Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Masks are supposed to be a substitute for 6ft. So if you're wearing a mask you shouldn't need the 6ft. Attacking people for getting closer than 6ft from you on a public train is just being an *******. If it's so terrifying to you why are you here?

Actually, I think CDC advice is mask and 6ft. Not mask or 6 ft.

I could be wrong, because I was never interested enough.
I saw an article yesterday about still wearing your mask after being vaccinated, and the person said really masks should stay with us for good. Brilliant.
I agree, they should, per individual choice entirely. If you choose to wear one going forward then have at it. If you don’t then don’t. Businesses will have to decide for themselves.
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Wait a second, am I understanding this correctly? The strip appears to go on the outside of the mask and is designed to detect whether the user of the mask has COVID or not. Is that correct? If so, then why the hell would anyone think masks work? The virus would have to go through the mask to be detected. It’s yet another example of why this mask crap is complete BS.
Well also if the strip is on the outside and the mask does its job of absorbing outside Covid particles the strip is going to read positive, even if the person isnt sick themselves.
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I've only talked to 4 folks who have gotten the vaccine, and they've all had similar experience. One with Phizer, the others with Moderna, all with the second shot. Seems like this isn't getting a lot of publicity.

I recently got the virus and recovered. The CDC, the internet publishers, and a lot of doctors are saying infected folks should still get the vaccine. That just makes no sense to me. Reinfection is extremely rare. And if the vaccines work, so should infection immunity. I can't make sense of this. I don't want my ass kicked by a vaccine for no reason. Now I'm suspecting everywhere, including my employer, will likely require it. The world doesn't make sense anymore. It's just partisan stupidity. And it appears the doctors or science given a microphone are no better than politicians. Is everyone bought and paid for?
You can get the virus again later even if you’ve already had it but I have to think it would be less severe than the first time because your body has learned how to fight it so I agree, why get the vaccine? I’ve had the virus and have zero intent on getting the vaccine until forced. It’s coming though. To go to school, to fly, to attend certain functions, to step on Federal property, it’s all going to be mandated and more.
Well also if the strip is on the outside and the mask does its job of absorbing outside Covid particles the strip is going to read positive, even if the person isnt sick themselves.
Maybe I’m missing something in the design but, whether I am or not, masks are stupid and don’t stop transmission.
Glad you’re feeling better. I’m curious, are you doing anything differently now that you have both doses or are you behaving the same way (i.e. masks, distancing, in person meetings, etc.)?
Same masking practices as before, same aseptic/hygiene practices as well. Basically all the same practices that will protect others. The only thing that’s really different is less hesitancy to go out and be in public. Probably less anxiety about feeling the need to be tested over every headache or cough too.
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Finally got to see two Karen's going at it on the train.

Older white karen had been enforcing a 6' bubble around her since the ride started. She even warned me away even though I didnt get close. While later youngish black Karen gets on, and gets asked to maintain 6 feet.

Black karen freaks out and starts yelling at the white lady about racism. Whole trip between lindbergh and lenox. White karen flees.

As the sole other white person on the train I then became the focal point of racial derision for a while.

So what does the PC police of VN say, which Karen was right?
Both sound dumb to me.
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I love these old philosophical riddles. Which came first, chicken or egg? What's happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? And now, the cue de grace, which Karen is the morally superior Karen, Covid Karen or Social Justice Karen?

I vote for SJ Karen. Racism has been around longer. It is a movement which has penetrated deeply into the psyche and has become indistinguishable from one's own identity. Covid can shut down economies. Cries of racism can shut down thought. Furthermore, Covid fears will make others behave differently to increase the comfort of one person (Covid Karen, in this case). SJ Karen can make groups of people behave differently to increase the comfort of an entire demographic.
From Lindbergh to Lenox, SJ Karen 1. Covid Karen 0.
Nice analysis! I respectfully submit that cries of COVID also appear to shut down thought.
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I call BS. Where’s the “steam” over NYC, Chicago, Michigan, and others?
My thinking is cases are starting to come down.. Joe really wants to implement something...double masks...Europe flight ban...federal mask he can claim it was his strategy not the fact that we have been giving over 1 million vaccine doses per day as the reason
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My thinking is cases are starting to come down.. Joe really wants to implement something...double masks...Europe flight ban...federal mask he can claim it was his strategy not the fact that we have been giving over 1 million vaccine doses per day as the reason

I'm guessing cases are about to drop quickly. You're right, if they drop too quickly, how can he claim it was of his doing.
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He's been the highest paid for a long time. And that position probably should be. Now we can debate if he deserves that job. But he has served under many POTUS and no one has removed him. Including your lord and savior Donald J. Trump.

Why should an infectious disease guy be paid more than the President? More than the Surgeon General?
Along this note: I've now had 5 patients require hospitalization/ER treatment due to suicide attempt since the fall. That's an extremely worrisome number, like nothing our practice has ever seen.

Also, it could be coincidence, but I've had several newborns born to substance-abusing mothers recently. It will be interesting to see if this is another trend due to lockdowns, isolation, joblessness, anxiety/depression, stimulus money, etc.
Along this note: I've now had 5 patients require hospitalization/ER treatment due to suicide attempt since the fall. That's an extremely worrisome number, like nothing our practice has ever seen.

Also, it could be coincidence, but I've had several newborns born to substance-abusing mothers recently. It will be interesting to see if this is another trend due to lockdowns, isolation, joblessness, anxiety/depression, stimulus money, etc.
Those don't matter because they can't be used by the likes of Tony 2 masks and others for political purposes

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