Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Another variable that is unaccounted for is adherence to a mask mandate and I’m guessing that in a place like east TN the adherence rate is pretty low.

You know the other variable you're missing?

The fact it's not quite as deadly as it allegedly was...

A few things come to mind immediately. First off, don't let a virus become political.

Second, don't make major political decisions about medical issues until the facts are known. Someone should have let these idiots in charge know that the CDC and NIH are paid to err bigly on the side of caution. And by being a bobble head dog with almost every recommendation, politicians have gotten ourselves into a huge mess by going overboard with that "err."

Third, don't make political decisions when the country of origin (China) is being shady as **** about releasing information about the virus. And don't bring up that ******** leftist talking about the infectious disease lab being dialed back. The ****ing Chinese tried to blame the US Military for releasing Covid and our own stupid ass media helped spread that misinformation.

Fourth, our media are a bunch of ****ing idiots and panic pimps. They get paid by the viewers and clicks they receive. Death is always good for business with them and one person out of 10,000 that dies from a disease obviously means business is going to be good because of the way they report it.

Fifth, if your national level "expert" suddenly starts liking the celebrity status the media thrust upon him, one should get highly suspicious.

Just a few things to consider.
Another variable that is unaccounted for is adherence to a mask mandate and I’m guessing that in a place like east TN the adherence rate is pretty low.
This has always been the government's fallback position.
If there's a mask mandate and the cases go down, the government was right.
If there's a mask mandate and the cases go up, people aren't listening to the government.

Here's TN cases and mask wearing versus California, the gold standard. As you can see California was really kicking our ass in Q3 with a 75% usage rate, and that really comes through on their case counts as they are basically identical to ours. But then you see both states really ramp up that mask wearing going into Q4, which again kept the virus in check I'm kidding we basically had the same numbers again.
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The ironic thing is that the state of California recently made it perfectly legal to have sex with aids and not disclose it before hand. Yet they pretend to be concerned about the public health with all of their mask mandate BS
You know the other variable you're missing?

The fact it's not quite as deadly as it allegedly was...

A few things come to mind immediately. First off, don't let a virus become political.

Second, don't make major political decisions about medical issues until the facts are known. Someone should have let these idiots in charge know that the CDC and NIH are paid to err bigly on the side of caution. And by being a bobble head dog with almost every recommendation, politicians have gotten ourselves into a huge mess by going overboard with that "err."

Third, don't make political decisions when the country of origin (China) is being shady as **** about releasing information about the virus. And don't bring up that ******** leftist talking about the infectious disease lab being dialed back. The ****ing Chinese tried to blame the US Military for releasing Covid and our own stupid ass media helped spread that misinformation.

Fourth, our media are a bunch of ****ing idiots and panic pimps. They get paid by the viewers and clicks they receive. Death is always good for business with them and one person out of 10,000 that dies from a disease obviously means business is going to be good because of the way they report it.

Fifth, if your national level "expert" suddenly starts liking the celebrity status the media thrust upon him, one should get highly suspicious.

Just a few things to consider.
Yea he back tracked and said this was a **** study
Not really back-tracking, just carefully analyzing the report. It appears that they chose a data metric ("rate of growth") with a statistically-significant result (in some but not all time periods) and excluded all the other data (raw case numbers, deaths, hospitalizations, and test-positivity rates). Think: in all this time, when have we been given data or charts showing the "daily case growth rate?" Then, the metric was presented in a way that really over-exaggerates the significance.
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Good point. "This point" wasn't defined. This point meaning we are growing in confidence of a return to normal.
I’m not so sure. If Dems can’t get HR1 through I bet we see this level of control continue through the 2022 elections. If I’m right about that then what’s to stop them from saying we need to permanently operate this way. I mean look at the “benefits”! No flu, greatly reduced environmental impact, the government rescuing everybody everywhere, it’s a practical utopia!
Any of yall notice the sudden huge spike to 98,000+ cases today after yesterday's total (40,000) was the least since October 4th?

Well I found the culprit.

For some reason Missouri is reporting 50,000+ cases today! When they had 500 some odd cases yesterday...

Can't find anything explaining that.
No masks. Clearly.
I am noticing this at work. The people who are refusing to come into the office because they are afraid of catching Covid are the same people who are out golfing or shopping and basically doing everything but staying at home. It is being used as an excuse to stay home and get out of work by many people.
What I do for a living relies on actions of other people with various companies. Getting those people to act, hell, just getting in touch with those people is ridiculously challenging. We were already a lazy society and now we’re feeding right into it.
All the stats and overwhelming evidence that masks are marginally if at all effective don’t matter. You might as well try to convince the Pope to get rid of the headgear or Orthodox Jews to lose the Kippah. Masks are a canonical symbols of obedience to the cause of defeating the virus and anti-maskers are apostates lacking sufficient faith in the wisdom of the state and media.
What I do for a living relies on actions of other people with various companies. Getting those people to act, hell, just getting in touch with those people is ridiculously challenging. We were already a lazy society and now we’re feeding right into it.
Meanwhile. . . . You can't get a frickin' tee time, anywhere.

It has become the new excuse to be lazy and work less. I honestly wonder if things will ever return to normal in certain industries. You'd think my line of work would have some of the most obvious excuses, but we haven't missed a day at the office or denied a single patient an appointment in an entire year.
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Meanwhile. . . . You can't get a frickin' tee time, anywhere.

It has become the new excuse to be lazy and work less. I honestly wonder if things will ever return to normal in certain industries. You'd think my line of work would have some of the most obvious excuses, but we haven't missed a day at the office or denied a single patient an appointment in an entire year.

I waited till the last minute to schedule a spring break trip. Housing rentals, resorts, etc are literally 99.9% booked. Imagine, vacation properties are at that limited of a supply and at the same time we are passing 2 trillion dollar stimulus bills.

Covid has become the biggest pile of BS in the history of this country.
I’m not so sure. If Dems can’t get HR1 through I bet we see this level of control continue through the 2022 elections. If I’m right about that then what’s to stop them from saying we need to permanently operate this way. I mean look at the “benefits”! No flu, greatly reduced environmental impact, the government rescuing everybody everywhere, it’s a practical utopia!
Declaring a Climate Emergency is the ace up their sleeve. It’s coming.
Shocking, isn't it?

I've said since day one of this thing, the CDC and NIH will blow their wad on Covid and when something really bad comes along, people will be hesitant to believe how dangerous it truly is. As viruses go, Covid is pretty tame for the most part. Yeah, it's deadly in certain age brackets and with underlying conditions, but not quite as bad as they let on in the spring of last year.

The problem is, when we get something really virulent that comes out (heaven forbid a hemorrhagic fever of some sort) and the CDC starts freaking out (which they should), people are going to eye roll because of the way they acted this time and drag out their neck gators and value pack of surgical style masks that won't stop a thing while being reluctant to close businesses once again and destroy their livelihood... once again.

And the public is going to get screwed over it because idiots like Fauci and others decided to go overboard with something that really wasn't as bad as they let on. Yeah, given certain parameters, Covid is bad. But not that bad and there is certainly worse. The problem is, now that they've cried wolf, we can easily suffer a lot more because people won't know if this is the one they need to worry about.
Used to be, in the good ole pre-pandemic days, I thought the CDC was God’s gift to public health. But they have been exposed and it’s easy to see that they’re basically a bloated bureaucracy whose Highest priorities are keeping their political masters happy and keeping their own azzes covered.
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Used to be, in the good ole pre-pandemic days, I thought the CDC was God’s gift to public health. But they have been exposed and it’s easy to see that they’re basically a bloated bureaucracy whose Highest priorities are keeping their political masters happy and keeping their own azzes covered.

As soon as they started treating gun violence as a "disease" I knew it was no longer about medical research or scientific studies.
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Just to play devils advocate, many counties don't have mask mandates but the vast majority of people have been wearing them anyway. For example where I live in Georgia. Wouldn't that skew the difference?

That would still be interesting information to know. Do mask mandates work or are they not necessary 'cause people will wear them via their freedom of choice as opposed to the gov't forcing them?
Not really back-tracking, just carefully analyzing the report. It appears that they chose a data metric ("rate of growth") with a statistically-significant result (in some but not all time periods) and excluded all the other data (raw case numbers, deaths, hospitalizations, and test-positivity rates). Think: in all this time, when have we been given data or charts showing the "daily case growth rate?" Then, the metric was presented in a way that really over-exaggerates the significance.
I have been trying to follow the conversation about the report, and I want some clarifications on your post. Over exaggerates the significance how/what?

That the effectiveness of masks was exaggerated (they dont work)? Or the report that masks arent effective was exaggerated (they do work)? Or that the report itself doesnt go far enough to rule one way or the other?
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I waited till the last minute to schedule a spring break trip. Housing rentals, resorts, etc are literally 99.9% booked. Imagine, vacation properties are at that limited of a supply and at the same time we are passing 2 trillion dollar stimulus bills.

Covid has become the biggest pile of BS in the history of this country.
The better tell is the fact that revolving credit utilization is tanking. People are using the stimulus to pay off their own dumb debt, not for 'survival'.
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