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So I'm guessing that the extraordinarily naive brownshirts at this college have a plan for students simply leaving the their phones in the dorm or car or hell, throwing it in the bushes for a few hours while they go play Frisbee golf and hit up Chipotle. Are burner or decoy phones foreign concepts in meatchicken?
The city of Los Angeles shut off utility service at a Hollywood Hills home that hosted several large parties, violating public health orders to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

"Despite several warnings, this house has turned into a nightclub in the hills, hosting large gatherings in flagrant violation of our public health orders," Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a news release. "The City has now disconnected utilities at this home to stop these parties that endanger our community."

Health experts and local officials have warned that a primary contributor to the spread of the virus is disregard for health guidelines, including hand washing, wearing masks, social distancing and avoiding large crowds. Large social events, including weddings and birthday parties, have been the starting points of several outbreaks.
They should just label the partys as protests then it’ll be ok.
"Almost 800,000 people around the world have already died from COVID-19, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University and Microsoft MSFT, 0.72% co-founder Bill Gates predicts that “the worst is still ahead” and the death toll will ultimately rise by millions.

Emerging markets, where health-care systems and economies are already struggling, is where the pain will be most pronounced, he explained in a recent interview in the Economist.

But the U.S. is dealing with its own unique set of issues, as politics and conspiracy theories have contributed to what he said has been a disappointing response. Why? In the name of freedom.

‘We believe in freedom, individual freedom. We optimize for individual rights.’

According to Gates, Trump supporters have wielded “freedom” to make a political statement that continues to complicate the U.S. response to the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, for instance, is one way for them to signal their anger and resistance.
Oh I don’t doubt the MSM would have spun it as if a Dem POTUS handled it better than God would have but perception isn’t always reality, right Luther?

Where is Luther anyway? Seems like I haven’t seen his posts the last few days. Maybe I’ve just missed them.
Who is Luther?

If reality ruled over perception... there never would have been a shutdown. We would have never cancelled school last spring and would not be considering it now. We would have taken the information available even early on (that around 50% of victims are over 80, 90% are over 60, and almost all have other serious health problems) and designed measures to specifically protect those people. We would have leaders who calmly explained what makes someone vulnerable and personal measures needed to protect them. Masks would be advised for those who live with or care for a vulnerable person... NOT the general public... and we would assure those masks were NOT homemade but instead the best available.

If reality ruled then more people would know and understand viral load and what it means to spread than know what their local mask mandate is. Instead of completely ineffective things, restaurants, bars, offices, and other businesses involved activities in closed spaces without good air exchange would have been required to install effective air filtration or to use "positive" pressure like hospitals do before reopening.

If reality ruled, the rush to approve and deploy a personal "quick test" enabling someone to self-quarantine BEFORE becoming contagious would have had the same force as the effort to rush through vaccines... they may have limited effectiveness.

Reality has NEVER ruled the Covid narrative. It is a REAL virus and public health concern. But the reason we are in such a tremendous panic is PURELY the "perception" cultivated by a media narrative... by both sides of the large media outlets. FNC is every bit as guilty as anyone else in sensationalizing Covid.
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"Almost 800,000 people around the world have already died from COVID-19, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University and Microsoft MSFT, 0.72% co-founder Bill Gates predicts that “the worst is still ahead” and the death toll will ultimately rise by millions.

Emerging markets, where health-care systems and economies are already struggling, is where the pain will be most pronounced, he explained in a recent interview in the Economist.

But the U.S. is dealing with its own unique set of issues, as politics and conspiracy theories have contributed to what he said has been a disappointing response. Why? In the name of freedom.

‘We believe in freedom, individual freedom. We optimize for individual rights.’

According to Gates, Trump supporters have wielded “freedom” to make a political statement that continues to complicate the U.S. response to the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, for instance, is one way for them to signal their anger and resistance.

I don’t know what’s worse , Bill Gates talking about our “ Freedom” or you quoting BG talking about our freedom . Smh
Who is Luther?

If reality ruled over perception... there never would have been a shutdown. We would have never cancelled school last spring and would not be considering it now. We would have taken the information available even early on (that around 50% of victims are over 80, 90% are over 60, and almost all have other serious health problems) and designed measures to specifically protect those people. We would have leaders who calmly explained what makes someone vulnerable and personal measures needed to protect them. Masks would be advised for those who live with or care for a vulnerable person... NOT the general public... and we would assure those masks were NOT homemade but instead the best available.

If reality ruled then more people would know and understand viral load and what it means to spread than know what their local mask mandate is. Instead of completely ineffective things, restaurants, bars, offices, and other businesses involved activities in closed spaces without good air exchange would have been required to install effective air filtration or to use "positive" pressure like hospitals do before reopening.

If reality ruled, the rush to approve and deploy a personal "quick test" enabling someone to self-quarantine BEFORE becoming contagious would have had the same force as the effort to rush through vaccines... they may have limited effectiveness.

Reality has NEVER ruled the Covid narrative. It is a REAL virus and public health concern. But the reason we are in such a tremendous panic is PURELY the "perception" cultivated by a media narrative... by both sides of the large media outlets. FNC is every bit as guilty as anyone else in sensationalizing Covid.

Oh boy , I feel for you never been taught the continuum theory . Buckle up cowboy .
Knox County BOH extends 10pm curfew for bars.

Still no confirmed clusters due to bars being open. Nor any evidence covid becomes more active at 10:01.

I’ve read online that many bars are ignoring the mandate, which if true I fully support. As others have said, the virus isn’t aware of time and doesn’t magically appear after 10:00 pm.
You giving away all your billions to charity?

That's what I thought.

I don’t have billions or I would , keeps the nasty little government grabbers from getting it . Billionaires giving away money is like bees making honey , it happens every single day of the year . That in no way takes away from what I said . That same man would force the masses to take a vaccine by any means necessary if he could , simply because he thought we should . Bill Gates talking about freedom ... 😂
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"Almost 800,000 people around the world have already died from COVID-19, according to the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University and Microsoft MSFT, 0.72% co-founder Bill Gates predicts that “the worst is still ahead” and the death toll will ultimately rise by millions.

Emerging markets, where health-care systems and economies are already struggling, is where the pain will be most pronounced, he explained in a recent interview in the Economist.

But the U.S. is dealing with its own unique set of issues, as politics and conspiracy theories have contributed to what he said has been a disappointing response. Why? In the name of freedom.

‘We believe in freedom, individual freedom. We optimize for individual rights.’

According to Gates, Trump supporters have wielded “freedom” to make a political statement that continues to complicate the U.S. response to the pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, for instance, is one way for them to signal their anger and resistance.
And with all due respect to Gates... there is no PROOF that masks deployed the way they want will save a single life. It is NOT proven if or to what degree non-symptomatic people spread Covid. That is a matter of speculation based on controlled lab studies and a few anecdotes (repeated over and over). One of the most commonly cited ones even now is a German article that claimed a Chinese visitor was asymptomatic when she spread it to some Germans. The problem is they didn't actually contact her before publishing the article. When someone finally did contact her... she acknowledged that her symptoms started about the time she arrived in Germany.

I have worn PPE my whole career. It usually isn't comfortable. I've worn masks. They aren't comfortable and if effective controlling particles... will give most of us headaches. I'm not afraid of masks. I'm not opposed to masks in and of themselves. I simply want SOUND scientific PROOF that 1- I might spread the virus while having no symptoms and 2- a mask will significantly reduce the possibility of spread in environments where spread is likely... like an office or restaurant.

You also need to consider that Gates has a HUGE stake in vaccines. It benefits him to make Covid as scary as possible... since scared people are more likely to take the vaccine and scared politicians are more likely to pay for it.

The death toll WITH Covid will rise. Those who die will continue to be old and unhealthy. We will continue to see months... not years shaved off people's lives.

The current average Covid death age in the US is 78. US life expectancy entering this year was about 78.7. ANY significant movement in life expectancy will not be a direct result of Covid. However it could well be because of the suicides, substance abuse deaths, increased domestic violence, etc resulting from the response to Covid and the anxiety created by the media's narrative.

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