Geez this is stupid.
It really doesn’t mean death for a lot of people, it actually means saving more lives in the long run. Why do you want to drag this out and maximize the death count?
Young healthy folks will not die from this. Period. They won’t even get hospitalized, statistically, outside of some silly anecdotal story you can dig up.
You want to save old and at risk people from death and long term disability? Let these young people get this virus, develop immunity, and stop with the fear peddling. As long as hospitals aren’t overloaded (which they aren’t) then there is literally no issue. At this point anybody at risk would know it and is self-isolating. And if they aren’t, the healthy folks walking around without masks aren’t killing them, it is the at risk people that are pointing the gun at themselves.
And I’m not Christian, FWIW.