I’m definitely seeing questions raised around the medical/scientific community concerning the length of the asymptomatic contagious incubation period of up to 14 days combined with H2H transfer and how that isn’t generally considered a normal occurrence.
For example. Sars incubation was generally 2-7 days (3-5 average) with symptoms presenting during incubation. Measles symptoms normally show up within 7-14 days of exposure and folks are contagious from 4 days prior to 4 days after the initial rash presents.
The issue seems to be the data the CCP has released so far and the lax (intentional or otherwise) tracking of attributing factual causes of death. It really makes it difficult to ascertain an accurate estimate of R0 to determine exactly how contagious this is and the R0 is somewhat of a moving target during an outbreak anyhow as data fluctuates.
The global cases I’ve been seeing reported are directly travel related to China so far. There’s a probability that due to that lengthy incubation period involved we just haven’t seen presentations of 3rd, 4th and beyond levels of infection in the rest of the world. I think the next several weeks will tell us a lot about this virus.
As far as that lab..it appears we (USA) warned them of the possibility of a virus escaping a while back.
Like I said earlier in a post, I’m just a laymen parsing thru the inter web bs to find corroborated data from various world sources. If multiple experts around the globe are saying it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s probably a damn duck. I’m just trying to bring info here so y’all can do your own follow ups and become as informed as you want to be.