Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I have heard rumblings about a Canadian triple-secret-mutant that is resistant to masks, social distancing, and all vaccines. We are likely doomed, thanks to those rotten Canucks.

I mean at this point is there anyone that seriously thinks this thing is still a “deadly pandemic?”
Unions for government workers or quasi government workers is sus. Police union included.
If I were king, I would end all public sector unions (retirement plans) tomorrow morning at the opening of business. Freeze the DBs, give them all a 10% pay increase and the number to Fidelity's 401k office.
It’s crazy how much the left loves the mask
It is all about control.

After throwing hatchets for an hour with some friends (no masks in the place and it was packed) we went out for dinner. (Packed restaurant and no masks there either)

Thank God for Ron DeSantis and a governor that has common sense.

I mean at this point is there anyone that seriously thinks this thing is still a “deadly pandemic?”

I have 3 friends all of whom are in their mid 50s who were healthy prior to contracting covid. I feel confident 2 of them would testify to the seriousness of it. The 3rd will not be able since he passed away 3 weeks ago after fighting it for over 2 months. His 2 children and his wife would probably be glad to speak on his behalf however.

Viral gain-of-function or human gain-of-function? More specifically, was this gain-of-function to make the virus stronger against human immune defense or was this gain-of-function to get humans to have a better immune defense?
Viral gain-of-function or human gain-of-function? More specifically, was this gain-of-function to make the virus stronger against human immune defense or was this gain-of-function to get humans to have a better immune defense?
From what I read not sinister but bad protocols allowed it to escape lab...we will never know the truth
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Hell, just a couple months ago people were crowing about how wrong the lab theory people were because the WHO said that was highly unlikely. Cut to a month or so later when the WHO delayed the report and it has been acknowledged they had no real access to make this assessment and all the data was coming from what the Chicoms told them.

Just one more example of how people who strayed from orthodoxy were not debated; they were silenced and attacked.

I'll see if I can dig up the article but 2 of the docs behind the Great Barrington Accord documented how respected scientists who strayed were strongly attacked by the media and science establishment - in each case those heretics were correct.
Yeah, I would probably avoid addressing the post too.

It's a fact people were suspended and banned for suggesting it came from a lab. Wouldn't you agree?
Obviously that’s true... obviously both things are true actually, but we aren’t interested in that here because maintaining the dichotomy is the MO of most.
I'll see if I can dig up the article but 2 of the docs behind the Great Barrington Accord documented how respected scientists who strayed were strongly attacked by the media and science establishment - in each case those heretics were correct.

Quite the paradox.

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