Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

He had a classic one yesterday. After Florida totally blew the record for positive tests in a day out of the water he responded by noting the percent positive was "only" 11 percent.
And also they only added 130 hospitalized..looks like NYs record of killing it's citizens will stand
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Did you not survive the "Great Recession"? Did our nation's economy disappear?

Jobs come and go. Yes, it's that simple.

Death from CV19 leads to a shorter lifespan than poverty.
Deaths will effect at worse .5% of our population.

Job loss induced poverty is effecting 18% of our work force population currently.

You are also ignoring all the various impacts that come from this Covid stuff. We are seeing an uptick in medical deaths due to people not going to the hospitals due to the Covid risk. How do you account for those? Suicides due to job loss, how do you account for those? People not able to get quality of life treatments while everything is shutdown? Drug and alchohol use always go up during recessions, how do you account for those lives lost or further ruined beyond money?

You pretend like life stopped and literally the only thing happening is Covid.
And also they only added 130 hospitalized..looks like NYs record of killing it's citizens will stand

Are you trying to say that NYC killed off all the moderates that were left to make room for the new progressives ? I can see that .
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Yeap, he's taken multiple positions on every aspect of this. He's been wrong more than he's been right. Either way he's simply looking to profit from scaring gullible commies like EL
Fauci is definitely playing both sides of the table.

I just cant tell why. It's impossible to tell what is the truth from him as there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.
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Fauci is definitely playing both sides of the table.

I just cant tell why. It's impossible to tell what is the truth from him as there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.
That's why I stopped listening to him after about day 5 of covid, I just didn't trust him
No, dude, the pandemic is costing people their livelihood. When the pandemic is over, people can regain their livelihood. When people die during the pandemic, not so much.

Money comes and goes. Jobs and businesses come and go. People are more important than stuff. And that is what this all boils down to.
Yeah if your business you put your life savings into dies just start another one. People are so lazy sometimes.

Replace "bird" with "herd" and this is Florida's new state anthem.

Jesus your positive case total posts are stupid. Surely you aren’t that stupid and are trolling at this point? Daily positive case totals are just about the most worthless stat in this debate. It doesn’t tell us one damn thing about how bad this is. And that is assuming you actually believe these numbers to be anything close to accurate.

Hospitalization rate, total active cases, deaths, etc are better.
Jesus your positive case total posts are stupid. Surely you aren’t that stupid and are trolling at this point? Daily positive case totals are just about the most worthless stat in this debate. It doesn’t tell us one damn thing about how bad this is.

Hospitalization rate, total active cases, deaths, etc are better.

It's (1) a good indicator of whether spread is increasing or decreasing, (2) shows where hot spots are, and (3) provides info that can be used for planning, etc. It's also a rough indicator of what we'll see in terms of deaths and hospitalizations at a later date, which feeds into (3).
What did he say that was wrong? You guys don't like him because he looks at the evidence, analyzes it and presents it. Why don't you like him?

Dude was emphasizing the declining death rate during the surge. Everyone with half a brain knew that was irrelevant to a discussion about what should be done NOW with respect to covid policy. He was using that statistic to argue all the hubbub about covid was "fear porn" and that we should move forward just as we are (i.e., with a full reopening).
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Dude was emphasizing the declining death rate during the surge. Everyone with half a brain knew that was irrelevant to a discussion about what should be done NOW with respect to covid policy. He was using that statistic to argue all the hubbub about covid was "fear porn" and that we should move forward just as we are (i.e., with a full reopening).
It is fear porn and we should move forward with the reopening

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