That is much more common than you think. I have been teaching in public schools for 15 years. I usually average 100 students per year in middle school; high school about 200 students per year. I figure I have taught roughly 1800 students in those 15 years. I would estimate that 60-70% of those students were obsessed with social media (Instagram, Vine, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), well over 90% were obsessed with their phones, I cannot tell you how many parent/teacher conferences I have been involved with were attended by grandparents, and meetings where students openly degraded their parents/guardians. It has gotten progressively worse the last five years or so. Schools are now responsible for providing meals for students to take home on the weekends and during the Summer. Corporal punishment has to be approved by the parent, assuming the school district allows it at all. I can’t tell you how many times I have been cussed out by another student and parents. Coaching provides its own set of headaches, many parents are unbearable over playing time and have to be escorted from games regularly. Many of you are naive as to what happens in schools on a regular basis