Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I would certainly like to know what he thinks is responsible for the sharp decline in cases over the past 6 weeks. Having been to the zoo, downtown for a late lunch, and past multiple soccer fields, I can assure you that "people staying home" is not the answer. In addition, most of the common areas/kid play zones were reopened, condiments were back on the tables at the BBQ joint, and I didn't see a single person wearing double masks.

And what will your response be if, as predicted, the curve reverses in the next 6 weeks
Please. You either didn’t know it was a bogus number or didn’t care and jumped on the fear porn bandwagon. You bro’s were a dime a dozen a year ago and some still are the same today. You were more than willing to put it out there, it just happened to be one of the more crazy stupid things said and we didn’t forget it. Any fair minded reader can go back and read that whole exchange and know what was going on.

Contrary to what the chicken little’s jumped on, the world was not and still isn’t ending.
I’m sure the sisterhood of freedom fighters are happy you jumped to their defense during a benign discussion, but your bias and input is not required... unless you would actually like to contribute to the subject matter.
Oh, I just assumed that people who didn't see the value in the mandates had already given the CDC recs the boot.

It's been business as usual in FL for a while now, I can't imagine living in one of these states where it's been locked down since the beginning. I suppose that's why so many people are moving here right now, real estate is a boomin'. Realtor's are walking my neighborhood asking is anyone was thinking about selling.
Is it really that bad there. I assumed real estate prices would curb that a bit in Florida but it is that bad here. Rando flyers and emails all the time asking about selling. Frigging people need to stay the hell out. 🤬
Is it really that bad there. I assumed real estate prices would curb that a bit in Florida but it is that bad here. Rando flyers and emails all the time asking about selling. Frigging people need to stay the hell out. 🤬

Sunshine and open bars.
Did I hear correctly that the CDC guidance is telling vaccinated people to still avoid traveling? That can't be right.

Also, did they include people who have recovered from the infection in their easing of restrictions?
They did say vaccinated people still should not travel. And they've given no guidance to recovered people.

For having a badass plan during the election it's sure taking a long time to rollout invent it.
They did say vaccinated people still should not travel. And they've given no guidance to recovered people.

For having a badass plan during the election it's sure taking a long time to rollout invent it.
Hum, last night on 60 minutes they were tough ting some psychiatric drug that prevented hospitalizations and deaths, why get a vaccine if a treatment will have the same results as the J&J vaccine?
define reverses - what is it you are expecting in # of cases and duration of change in # of cases?
These people don't like specifics. They just like to warn you that school children are likely super-spreaders, Super Bowl parties are going to wreck the Tampa Bay healthcare system, Knox County should brace for a post-holiday surge, and now we have the variants...
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These people don't like specifics. They just like to warn you that school children are likely super-spreaders, Super Bowl parties are going to wreck the Tampa Bay healthcare system, Knox County should brace for a post-holiday surge, and now we have the variants...
I also remember when I was told by all the geniuses that the massive celebrations in Tuscaloosa following Alabama’s national championship were going to wreak havoc there. Shockingly those dire predictions never came to fruition.
These people don't like specifics. They just like to warn you that school children are likely super-spreaders, Super Bowl parties are going to wreck the Tampa Bay healthcare system, Knox County should brace for a post-holiday surge, and now we have the variants...

the only thing I can guarantee with Covid is that increases and decreases in case rate will not be linear - interpreting the variation is where the rubber hits the road.

our esteemed EL told us of the "bump" in Texas a few days ago - if you look today you'll see (as I suggested) that it wasn't a bump but just some daily variation in testing.

I'll not be surprised if cases edge up slightly nor will I be surprised if they don't.
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I also remember when I was told by all the geniuses that the massive celebrations in Tuscaloosa following Alabama’s national championship were going to wreak havoc in Tuscaloosa. Shockingly those dire predictions never came to fruition.

and we all prayed the Bammers would suffer - still nothing
These people don't like specifics. They just like to warn you that school children are likely super-spreaders, Super Bowl parties are going to wreck the Tampa Bay healthcare system, Knox County should brace for a post-holiday surge, and now we have the variants...
There were three cases at my kid's school and they shut it down. It turned out it was a teacher that gave it to two kids. No one in the kid's families got sick. They tried to blame it on the kids not wearing masks, but I thought the masks were to stop the sick from infecting the unsick?
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There were three cases at my kid's school and they shut it down. It turned out it was a teacher that gave it to two kids. No one in the kid's families got sick. They tried to blame it on the kids not wearing masks, but I thought the masks were to stop the sick from infecting the unsick?

shut your ho mouth and do as they say
There were three cases at my kid's school and they shut it down. It turned out it was a teacher that gave it to two kids. No one in the kid's families got sick. They tried to blame it on the kids not wearing masks, but I thought the masks were to stop the sick from infecting the unsick?
Yeah, isn't it all very interesting?

My son is quarantined again due to "contact tracing" at school. So, basically another lost week of learning. And, he's been in class for the multiple days since the "exposure." All the while, still no actual significant transmission in the classrooms anywhere in the world.

When will anyone step up and end the insanity? It's crushing our children.

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