu beds with positives and they are already coming out with complete studies? Doubt it.
Not to overpoliticize it but don’t you think that if NY had even partial/preliminary results that put Hydroxychloroquin (i.e. Trump) in a bad light it would have been all over the MSM by now?

You think that the NIH, CDC et al would hold up the publishing of a study that showed positive effects? I'd certainly hope not, I'd bet the results needed some peer review, verification of methodology etc.

My hope is that this drug works, thus far however, it's only been reported effective anecdotally.
Lol, and now that those leaders have a broader understanding and are looking to protect their people; they're being undermined by a mealy mouthed grifter who cares more about getting re-elected than he does about the welfare of the American public and the medical advice his own administration is giving him.

Trump is such a spineless buffoon he doesn't have the balls to just come out and say it, instead he rides the fence through his 3am Big Mac fueled twitter benders.
Oh please. Your argument was that NY is in such bad shape because Trump was first saying this won't be so bad. Are you telling me after four years that the Democrats sick in NYC finally listened to him?
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You think that the NIH, CDC et al would hold up the publishing of a study that showed positive effects? I'd certainly hope not, I'd bet the results needed some peer review, verification of methodology etc.

My hope is that this drug works, thus far however, it's only been reported effective anecdotally.
I hope you’re right.
I can tell you the VA was chosen for a fail study because every single one of the 200 had co morbidities and the treatment is not the same as a hospital.

It wasn't a study at the VA, it was a retrospective analysis of the treatments they gave, co-morbidities or not, the analysis showed a poorer outcome with hydroxy alone some suffering organ damage. They even said nothing from the analysis should be considered scientific or definitive.
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I can tell you the VA was chosen for a fail study because every single one of the 200 had co morbidities and the treatment is not the same as a hospital.
Studies for or against are out of context for me. I want to know age, preexisting conditions and the most important, at what stage did they start taking it. If you're to the point of needing a ventilator before you start taking it I would think that's too late.
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You think that the NIH, CDC et al would hold up the publishing of a study that showed positive effects? I'd certainly hope not, I'd bet the results needed some peer review, verification of methodology etc.

My hope is that this drug works, thus far however, it's only been reported effective anecdotally. don't, in my opinion.
Did you hear DeWine talk today about elective surgeries? He mentioned that he didn't realize that elective surgeries were being delayed. Really? Where's he been and who's his health director?

Amy doesn't strike me as a person who's sharp enough to be doing such a job. She rarely says anything of significance. She instead drifts into tangents like suggesting we play Bridge Over Troubled Water or some REM song that I can't recall. She talks groovy stuff like Flourishing Lives programs. She wears a white coat like she's treating patients. I don't know that she's treated patients since her residency years. In 2008 as she was campaigning for Barrack Obama she was described as a part time physician.

Inside Obama's Surging Net-Roots Campaign

She's nothing but a bureaucrat who has no idea about running a business. Her predictions of doom have been very overstated

She said on March 12th that Ohio likely already had 100K cases:

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

OK. Most people that die of this do so within 14 days. As of March 26th, Ohio had a total of 34 deaths. So either we didn't really have 100K infected people on March 12th or this is not a very deadly disease. Which is it? Either way she's been very misleading

Mapping Ohio’s 14,117 coronavirus cases, updates and trends

Is that enough for you to chew on?

She seems pretty popular in Ohio, just not to you. To each their own. Considering the last two Ohio Dept of Health Directors were non-medical, it’s a relative leadership upgrade when considering the management of a pandemic.
Oh please. Your argument was that NY is in such bad shape because Trump was first saying this won't be so bad. Are you telling me after four years that the Democrats sick in NYC finally listened to him?

That's not my argument at all, you're the one who's driving that bus.
That’s what gives me pause. Plus a lot of the other studies were a cocktail that caused heart issues. So there be a bit more data. Maybe NY did it different. Anyone *****ing on possible medical advances on this need to pause. Doctors in NY didn’t do a study bc trump says.
It causes Qt prolongation. Monitored the whole time. I think death might be a worse complication.
Studies for or against are out of context for me. I want to know age, preexisting conditions and the most important, at what stage did they start taking it. If you're to the point of needing a ventilator before you start taking it I would think that's too late.
That’s the point I was getting at. Chances of coming off a ventilator alive are at best 50-50. Drug treatments need to be started in time to halt the disease before the patient can no longer breathe on his own.
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It wasn't a study at the VA, it was a retrospective analysis of the treatments they gave, co-morbidities or not, the analysis showed a poorer outcome with hydroxy alone some suffering organ damage. They even said nothing from the analysis should be considered scientific or definitive.
liver panels with covid19 are elevated, they all have AKI and show R heart strain. All have jugular neck vein distention. This is before treatment started.
Their Crp, ferratin and d dimers are through the roof. It's kinda how you know they are gonna come back positive.
liver panels with covid19 are elevated, they all have AKI and show R heart strain. All have jugular neck vein distention. This is before treatment started.
Their Crp, ferratin and d dimers are through the roof. It's kinda how you know they are gonna come back positive.
That’s worse then death

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