Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Seven of the first eight stories on cnn’s site actually have “Trump” in the headline.
My life goal is to one day be playing golf in the sun and have 7 front page stories about me on CNN. I'm really going to have to work on my swing to get there, though.
Gonna have to tally up the Biden/Harris Covid death numbers later. Probably nearing or exceeding Dachau numbers and it ain't even been a month.

Or bats , tiger penis’s , or rhino horns . Apparently China is full of hillbilly’s that will eat anything also .
When you have 1.2 billion people to feed, you gotta get calories wherever you can. That said, any so called civilization that allows the roasting of live doggos and their consumption is beyond the pale and should be condemned in the STONGEST possible terms
This is one specific case. As I said I may be able to support him this time, while still recognizing that theres a possibility for wrong doing, and thus a need for the rules.

What do you think happens to this doctor, outside the legal, if people found out he was giving away "spoiled" drugs.
C'mon man. You know that isn't remotely the issue here
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Isnt this borderline obstruction of justice? Didn’t the US Congress impeach the sitting President the first attempt over an an allegation of such?
Asking for a country I know......
People are already calling for criminal indictments all the way up to Cuomo. That isn’t surprising as it’s all political theater. But I’m this case yeah it screams of obstruction. And perhaps opens the avenue to a good deal of wrongful death suits against NY state.
People are already calling for criminal indictments all the way up to Cuomo. That isn’t surprising as it’s all political theater. But I’m this case yeah it screams of obstruction. And perhaps opens the avenue to a good deal of wrongful death suits against NY state.
This one may actually result in charges because I think Kamala Harris sees a need to make sure Cuomo does not run against her in 2024. The Democrats WILL actually investigate and punish their own if it is necessary to protect their own candidacy. This becomes GOT type stuff now inside the DNC. Get your popcorn ready. Of course MOST of it will be threats behind the scenes. My thought is that Cuomo didn’t promise not to run so now he has to be „persuaded more directly „
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Can I do the same for fox and OANN? Seriously you are eating a crap sandwich. No better then what you complain about.
OAN is admittedly a ring-wing site. CNN claims to be "the most trusted name in news." Fox will report all news even with a slightly right spin. CNN is FAR-left. If they can't spin it, they ignore it all together. They are no better than the National Enquirer.
There was a lockdown in Texas? The schools switched to online classes. Maybe the 12 year old had underlying mental health issues. maybe he watched something on Youtube. I mean we have been in a pandemic since March. You can't fault the government for a 12 year old killing himself.
Just one example. And it would take time to have an impact. Maybe, maybe not.

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