Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Disparities glaring in vaccines given to 75 and older

So here's a good lesson in statistics and common sense.
In early data of vaccination rates among people 75 and over, so few Latino people have been vaccinated their percentage of the whole is 0.4%.
According to U.S. Census data, Latinos make up 6% of the population in Shelby County, but the real number is believed to be as high as 10%.
Now, the mouth breather writing the article is basically taking the position that 0.4%<6.0%=racism.
But what age group of Hispanics are typically found in this area of the country? If these are people coming into this country for work, do you really expect an equal distribution of 75+ people? Why would they be coming along?
Based on 2010 census data, 6% of the US population is 75 or older. So even if we assume that the Hispanic population in TN follows this distribution (which is incredibly unlikely) we would expect 6.0%*.6.0%= 0.36% of those vaccinated to be Hispanic. According to the article their percentage is 0.4%.

People rage about calling things fake news, but the fact of the matter is you have a lot of low intelligence people masquerading as journalists that while perhaps well intentioned are delivering garbage to your TV and computer and calling it news.
This is honestly the biggest bunch of ******** I've encountered in 20 years of practicing medicine. Who do these idiots think they are?

The vaccine is c. 95% effective (like most other great vaccines).

People who have recovered from infection have proven immunity for at least 6-8 months (given the most recent research).

Why the hell would we wear masks and avoid each other after either of the above? Does anyone have an actual functioning brain?

I have a serious question for you and anyone else who wishes to chime in. How will we know when we've reached herd immunity? What is the factual standard for it? Obviously there will always be some C19 cases. At what point can we claim we've reached herd immunity?
Daily cases down half compared to 1st of January....more people have been vaccinated than tested positive....Trump and Operation Warp Speed saved the world...he should get a Nobel Prize or three

This is the part I'm having a hard time figuring out:

“[It] means you had such a good immune response to the first dose and now you are seeing the effects of that,” Dr. Drew Weissman, an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania, told Science in November.

And don’t worry if you miss out on the joy that is cold sweats and achy bones, experts say. No immune system is like the other, so some people may not experience side effects at all, even though their bodies are working just as hard.

If it's a good thing to have an immune response so strong that it makes your bones sore then why isn't it a bad thing when it doesn't?
Jesus. First WND? Really? Second, you can't just walk into a Covid floor or ICU right now. She's filming nonsense. How do you fall for this? It like walking into the waiting room and demanding to see Covid patients
So then naturally you have proof otherwise....
So then naturally you have proof otherwise....
England no. But my mom passed away in late October. Couldn't access any Covid or ICU floor without security escort. That was the procedure at two different Emory hospitals. And only when they thought she was going to pass was that allowed. We got to see her a handful of times. Each time though it was when they did not think she would survive a procedure. I suspect it's the same over there.
England no. But my mom passed away in late October. Couldn't access any Covid or ICU floor without security escort. That was the procedure at two different Emory hospitals. And only when they thought she was going to pass was that allowed. We got to see her a handful of times. Each time though it was when they did not think she would survive a procedure. I suspect it's the same over there.
I'm sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace.
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My friend's Grandmother was vaccinated last Tuesday. She died on Friday. She was healthy except for dementia (6 yrs).
The hospital classified her cause of death as Covid.

If you ask me, that's bull **** times two.

And people wonder why the so called “total number of COVID deaths” is complete BS.
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