Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This is extra precious. A paralegal lecturing a doctor on medicine.


If he wants to argue herd immunity, he needs to explain outer Queens and Brooklyn, which continue to get beat like a Butch Jones-led team, even though they've been smacked throughout the pandemic. Those neighborhoods, if any, should be showing signs of herd immunity, and they haven't yet.
If he wants to argue herd immunity, he needs to explain outer Queens and Brooklyn, which continue to get beat like a Butch Jones-led team, even though they've been smacked throughout the pandemic. Those neighborhoods, if any, should be showing signs of herd immunity, and they haven't yet.
Look at Texas. Look how low our rates are. Look at the current active cases. We have Houston and DFW sister. How can a bunch of slack jaw red hatters ignoring the lock downs and gold standard be doing so well sister!
If he wants to argue herd immunity, he needs to explain outer Queens and Brooklyn, which continue to get beat like a Butch Jones-led team, even though they've been smacked throughout the pandemic. Those neighborhoods, if any, should be showing signs of herd immunity, and they haven't yet.
So, what's happened everywhere else, including most other countries, magic? There are now countless resources (some of which I've provided, and you have failed to comment on) supporting the idea that we are closing in on HIT. Most every colleague I've discussed this with agrees.

I know you're the expert here, given your hospital affiliations and experience treating CV19 infections, but can you just open your damn eyes?
Look at Texas. Look how low our rates are. Look at the current active cases. We have Houston and DFW sister. How can a bunch of slack jaw red hatters ignoring the lock downs and gold standard be doing so well sister!

Irrelevant to the claim of herd immunity. If you're going to argue that America is approaching herd immunity to explain the decrease in cases (which bit him in the arse this summer when he made the claim), you should be seeing definitive signs of it in the hardest hit areas (Corona, sheepshead bay, south Brooklyn, the Hasidic portions of Williamsburg). But nope, those areas are higher than lilly white manhattan and the richer queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods where masking is better and density is less.

Most are predicting a final, modest wave still.
So, what's happened everywhere else, including most other countries, magic? There are now countless resources (some of which I've provided, and you have failed to comment on) supporting the idea that we are closing in on HIT. Most every colleague I've discussed this with agrees.

I know you're the expert here, given your hospital affiliations and experience treating CV19 infections, but can you just open your damn eyes?

Scientists try to explain the phenomenon they're presented with. Please explain outer Brooklyn and Queens. Herd immunity is one of the competing explanations on offer. I have presented a counterexample suggesting that maybe herd immunity is not what's doing the work because if it were, the worst hit neighborhoods would at this point be showing substantial signs of improvement and theyre not.

Does the theory account for the data? If it doesn't, modify the theory or move on to the next theory. This is science 101.
Irrelevant to the claim of herd immunity. If you're going to argue that America is approaching herd immunity to explain the decrease in cases (which bit him in the arse this summer when he made the claim), you should be seeing definitive signs of it in the hardest hit areas (Corona, sheepshead bay, south Brooklyn, the Hasidic portions of Williamsburg). But nope, those areas are higher than lilly white manhattan and the richer queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods where masking is better and density is less.

Most are predicting a final, modest wave still.
No it isn’t it reinforces it. Houston abd DFW are two major population centers.

How long before the idiot De Blasio shut down the damn subway sister? DFW and Houston both have metro public transport but not like the density on the subway.

You idiots are doing this to yourselves.
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Still tons of cases in NYC (over 4000/per day on average recently). Running 7-day average positivity rate is around 7%. The neighborhoods with the highest positivity rates are ... those that have already been hard hit (outer Brooklyn, outer Queens, Bronx). NYC is not showing signs of herd immunity yet. Ergo, the US is not showing signs either.

Ok. So you’re comparing population densities of NYC with the rest of the country? Total cases in NYC are about 750000. Out of 8 mil. So if 5x have had it, that’s 3.7 mil. Another 600k have both doses. So...4.3 mil have “immunity” out of 8 mil. Immunity is at 70% which is 5.6mil.

So yeah. People are still gonna get it. But in fact NYC is still “approaching” herd immunity.

Sorry for the numbers. I know they don’t appeal to emotion so well.
So, what's happened everywhere else, including most other countries, magic? There are now countless resources (some of which I've provided, and you have failed to comment on) supporting the idea that we are closing in on HIT. Most every colleague I've discussed this with agrees.

I know you're the expert here, given your hospital affiliations and experience treating CV19 infections, but can you just open your damn eyes?

Not these experts.

When will the US reach herd immunity? - CNN

But I'm sure you and your pediatrician buddies are more qualified than these guys to opine on when we'll hit herd immunity

Dr. Arturo Casadevall, chair of molecular microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins University;
Justin Lessler, associate professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University;
Jessica Malaty Rivera, science communications lead at the COVID Tracking Project;
Dr. Aneesh Mehta, of the Emory Vaccine Center; and
Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.
Not these experts.

When will the US reach herd immunity? - CNN

But I'm sure you and your pediatrician buddies are more qualified than these guys to opine on when we'll hit herd immunity

Dr. Arturo Casadevall, chair of molecular microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins University;
Justin Lessler, associate professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University;
Jessica Malaty Rivera, science communications lead at the COVID Tracking Project;
Dr. Aneesh Mehta, of the Emory Vaccine Center; and
Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

What about other Stanford and JHU docs that have challenged them? Are they irrelevant because they don’t fit your views?
What about other Stanford and JHU docs that have challenged them? Are they irrelevant because they don’t fit your views?

Who are the Stanford ones challenging this, scott atlas?

And cases are starting to go up again in many european countries (italy, france, and germany, for example). We know respiratory viruses come in waves. We're coming down from a wave. We've done this twice before. Just because you come down from a wave doesn't mean you're demonstrating herd immunity.
Who are the Stanford ones challenging this, scott atlas?

And cases are starting to go up again in many european countries (italy, france, and germany, for example). We know respiratory viruses come in waves. We're coming down from a wave. We've done this twice before. Just because you come down from a wave doesn't mean you're demonstrating herd immunity.

you refuse to understand the endpoint is herd immunity regardless of how we get there. We are always approaching it. It’s the endpoint whether by contracting the disease or by vaccination. So maybe there will be another wave/surge, and it will be unfortunate. But we will continue to approach the endpoint.

As for other scientists/physicians/experts...just try googling and reading outside your comfort zone. There are plenty.
It looks like estimates for the numbers of Americans infected with COVID is a little over 70 million, which is a little over 1/5 of the population. That's a long ways from herd immunity.

New machine-learning algorithm estimates number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.

CDC says 83 million. Plus another 25mil vaccinated. So that’s 1/3. Low end of herd immunity is 66%. Half way there and many more vaccines ready to go.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if current leaders had been advocating for vaccination 6 months ago instead of questioning it?? Maybe more people would want it.
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It looks like estimates for the numbers of Americans infected with COVID is a little over 70 million, which is a little over 1/5 of the population. That's a long ways from herd immunity.

New machine-learning algorithm estimates number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.
Texas has halved its active cases since early January. We are at just under 200k down
from 400k active cases now. This includes the fifth and seventh largest metropolitan areas in the country.

Maybe NYC should get rid of about 2/3 of its people. Or learn to stay the hell away from each other huh?
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you refuse to understand the endpoint is herd immunity regardless of how we get there. We are always approaching it. It’s the endpoint whether by contracting the disease or by vaccination. So maybe there will be another wave/surge, and it will be unfortunate. But we will continue to approach the endpoint.

As for other scientists/physicians/experts...just try googling and reading outside your comfort zone. There are plenty.

By that reasoning, we've been "approaching" herd immunity since the first case (one down, 300 million more to go). No one is arguing for that definition of "approaching."

When we're arguing about whether the precipitous drop in cases can be explained by us approaching herd immunity, we're asking whether we're starting to see signs the virus is declining because it can no longer find susceptible hosts in sufficient numbers to continue to spread and is basically running into a dead end beyond its current hosts. Obviously, there's some of this right now. If I would have originally given covid to 5 people and that's now down to 4 because so many have already had it, that shows some effect of immunity acquired through previous spread but that's not approaching immunity in the sense that the virus is no longer able to find susceptible hosts. There are still plenty of susceptible hosts out there. There won't be a whole lot of dead ends for the virus for several more months.
CDC says 83 million. Plus another 25mil vaccinated. So that’s 1/3. Low end of herd immunity is 66%. Half way there and many more vaccines ready to go.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if current leaders had been advocating for vaccination 6 months ago instead of questioning it?? Maybe more people would want it.

You can't simply add 83 to 25. If 25% of the population already had Covid, then some percentage of those vaccinated already had it as well. While it is probably less than 25% of those vaccinated, it's still a substantial number.
By that reasoning, we've been "approaching" herd immunity since the first case (one down, 300 million more to go). No one is arguing for that definition of "approaching."

When we're arguing about whether the precipitous drop in cases can be explained by us approaching herd immunity, we're asking whether we're starting to see signs the virus is declining because it can no longer find susceptible hosts in sufficient numbers to continue to spread and is basically running into a dead end beyond its current hosts. Obviously, there's some of this right now. If I would have originally given covid to 5 people and that's now down to 4 because so many have already had it, that shows some effect of immunity acquired through previous spread but that's not approaching immunity in the sense that the virus is no longer able to find susceptible hosts. There are still plenty of susceptible hosts out there. There won't be a whole lot of dead ends for the virus for several more months.

You literally just described what’s going on. First of all, your number is probably quite high. Most would say that a person with Covid will infect 2-4 other people. You’re number of five is quite on the high side. But, you are correct. The whole point is that the virus has less hosts now than it did a year ago when there was only case #1. So there will probably be one last wave/surge as we head into the next two months. But, again, if the new administration can be successful at changing their previous negative view of vaccination, then things will hopefully be looking better by mid to late spring.
You can't simply add 83 to 25. If 25% of the population already had Covid, then some percentage of those vaccinated already had it as well. While it is probably less than 25% of those vaccinated, it's still a substantial number.

I do agree. But 83mil is less than 3x the number of confirmed cases. The CDC itself says the number of actual cases could be as high as 5x those confirmed. So let’s start at 150mil confirmed cases and add the 25mil vaccinated. Then we’re over 50%!!!
Highest number of new hospitalizations in over two weeks (since February 11th) yesterday. There are rumblings it could be variants.

Trump vaccine saves the day. Nice. Sadly, PedoJoe still killed over 100,000 Americans in less than 2 months.
You're back on the "we're approaching herd immunity" train? That worked out well for you this summer, didn't it?

And NYC is a huge counterexample to that theory right now. If anyplace has/is approaching herd immunity it should be NYC. But it ain't.

Lots of democrats in NYC which explains the drop being that big. Covid-19 is like the viral form of the National Anthem and a White Heterosexual nuclear family for democrats.

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