Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Typical liberal intern, ignoring anything outside the echo chamber. Gonna bring up Seattle's "success" or lack thereof again?
Remember, the left held up- and still holds up- Cuomo as the 'gold standard' (not my words) of coronavirus management.
Where have you been? Many articles have been posted on this very site explaining how the drop is due to immunity and how other explanations just don't cut it. Here's the most recent from a professor at Stanford:

Herd immunity, vaccines, masks and distancing could end COVID pandemic

Do your homework and do better at keeping up. We shouldn't have to repeat post these things for your remedial mind
You're replying as if you believe el is sincere about information, discussion, and understanding. He isn't. el's sole purpose is to aggravate. It's a good purpose as it generates a lot of conversation.
Remember, the left held up- and still holds up- Cuomo as the 'gold standard' (not my words) of coronavirus management.
Imagine... It's like everything they do ends up kicking them in the dick. It's all self inflicted so I couldn't care less about their gripes.
Where have you been? Many articles have been posted on this very site explaining how the drop is due to immunity and how other explanations just don't cut it. Here's the most recent from a professor at Stanford:

Herd immunity, vaccines, masks and distancing could end COVID pandemic

Do your homework and do better at keeping up. We shouldn't have to repeat post these things for your remedial mind
The seroprevalence data does not support his extrapolation about the number of people who have been infected.
The seroprevalence data does not support his extrapolation about the number of people who have been infected.

Take your gripe up with the CDC:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about eight people have been infected for each documented case. Other estimates show that the 8-1 ratio is too high and have suggested that it is really 5 to 1 or 6 to 1, while others say it could be as high as 10 to 1. Let’s use a conservative estimate of 6 to 1.

Next time back up your statements with facts and sources. That's what I've done for you. If you don't like 6:1, what's your ratio?

What's your explanation for the decrease in cases?
Take your gripe up with the CDC:

Next time back up your statements with facts and sources. That's what I've done for you. If you don't like 6:1, what's your ratio?

What's your explanation for the decrease in cases?
Again, this is all why I've given up, even knowing he/she/it was going to take the 'blah blah you got nothing' line. As a reminder, in a discussion about the $15 minimum wage in Seattle, I shared a pair of literal academic studies from the U. of Washington showing the impacts and the response was a link to a Vox article directly contradicting the academic studies. The schtick is getting old.
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Especially the quote about the causes in drops being the effects of herd immunity kicking in.

Can't wait for the Vox or Atlantic link to tell us how a university health department is wrong.
Yes. A quote pointing to herd immunity ... by an epidemiologist also. But no professionals are claiming herd immunity as having a significant impact yet 🤡
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You're replying as if you believe el is sincere about information, discussion, and understanding. He isn't. el's sole purpose is to aggravate. It's a good purpose as it generates a lot of conversation.
She also provides a focus for well deserved mocking and ridicule.
Why is the left so scared of the term “herd immunity”?
LOL Because it is a natural occurrence for the most part. That means it is something they don't control. They MUST have control over every aspect of your life, and will do ANYTHING to have it.
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OK, your article so let's discuss. It gives 4 reasons for the drop and two of those are "herd immunity". Immunizations and natural immunity are the two components of herd immunity.

They try to sell "seasonality" as a reason and even this author can't justify that. They admit that most models did not predict a drop in Feb. They go on to talk about the lack of Vit D and how respiratory viruses tend to thrive in the Winter scratch that one

Their fourth excuse doesn't even pass the giggle test. You'd have to believe that mask wearing was significantly different in mid-January than it was previously.

So, yeah, for the most part, your own article supports the herd immunity theory for this decline
Watching EL constantly embarrass himself in this thread is pure gold. All of his cronies have abandoned him. He is the little gold fish in a pond full of sharks. 😂😂😂🤣

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