Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Scientists try to explain the phenomenon they're presented with. Please explain outer Brooklyn and Queens. Herd immunity is one of the competing explanations on offer. I have presented a counterexample suggesting that maybe herd immunity is not what's doing the work because if it were, the worst hit neighborhoods would at this point be showing substantial signs of improvement and theyre not.

Does the theory account for the data? If it doesn't, modify the theory or move on to the next theory. This is science 101.
Due to population and density, New York City is the most unrepresentative area you could analyze to describe the rest of the U.S. (and most of the world, for that matter). As to why there is still appreciable transmission is some neighborhoods, the explanation is simple: not enough people have recovered from infection or received the vaccine to reach that area's HIT. This is not a surprise, at all, as 1) NY has used some of the strictest lockdown measures in the country, and 2) HIT % is higher with a dense population.

There. Now, you do the rest of the country.

There's no reason to argue about this. Let's just enjoy the dramatic improvement and get back to normal life.

I swear: it's like some people actually WANT for everything to remain awful.
Due to population and density, New York City is the most unrepresentative area you could analyze to describe the rest of the U.S. (and most of the world, for that matter). As to why there is still appreciable transmission is some neighborhoods, the explanation is simple: not enough people have recovered from infection or received the vaccine to reach that area's HIT. This is not a surprise, at all, as 1) NY has used some of the strictest lockdown measures in the country, and 2) HIT % is higher with a dense population.

There. Now, you do the rest of the country.

There's no reason to argue about this. Let's just enjoy the dramatic improvement and get back to normal life.

I swear: it's like some people actually WANT for everything to remain awful.

Maybe if you could Tweet this, she might get it....??????
Due to population and density, New York City is the most unrepresentative area you could analyze to describe the rest of the U.S. (and most of the world, for that matter). As to why there is still appreciable transmission is some neighborhoods, the explanation is simple: not enough people have recovered from infection or received the vaccine to reach that area's HIT. This is not a surprise, at all, as 1) NY has used some of the strictest lockdown measures in the country, and 2) HIT % is higher with a dense population.

There. Now, you do the rest of the country.

There's no reason to argue about this. Let's just enjoy the dramatic improvement and get back to normal life.

I swear: it's like some people actually WANT for everything to remain awful.

It's so they can feel like they get to be on an even playing field with successful people, and those that don't live miserable lives.
Due to population and density, New York City is the most unrepresentative area you could analyze to describe the rest of the U.S. (and most of the world, for that matter). As to why there is still appreciable transmission is some neighborhoods, the explanation is simple: not enough people have recovered from infection or received the vaccine to reach that area's HIT. This is not a surprise, at all, as 1) NY has used some of the strictest lockdown measures in the country, and 2) HIT % is higher with a dense population.

There. Now, you do the rest of the country.

There's no reason to argue about this. Let's just enjoy the dramatic improvement and get back to normal life.

I swear: it's like some people actually WANT for everything to remain awful.

Science doesn't work by saying I have a theory, now prove me wrong and if you don't my theory is right. It takes the data as presented and tries to find a theory to accommodate it. The theory that best explains the data is accepted until another theory comes along that better explains it. A theory doesn't obtain credence until it can explain the data. Your herd immunity theory hasn't explained s**t yet.

The poorest NYC have the highest antibody rates in NYC (well north of 30% ... as of this summer!) yet continue to show a high level of community spread. All age groups in NYC are now testing at over 30% with antibodies ... and those numbers include all the rich neighborhoods where infection rates have never been out of control. Can you show me parts of Texas that have higher rates than Corona Queens, which is likely over 50% at this point, yet still testing out around 10% positive on daily COVID tests.

The European experience tells us that a moderate third wave will likely come (see Germany, Italy and France's current trend line). That's why it's great that Joe is crushing it on vaccine distribution. The more shots in arms we get, the greater likelihood we have to mitigate or even avoid that third wave.
You miss the point. Trump gave mixed messages and often undermined his own message and experts while simultaneously asking us to follow them.

If nothing else and all things being equal - the current administration isn't shooting itself in the foot by doing the same.
Yeah they did. Before Jan 20th but after their election win they were saying Trump shouldnt push put the vaccines. That it was irresponsible for him to do so. Now you have blatant shills like evil parading that Biden has distributed a drug Trump approved, and bought, and had begun distributing himself.

Remember Bidens plan to get distribution up to a million a day, but Trump was already doing that? Oops. Or Biden admitting he had no plan to change the curve, after campaigning on that very fact. Oops.
Look at Texas. Look how low our rates are. Look at the current active cases. We have Houston and DFW sister. How can a bunch of slack jaw red hatters ignoring the lock downs and gold standard be doing so well sister!
Take a chill pill homie y'all can't even keep the lights on.
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All those vaccines were produced while Trump was President. It takes 60 days to produce a vaccine. What's your point?
One things for sure. After sister evil’s blind PR campaign on Biden and vaccines over the last two days she vacates applying any “cult” label on any thing going forward. Dang I wish Apple had a female clown emoji 🤡

This is where I break from the rest of the libs. I got my kids in private school 5 days a week. There have been two very minor issues with parents getting sick and their children had to quarantine and test negative twice before returning to school. No students have tested positive. Otherwise no serious concern, but the school is super strict on class size, distancing and mask wearing. And the parents are not covidiots and abide by all school rules, including at home temperature checks before drop off and temperature checks at drop off.

I think get the teachers all vaccinated and open schools back up with intelligent precautions and provide some city-wide options for kids who want to continue to go remote. At this point, whether the kid stays remote should be a parental decision, not a teachers union decision.
This is where I break from the rest of the libs. I got my kids in private school 5 days a week. There have been two very minor issues with parents getting sick and their children had to quarantine and test negative twice before returning to school. No students have tested positive. Otherwise no serious concern, but the school is super strict on class size, distancing and mask wearing. And the parents are not covidiots and abide by all school rules, including at home temperature checks before drop off and temperature checks at drop off.

I think get the teachers all vaccinated and open schools back up with intelligent precautions and provide some city-wide options for kids who want to continue to go remote. At this point, whether the kid stays remote should be a parental decision, not a teachers union decision.

That's a scary thought.
I love how back in November it was don't take the vaccine, it's rushed and not gonna work. To now that Biden is in office, you must take the vaccine but we can't go back to normal life blah blah blah.

Go find where I said I wouldn't take a vaccine approved during the Trump administration. I was certainly opposed to the administration strong arming the FDA to approve something if the FDA, in its own judgment, wasn't ready to approve it yet. But the Pfizer vaccine was largely developed without Trump intrusion, so I had no qualms with it.
Science doesn't work by saying I have a theory, now prove me wrong and if you don't my theory is right. It takes the data as presented and tries to find a theory to accommodate it. The theory that best explains the data is accepted until another theory comes along that better explains it. A theory doesn't obtain credence until it can explain the data. Your herd immunity theory hasn't explained s**t yet.

The poorest NYC have the highest antibody rates in NYC (well north of 30% ... as of this summer!) yet continue to show a high level of community spread. All age groups in NYC are now testing at over 30% with antibodies ... and those numbers include all the rich neighborhoods where infection rates have never been out of control. Can you show me parts of Texas that have higher rates than Corona Queens, which is likely over 50% at this point, yet still testing out around 10% positive on daily COVID tests.

The European experience tells us that a moderate third wave will likely come (see Germany, Italy and France's current trend line). That's why it's great that Joe is crushing it on vaccine distribution. The more shots in arms we get, the greater likelihood we have to mitigate or even avoid that third wave.

KD is free to correct me but it's my impression that he's saying that we're approaching herd immunity as a country. Certain pockets experiencing spikes in a country like this is consistent with his "theory."

I found this interesting re: the flu, from 2018. It could be written today by replacing flu with C19. Just goes to show that fearmongering is nothing new

Healthy? Here’s Why You Need the Flu Shot.
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This is where I break from the rest of the libs. I got my kids in private school 5 days a week. There have been two very minor issues with parents getting sick and their children had to quarantine and test negative twice before returning to school. No students have tested positive. Otherwise no serious concern, but the school is super strict on class size, distancing and mask wearing. And the parents are not covidiots and abide by all school rules, including at home temperature checks before drop off and temperature checks at drop off.

I think get the teachers all vaccinated and open schools back up with intelligent precautions and provide some city-wide options for kids who want to continue to go remote. At this point, whether the kid stays remote should be a parental decision, not a teachers union decision.
Why do you have your kids in private school sister? Not very woke of you, you don’t need that private school.
Go find where I said I wouldn't take a vaccine approved during the Trump administration. I was certainly opposed to the administration strong arming the FDA to approve something if the FDA, in its own judgment, wasn't ready to approve it yet. But the Pfizer vaccine was largely developed without Trump intrusion, so I had no qualms with it.
Show me where I said you said this? I do recall a few on here saying they wouldn't take it but now you guys are all giddy and ready to do your part. I've had my shots EL, have you?

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