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Lol cnn. What they don’t tell you is the reason hospitals are full right now is because most hospitals cancelled elective surgeries for 2 months and when they resumed them They have been running full throttle to try and catch back up which has decreased available beds.
"I know it isn't popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. This is simply inexcusable at this point in the pandemic." - Former White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, in an op-ed for CNBC.

* Mulvaney, who served in Congress before leading the White House budget office and becoming chief of staff, said that his son had recently been tested for the virus and had to wait up to a week for the results, and that his daughter was turned away from getting a test before she went to visit her grandparents.

.... another loony liberal, making up lies to hurt Trump's chances of being re-elected.
BB, we can’t test everyone every day so what’s the point in doing all this testing? We’re talking about a virus. There is no cure and we can’t stop it. The virus needs to run its course. I agree with mitigation efforts on some levels but it’s impossible to test everyone so to me we should only worry bout testing those with symptoms and those forced to work with high risk people like those in hospitals and nursing homes. Even Obama and CDC decided to stop testing for Ebola. As they said, they already knew it was an epidemic so what was the point?
Lol cnn. What they don’t tell you is the reason hospitals are full right now is because most hospitals cancelled elective surgeries for 2 months and when they resumed them They have been running full throttle to try and catch back up which has decreased available beds.

Link? Not buying this one bit.

4 days ago:

Florida HCA hospitals to pause elective surgeries again
That's not the intent of a shut down. It's done to flatten the curve so that hospitals can provide adequate medical care.
Yes!!!! I gave you that softball and you didn’t disappoint. So what’s going to happen when the shutdown ends? Also, if you’re just wanting to flatten the curve then you want some people infected right? Why wear masks then? What’s the end game with shutting down MP? Are we going to shut down every time things flare up a little? How long does that go on? For all we know this virus is now going to be a seasonal flu virus.
"I know it isn't popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. This is simply inexcusable at this point in the pandemic." - Former White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, in an op-ed for CNBC.

* Mulvaney, who served in Congress before leading the White House budget office and becoming chief of staff, said that his son had recently been tested for the virus and had to wait up to a week for the results, and that his daughter was turned away from getting a test before she went to visit her grandparents.

.... another loony liberal, making up lies to hurt Trump's chances of being re-elected.
So what exactly is the problem with testing?
True, but at some point don’t we have to figure out how to mitigate it without completely stopping everybody’s life every couple of months.

Why? This is a national health crisis. The virus will not stop infecting people until they are forced into isolation. The US probably needed another month - at least - under the previous stay at home orders.

I do think we can leave more businesses open this time if a shutdown occurs. Sanitizer is pretty much everywhere you go. Barbers and salons have done a good job in protecting people. Every restaurant I've been to has been very careful. Distancing will be the key to businesses remaining open.
Have a little office quandary. My office manager Karened our mailman last Thursday for showing up without a mask after our idiot county mayor issued his mask order. So no mail Friday and after no mail yesterday I went to the post office to drop mail and find out WTF and that's when they told me about the Karen call. Turns out USPS can't make their carriers wear a mask if they don't want to and if he refuses to wear a mask he doesn't have to go into buildings that require a mask.

So I'm pissed at my office whiner for being a Karen but since this is a federal .gov employee I feel I should make a stink since they can refuse to wear a mask and do their job. What to do?
Have a little office quandary. My office manager Karened our mailman last Thursday for showing up without a mask after our idiot county mayor issued his mask order. So no mail Friday and after no mail yesterday I went to the post office to drop mail and find out WTF and that's when they told me about the Karen call. Turns out USPS can't make their carriers wear a mask if they don't want to and if he refuses to wear a mask he doesn't have to go into buildings that require a mask.

So I'm pissed at my office whiner for being a Karen but since this is a federal .gov employee I feel I should make a stink since they can refuse to wear a mask and do their job. What to do?
I’d give Karen AND the USPS hell just to relieve some pent up anger and perhaps get a little amusement along the way
4 TN employees of mine got their test results back within 48 hours. My guy in the Albuquerque hospital had his back in 3. Maybe it’s your state.

Are they healthcare workers or were they displaying symptoms? Also, did they come back positive?

A common thread seems to be faster results for those categories.
Lol cnn. What they don’t tell you is the reason hospitals are full right now is because most hospitals cancelled elective surgeries for 2 months and when they resumed them They have been running full throttle to try and catch back up which has decreased available beds.
AND...... hospitals typically run above 95% capacity anyway
Yes the tons of people who will become homeless because of this should have no worry. The tons of people who won’t be able to feed their kids. The tons of kids whose only balanced meal comes from school. The tons of children who are more at risk to sexual and physical abuse are all less important. Pull your head out of your ass. Deaths of old people is sad. Long term effects of locking this down are far worse.

Always remember it was about stopping a huge wave that crashed our system. It was never about preventing deaths afterwards
I was talking to my daughter the other day who will be a sophomore in college this year about the possibility of another shutdown. She said "well the government will just have to give people more money". She is an intelligent person, and then I realized that most Americans have no idea how this will financially impact this country. Most younger Americans look at the government like a parent that should just help them out when there in a bind and don't fully understand the true impact of the decisions that are being made by local governments who are playing politics with people's lives.
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