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Great, thanks. Was posting quickly on a break between patients.

Another example of why we shouldn't rely on "perceived risk" in medicine: through clinical trials and upon introduction, the Rotashield vaccine appeared very safe. It wasn't until widespread administration that the adverse effect of intussusception was detected, which proved to be more dangerous in infants than the rotavirus infection, itself.

In conditions where the morbidity and mortality rates are high in a certain age/health demographic, it is ethical and often advisable to tolerate a certain amount of unknown risk with a novel treatment. See: trial protocols for advanced or difficult cancers, antiviral/steroid/plasma trials for hospitalized adults with CV19, etc.

However, the complication rate and mortality with the virus in young people are very low. I find it completely understandable that many people are not willing to accept the unknown risk, which could eventually prove to be equal to or higher than the risk from natural infection.

This is all true... but the highlighted portion could also just as easily be the inverse.

I’m certainly not for mandating vaccines or anything like that, I’m just for people making decisions based on the best information that isn’t slanted for one reason or another.
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Do you choose to ignore what I said or is it automatic?
Yeah you are saying we should go with the science and get the vaccine, but then turn around and admit there are no hard numbers.

Which, imo, means not getting the vaccine is just as valid of an option as getting it.
This is all true... but the highlighted portion could also just as easily be the inverse.

I’m certainly not for mandating vaccines or anything like that, I’m just for people making decisions based on the best information that isn’t slanted for one reason or another.
On the best information that isnt slanted, but you think people should get the vaccine based on no hard numbers. How is that not slanted? You have a pro vaccine slant from the start. Without getting real numbers that would remove any slant, or at least back it up
Yeah you are saying we should go with the science and get the vaccine, but then turn around and admit there are no hard numbers.

Which, imo, means not getting the vaccine is just as valid of an option as getting it.
So it’s automatic. Oh well.
On the best information that isnt slanted, but you think people should get the vaccine based on no hard numbers. How is that not slanted? You have a pro vaccine slant from the start. Without getting real numbers that would remove any slant, or at least back it up
Show me where I said this... at all. Any of it.
The CDC's guidelines for vaccinated people are getting a pass by the national media including FoxNews. They are insulting our intelligence. They don't seem to realize that in this day and age, we can read the research/science on this. We know the science shows that vaccinated people will not go to the hospital with this virus, nor will they die of it. The science says you will not have high enough viral loads to spread it. Of course these comments come with the caveat that it's never zero percent or 100%. We get that. But just like they were feeding us with wear masks, lockdown, quarantine to flatten the curve, they're still "not releasing us". It's crap and I'm not going to put up with it anymore
But just like they were feeding us with wear masks, lockdown, quarantine to flatten the curve, they're still "not releasing us". It's crap and I'm not going to put up with it anymore

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OK, since you asked...I no longer care what the CDC recommends. I know they're not going by the science. They're no longer protecting hospitals, PPE supplies or flattening any curve. They're trying to minimize cases. A worthy goal but seeing as the number will never be zero, I'm not going to continue to alter my life for them. Give it to me straight and I'll think about it but insult my intelligence and I'll flip you off
OK, since you asked...I no longer care what the CDC recommends. I know they're not going by the science. They're no longer protecting hospitals, PPE supplies or flattening any curve. They're trying to minimize cases. A worthy goal but seeing as the number will never be zero, I'm not going to continue to alter my life for them. Give it to me straight and I'll think about it but insult my intelligence and I'll flip you off

Oh, I just assumed that people who didn't see the value in the mandates had already given the CDC recs the boot.

It's been business as usual in FL for a while now, I can't imagine living in one of these states where it's been locked down since the beginning. I suppose that's why so many people are moving here right now, real estate is a boomin'. Realtor's are walking my neighborhood asking is anyone was thinking about selling.
Oh, I just assumed that people who didn't see the value in the mandates had already given the CDC recs the boot.

It's been business as usual in FL for a while now, I can't imagine living in one of these states where it's been locked down since the beginning. I suppose that's why so many people are moving here right now, real estate is a boomin', realtor's are walking my neighborhood asking is anyone was thinking about selling.

In my neck of the woods folks don't understand that the whole world's not locked down. I'm in Ohio and all four surrounding states have strict mask mandates. I take my daughter back and forth to school in Savannah, GA so I see that there's a world outside of mask mandates. I think your state has handled it as well as any. Kudos
In my neck of the woods folks don't understand that the whole world's not locked down. I'm in Ohio and all four surrounding states have strict mask mandates. I take my daughter back and forth to school in Savannah, GA so I see that there's a world outside of mask mandates. I think your state has handled it as well as any. Kudos

DeSantis rolled the dice and won, fo sho'.

I feel very grateful that after the first "everyone's going to die" few months of Covid terror that we got back to business and our economy has been humming right along. It's brutal to see some of these other states go through the soul crushing lockdowns and STILL not see better outcomes for their trouble.
An oldie but goodie back when fear peddling on incomplete information was the cool thing to do. Bonus points if you claimed to have more complete information.

View attachment 356264
... And I wasn’t wrong as per the PA DOH on that date based on information of cases mainly in the PNW. Not sure how that is a “gotcha”, but keep thinking it is. As always, an ad hominem against you is the crutch of the insecure with a failed stance and a sure sign that you’ve won a debate.
... And I wasn’t wrong as per the PA DOH on that date based on information of cases mainly in the PNW. Not sure how that is a “gotcha”, but keep thinking it is. As always, an ad hominem against you is the crutch of the insecure with a failed stance and a sure sign that you’ve won a debate.
Did you base your info on the big ole tranny from PA that moved her/xi mother based on the science?
An oldie but goodie back when fear peddling on incomplete information was the cool thing to do. Bonus points if you claimed to have more complete information.

View attachment 356264

It's funny to go back and look at who the Chicken Littles were, some are surprising, some have changed their tune and some have a death grip on doom.
... And I wasn’t wrong as per the PA DOH on that date based on information of cases mainly in the PNW. Not sure how that is a “gotcha”, but keep thinking it is. As always, an ad hominem against you is the crutch of the insecure with a failed stance and a sure sign that you’ve won a debate.

Yes you were absolutely wrong. You just don’t want to admit it.

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