Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

@ NurseGoodVol

Let me bring your service, and the selfishness service of others like you, to a personal level.

We jumped into our motorhome b/c we could find a trailer park (lol) pad where we could be 50-100 yards from anyone. Off season in Florida, all the Canucks snowbirds had to run back home.

While the pool was open, we met two young friends, Carmen and Tabatha, females, who had fallen in love. Carmen is an emergency room nurse = COVID caretaker these days. you understand this perfectly, yes.

Tabatha lost her job, Carmen is working 60-80hrs/wk, they have no car so we pick them up and do whatever. I'm unsure I can get through this post.

Carmen cries all the way home. Tabatha is so distraught, she cries seeing Carmen come back. I don't cry until I drop Carmen off. Then it's Niagara Falls.

They are so young, and so vulnerable and so selfless. so selfless. And that's all I can speak about it now. Time to pickup Carmen, need to reel in the emotions.<out>
Makes you remember we are human. I still cry with families sad and happy tears. Thankful to have a job, my health and joy.
Game of what if. If Biden gets elected, and Covid-19 comes back even worse next year, and even more people die, will it be his fault?
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I hear you. Loud and clear. Bankf of America, Wells, all of them are swamped with applications. BoA ups the ante by narrowing their terms and conditions. I rarely defend them but in this case, they weren't ready for this high volume environment.

Employees, we assist them in filing for unemployment. Two small busineeses are Florida based. Seven of every eight Floridians who managed to file claims during the three weeks from mid-March until early April were waiting to have them processed — the worst rate in the country.

So we setup our own unemployment insurance system, We pay the employees what they aren't getting from their claims. Sounds generous, yes?


We can't inventory perishables (milk, ice cream, eggs, blah yada) for e.g. so it's cash reserves doing nothing. I'd rather keep the possibility that employees will be able to return to work whenever b/c if not I'm fooked.

Ok, we gathered everyone up and offered to cruise ship them to St. John's where my partners have large homes. Nope, violating lease terms, they lose their rentals or mortgages for non-occupancy. F!!K. then the cruise lines shutdown until July.

And to make things even grander, the states will, sooner than later, start filing bankruptcy. Who knows what happens then. We're fooked, employees are fooked. F!!K F!!K

IMO, chances are in favor of this getting worse. Our mortgage payments aren't vanishing for a few locales, we are fortunate to own most of our buildings. We are about to shutter the whole kitnkabbodle then the IDIOT Fl Guv declares that "flower businesses are essential" WTF? No!

Customers call and want to know why our doors aren't open for walk-ins. Here's a clue. None of our employees who perform this specialized work...will come to work. F!!K x3

As a last straw, now this is funny...wait for it...we agreed to pay for any employee to get their marijuana card. ~$400. We pointed them to online, no-visit doctor appointments to qualify. All you have to say is that you are "anxious", well F!!K yes they're anxious. Takes 2-4 weeks. Good news. They can eat all the ice cream, etc they want. We have a two months supply...that will be gone in less than 2 weeks.

Wild times. Hopefully starting to stabilize soon or the lot of us are fooked and not in a good way.
Game of what if. If Biden gets elected, and Covid-19 comes back even worse next year, and even more people die, will it be his fault?
My thoughts: no
Media's thoughts: no, it's still Trump's fault
Republicans thoughts: absolutely.... And the game goes on.
Either way we're screwed here. If we don't restart the economy and it crashes we won't have the healthcare infrastructure to treat it effectively if it come back this winter, and I believe it will. People forget healthcare and the economy are tied together. If do restart the economy we will have an increase in cases and more will be exposed. Either way it's a pick your poison situation but I'd rather have a healthy economy/healthcare system to give us the best chance at treating it vs the alternative.

Either way we're screwed here. If we don't restart the economy and it crashes we won't have the healthcare infrastructure to treat it effectively if it come back this winter, and I believe it will. People forget healthcare and the economy are tied together. If do restart the economy we will have an increase in cases and more will be exposed. Either way it's a pick your poison situation but I'd rather have a healthy economy/healthcare system to give us the best chance at treating it vs the alternative.


Here lies one of the things that this pandemic has exposed as a weakness.
They did ask him about it a few days ago and he said he didn't know they were doing that. "Mullin had another complaint, too — that the media never asked the governor about an order mandating that nursing homes admit and readmit patients who tested positive for the coronavirus, despite the extraordinary number of deaths among the elderly. "

Really bad policy.

I don't think so, Trump laid out his guidelines for guidance but ultimately left it up to the Governors. We don't have to worry about that here in Virginia for a long time, so enjoy you economy slowly opening up, I hope it works and provides a map for the rest of the Country. I do think it's odd that Kemp is catching all the sh!t when Colorado ( Democrat ) is essentially doing the same thing.
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They did ask him about it a few days ago and he said he didn't know they were doing that. "Mullin had another complaint, too — that the media never asked the governor about an order mandating that nursing homes admit and readmit patients who tested positive for the coronavirus, despite the extraordinary number of deaths among the elderly. "

Really bad policy.
I knowThey’re struggling up there and you can’t expect every decision to be correct in a wild situation like this, but it makes you wonder what on earth they’re thinking.
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Trump’s messaging is just awful. He claims total authority, then deferred to the states, then Tweets goofy liberate the state messages, then calls Kemp to praise his decision to reopen, then the next day talks about strong disagreement the next day.

I think I know what the policy is, but he’s gone completely inarticulate due to a total lack of discipline.
Trump’s messaging is just awful. He claims total authority, then deferred to the states, then Tweets goofy liberate the state messages, then calls Kemp to praise his decision to reopen, then the next day talks about strong disagreement the next day.

I think I know what the policy is, but he’s gone completely inarticulate due to a total lack of discipline.
The guy needs to stay off Twitter and maybe let Pence do a few press conferences moving forward
I hear you. Loud and clear. Bankf of America, Wells, all of them are swamped with applications. BoA ups the ante by narrowing their terms and conditions. I rarely defend them but in this case, they weren't ready for this high volume environment.

Employees, we assist them in filing for unemployment. Two small busineeses are Florida based. Seven of every eight Floridians who managed to file claims during the three weeks from mid-March until early April were waiting to have them processed — the worst rate in the country.

So we setup our own unemployment insurance system, We pay the employees what they aren't getting from their claims. Sounds generous, yes?


We can't inventory perishables (milk, ice cream, eggs, blah yada) for e.g. so it's cash reserves doing nothing. I'd rather keep the possibility that employees will be able to return to work whenever b/c if not I'm fooked.

Ok, we gathered everyone up and offered to cruise ship them to St. John's where my partners have large homes. Nope, violating lease terms, they lose their rentals or mortgages for non-occupancy. F!!K. then the cruise lines shutdown until July.

And to make things even grander, the states will, sooner than later, start filing bankruptcy. Who knows what happens then. We're fooked, employees are fooked. F!!K F!!K

IMO, chances are in favor of this getting worse. Our mortgage payments aren't vanishing for a few locales, we are fortunate to own most of our buildings. We are about to shutter the whole kitnkabbodle then the IDIOT Fl Guv declares that "flower businesses are essential" WTF? No!

Customers call and want to know why our doors aren't open for walk-ins. Here's a clue. None of our employees who perform this specialized work...will come to work. F!!K x3

As a last straw, now this is funny...wait for it...we agreed to pay for any employee to get their marijuana card. ~$400. We pointed them to online, no-visit doctor appointments to qualify. All you have to say is that you are "anxious", well F!!K yes they're anxious. Takes 2-4 weeks. Good news. They can eat all the ice cream, etc they want. We have a two months supply...that will be gone in less than 2 weeks.

Sounds like you’re anti government and more emotional than logical even when it comes to your job. Good luck with the weed cards, I can imagine how important drugs are to you guys!
Sounds like you’re anti government and more emotional than logical even when it comes to your job. Good luck with the weed cards, I can imagine how important drugs are to you guys!
Having read DO's last few posts I'm inclined to cut DO some slack. DO is obviously ruled by emotions, more so, than usual. People who are inclined to dislike the current administration, (and those who voted it in), are more likely to become completely unhinged when stressed, particularly when they are barely "hinged" in the first place.
I knowThey’re struggling up there and you can’t expect every decision to be correct in a wild situation like this, but it makes you wonder what on earth they’re thinking.
The right wing outlets are using the smear that "he" made the policy. It's definitely worthy of internal review and a swift change in that policy.
Yeah, you're right. How would I have ever gotten the preposterous notion that the politics of this crisis are more important to Trump acolytes than the actual science of it? They don't matter to your beloved dear leader, the exalted one - his Holiness, now do they? LOL.


"The HHS official overseeing coronavirus vaccine development says he was ousted after his objections to hydroxychloroquine"

Dr. Rick Bright says his demotion is an example of the White House putting "cronyism ahead of science".

By Aaron Rupar on April 22, 2020 6:20 pm

In a scathing letter, the former director of the federal agency overseeing the development of a coronavirus vaccine claims he was removed from his post following clashes with Trump administration officials over their pushing of unproven and potentially dangerous coronavirus treatments.

"Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit," writes Dr. Rick Bright in the letter, which was released through the law firm representing him.

Bright was alluding to efforts President Donald Trump and a number of his supporters in government and the media have made in recent weeks to promote hydrochloroquine as a potential coronavirus miracle drug.

"While I am prepared to look at all options and to think 'outside the box' for effective treatments. I rightly resisted efforts to provide an unproven drug on demand to the American public," Bright continued. "I insisted that these drugs be provided only to hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 while under the supervision of a physician."

Bright led the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Develpment Authority (BARDA), the agency leading the push for vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, until he was demoted Tuesday into a lesser role within the National Institutes of Health.

In the letter, first reported by the New York Times, Bright demanded the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General investigate whether his demotion to a lesser role with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stemmed from political or financial motives instead of public health ones. (Trump has a small investment in a company that manufactures Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, and numerous wealthy Republican donors who are close with Trump have larger financial stakes in hydroxychloroquine drugs.)

"These drugs have potentially serious risks associated with them, including increased mortality observed in some recent studies in patients with COVID-19," Bright writes. "Sidelining me in the middle of this pandemic and placing politics and cronyism ahead of science puts lives at risk and stunts national efforts to safely and effectively address this urgent public health crisis."


If you honestly believe that Donald Trump is above placing his ego and scoring political points ahead of science and what is best for treating the coronavirus pandemic, then YOU are the "jack wagon". This is completely consistent with how Trump has governed for over 3 years now. Trump really is this petty, egotistical, self-absorbed, irresponsible and reckless.
Your original post referenced how his supporters want HC to be effective only because of Trump. That is BS and has nothing to do with Trumps ego. Even if Trump is playing politics with it, then you are as well by suggesting his supporters are.
It is a POS statement.
@ NurseGoodVol

Let me bring your service, and the selfishness service of others like you, to a personal level.

We jumped into our motorhome b/c we could find a trailer park (lol) pad where we could be 50-100 yards from anyone. Off season in Florida, all the Canucks snowbirds had to run back home.

While the pool was open, we met two young friends, Carmen and Tabatha, females, who had fallen in love. Carmen is an emergency room nurse = COVID caretaker these days. you understand this perfectly, yes.

Tabatha lost her job, Carmen is working 60-80hrs/wk, they have no car so we pick them up and do whatever. I'm unsure I can get through this post.

Carmen cries all the way home. Tabatha is so distraught, she cries seeing Carmen come back. I don't cry until I drop Carmen off. Then it's Niagara Falls.

They are so young, and so vulnerable and so selfless. so selfless. And that's all I can speak about it now. Time to pickup Carmen, need to reel in the emotions.<out>

I might be more interested if you could tell me what color these girls are.

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