Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I know the other friend's Grandmother did not covid (or positive covid test). I don't know about this friend's uncle.
I've only heard about these 2 situations. Not hearing anything similar from McMom at her hospital.
What version does McMom's hospital use. It's the moderna one that has been having this side effect. 2 of my colleagues have had a bad reaction to the vaccine and they know of a few more people with a bad reaction. They've found that people who have these side effects have had the virus whether they showed symptoms or not.
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Haha, I busted an old classmate Karen for this very thing last year. She was all over social media fussing about how stupid people in Knoxville are -- going to restaurants, not wearing masks, etc, so her family had to stay home to avoid getting sick. Then, I discover that her husband was in a golf foursome with a good friend of mine that very week. It's hilarious.
It's not about fear it's about cashing in on being inconvenienced and unfortunately being on Earth during a pandemic
What version does McMom's hospital use. It's the moderna one that has been having this side effect. 2 of my colleagues have had a bad reaction to the vaccine and they know of a few more people with a bad reaction. They've found that people who have these side effects have had the virus whether they showed symptoms or not.
I don't know. Almost I know is her hospital is using the one which requires 2 separate doses. Her colleagues who've had both are all in agreement the 2nd dose has more side effects.

I'll ask her which version tonight.
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You make it sound like Joe's writing the check out of his Delaware checking account. He's able to do this because it's OPM (other people's money) and because Operation Warp Speed developed the vaccine

EL is doing all he can to give Biden some positive spin. Because he has been a literal national embarrassment.
@kiddiedoc can correct me, but I've been reading that people who have had COVID-19 and get the vaccine have a very negative reaction to the vaccine. Their body is attacking itself thinking that the virus has infected it.
So far, I've only read anecdotal reports and heard word of mouth regarding more severe effects when people with natural immunity are subsequently vaccinated.

I will say that, from a medical perspective, it would certainly make sense. Much of the damage done during CV19 infection is actually due to the body's own immune response (see: "cytokine storm"). With primed antibodies after recovering from infection, it would follow that vaccination within some period afterwards could plausibly result in a more potent response and a rapid release of the cytokines and interleukins that make us "feel sick." I have no current evidence, but I do wonder if this might also explain the several deaths I've read about in younger/healthy people after being vaccinated.
Thanks Joe!

Joe's plan is literally just copy Trump. lolololol.

bet when he creates a "new" Covid vaccine plan he doesn't even bother to change the name from Operation Warp Speed.

He's copying from Trump's test, and the teacher just sits there and applauds the blatant plagiarism.
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Somebody's gettin' jealous. And I love the unnecessary scare quotes around the word shot. What's that about? Is it not really a shot?

Before this is over, the CDC will end up losing the faith of the American people (except those mouthbreathers that lap up ever recommendation they issue) because of crap like this:

Why the CDC is still urging caution for vaccinated people

People fully vaccinated against the coronavirus finally have guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But that guidance, issued on Monday, seems to have raised as many questions as it answered. Even as that guidance permitted small gatherings of unmasked people, it made no concessions to those wanting to travel or gather in somewhat larger groups.

Hoping for a green light, vaccinated Americans got a flashing yellow instead.

That has left some wondering whether post-vaccine life is going to be all that much different, in the near term, than life without the vaccine.

“If people believe the vaccine is not going to improve their life,” says Dr. Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, “why would they get it?”

Adalja said the CDC is waiting for “ironclad data” about vaccination before issuing a more detailed guidance. The initial data from Israel, which has the highest coronavirus vaccination rates in the world, is “highly encouraging,” he says. But apparently not encouraging enough for the CDC to give an all-clear to Americans who’ve had their shots.

If nothing changes after getting the vaccine, why get the vaccine?
In true TN fashion they've sent me an email telling me that I'm eligible for the vaccine and sent a link on how to sign up. Click on the link and it says, you have already signed up for the vaccine, we'll contact you when you are eligible. WTF?
just saying that if the Government wants people to get the vaccine the "even if you have the vaccine you still can't do anything" message is probably a bad choice
Oh it is. I knew what you were saying. Was just trying to add emphasis. At my age I’ll get it. But you’d have to talk my young ass into it and that isn’t helping.

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