Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That's all she does. I refuse to believe she can be as stupid as she comes across and still function in the real world.

Absolutely she trolls and I'll explain. Look at all the threads she starts merely by posting a link to something. There's no commentary on her part. She doesn't claim to agree or disagree. Doesn't offer to begin a discussion. She just throws it up there and sits back to see what happens next. That's a dead giveaway that we have a troll in our midst.

I respect differing points of view. Make your point. Back it up with facts, links and let's have a debate...but just throwing up a Twitter that says "your guy sucks" or Orange Man Bad and nothing else is 100% trolling...
Is the stud speaking or being spoken for? Why would such a stud not make their own statements?

Ok I just listened and she places blame on the former admin. Blame for things they originally said were impossible but now weren't enough

The old "I take full responsibility but it's not my fault" response - very studly
Absolutely she trolls and I'll explain. Look at all the threads she starts merely by posting a link to something. There's no commentary on her part. She doesn't claim to agree or disagree. Doesn't offer to begin a discussion. She just throws it up there and sits back to see what happens next. That's a dead giveaway that we have a troll in our midst.

I respect differing points of view. Make your point. Back it up with facts, links and let's have a debate...but just throwing up a Twitter that says "your guy sucks" or Orange Man Bad and nothing else is 100% trolling...
Which is exactly what LG does. If anyone thinks these 2 are different posters you need to be examined by a physician.
Lol no they won't. EL has been negative on him. LG and Luther have been silent. Except for the time LG was commenting on how much better Cuomo was on this then Trump. Haha.
Luther never comments on any thread that shows his previous party being wrong, evil or stupid
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That's not an example. That is the parents exploiting the kid killing himself, whether by accident or on purpose. Texas called a State of Emergency in March. In a month, he was so distraught by a pandemic that he killed himself. Hell, Texas was never really locked down.
Good thing you’ve never supported stories of family members exploiting the death of someone committing a criminal act like this kid did
I'll give an update on my vaccine experience. I got the second dose of Moderna a little over two days ago (Fri AM). Very few problems that day. The next day I woke up with a fairly sore arm. It was very difficult to lift it above my shoulder. 36 hrs after the shot I was getting mild body aches. 48 hrs later I woke up at about 98% . Body aches dissipated after a good night's sleep. Arm is ever so slightly tight when I lift it above shoulder. All in all none of these side effects were a big deal. None of it affected my activities. Despite the horror stories you hear about shot #2, research shows that only about 20% have those severe issues. Hence I'm in the 80%. My wife had even fewer problems than I did. There was no fever or lethargy. Shot one gave me no issues whatsoever. It was like they gave me a placebo.
2nd shot has stronger amount of proteins which caused the arm pain
I think my favorite argument about Trump from some people is that nothing he could've/would've done would have mattered. That's not true. The words and actions of any president have a reverberating effect throughout government and the country.
Then they are placing too much trust in politicians. Grain of salt thing.
What could go wrong? Russia scientists 'are trying to Extract Prehistoric Viruses from 50,000-year-old animal carcasses frozen in permafrost'

Russia is seeking to unlock unknown prehistoric viruses up to 50,000 years old by extracting biological material from carcasses of ancient animals frozen in permafrost.

Scientists from the Kremlin's equivalent of Porton Down are this week taking samples from a collection of specimens preserved in ice which have been found in recent years.

They are working with the remains of extinct woolly mammoths and hairy rhinos, as well as prehistoric dogs, horses, elk, rodents and hares.

The work is spearheaded by Vector State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology, once a Cold War biological warfare research plant established by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.

Russia scientists 'are trying to extract prehistoric viruses from 50,000-year-old animal caracasses' | Daily Mail Online
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