Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

College wrestling?
You mean a sport full of germaphobes? I always laugh when people complain about wrestling still being allowed to go on. It is literally the cleanest sport because MRSA, staph, ringworm, and a bunch of other viruses/bacteria is a daily battle. No don't worry about wrestling we'll do what we always do and that's clean our mats before and after wrestling.
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Basketball is my favorite

I could start a whole list.

One is when I am maskless in a store and I see a couple give me a look. Really? You're terrified of this but thought it was ok for 2 of you to come to the store, thus doubling the chances of picking it up and taking it home. Hilarious.
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Here is the meta-analysis from the CDC quoting 70 years of evidence.

Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)
My favorite is that Duke analysis showing that masks are beyond useless and people are still citing that research as showing "masks work"
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My favorite is that Duke analysis showing that masks are beyond useless and people are still citing that research as showing "masks work"
I just wear a 6 pack of masks when I go out, the only thing is I have to put a couple of 3/4" PVC pipes on either side so I can breathe, Fauci told me 2 masks are better, so 6 have to be great.

That death was a month ago. I'd like to know the autopsy report. Seems fishy that it's only coming out now and there's still no autopsy report:

He said, “As of this point, we don’t have any proven documentation that [Moore’s death] was from the [COVID] vaccine.”

“The autopsy results could take up to 14 weeks,” he added. This is due to a broader “ongoing investigation.”

“They’re actually investigating her husband as well … just in case there is any type of foul play whatsoever,” Gregory concluded.
I just wear a 6 pack of masks when I go out, the only thing is I have to put a couple of 3/4" PVC pipes on either side so I can breathe, Fauci told me 2 masks are better, so 6 have to be great.

I love roller coasters. Been doing them since I was a kid. Took the family to 6 flags for christmas and it was about 50 outside. I got so damn nauseous it wasnt even funny. Had to wear the damn mask all day and was getting more and more light headed as we walked around.

They go to a 2 mask mandate in parks etc and I am literally out. This is just getting stupid.
I love roller coasters. Been doing them since I was a kid. Took the family to 6 flags for christmas and it was about 50 outside. I got so damn nauseous it wasnt even funny. Had to wear the damn mask all day and was getting more and more light headed as we walked around.

They go to a 2 mask mandate in parks etc and I am literally out. This is just getting stupid.

Do you have some sort of condition?
That death was a month ago. I'd like to know the autopsy report. Seems fishy that it's only coming out now and there's still no autopsy report:
Aren't most car wreck deaths caused by covid? I don't see why falling off a building or being run over by a car wouldn't be caused by covid vaccine. I mean which one brings in the most money?
I tried the gaiter things initially but switched to the disposable ones after a couple days at parks. They are easier for me. Doesn't really bother me to wear them all day unless it's in the 90s. I still did it lots of days in parks, though.

I'm glad to take them off when I'm walking out.
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No. I run 40 minutes a day and am in peak condition.

I am extremely active.

The mask make me light headed though and over heat.

Edit. I switched to a disposal one that day and started to feel better but the hard cloth ones we grabbed at Walmart on the way were killing me.

Hell, I feel nauseated whenever I do roller coasters and that has nothing to do with masks...
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Here is the meta-analysis from the CDC quoting 70 years of evidence.

Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)
But not the science they want
I tried the gaiter things initially but switched to the disposable ones after a couple days at parks. They are easier for me. Doesn't really bother me to wear them all day unless it's in the 90s. I still did it lots of days in parks, though.

I'm glad to take them off when I'm walking out.

The disposables are much better for breathing. Totally agree.
I tried the gaiter things initially but switched to the disposable ones after a couple days at parks. They are easier for me. Doesn't really bother me to wear them all day unless it's in the 90s. I still did it lots of days in parks, though.

I'm glad to take them off when I'm walking out.

Good to have u back...Now throw them jorts in the next bonfire.
True, but to the point of spiting one's own prosperity, law, and freedom? I just cannot believe that only a few years after 911 and support for the NYPD that the electorate elected someone who disrepected the NYPD so much. They were heroes and suddenly became villians?
Orange Man bad... that says it all. They are willing to burn down the entire country to get rid of him.
It's just common sense to wear a mask in any form of shared transit. The only reason a person would not and complain is in some shared identity to the nonsense that was Trump's idiotic claim that the virus is no biggie.
Why? I have antibodies. Can't give it, can't get it.
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Why is the government wasting time and money trying to impeach a private citizen?
Because the thought of him running in 2024 terrifies them, which is actually stupid because they would win as his candidacy would splinter the Republican party. But the left is a deranged bunch.

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