Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

You are absolutely correct but there are just so many that have bought into the media pushed BS. Ask yourself this question, what would have happened if COVID would have never been reported like it was? What would we have said? It would hav been something like this, “man this was a pretty bad flu year. “. End of story. No lockdowns. No businesses ruined. No children’s education affected. No stupid mask mandates or daily briefings. No fear porn pushed by the media, Fauci, WHO and the CDC. Life would have went on.

But that didn’t happen. Instead we have been fed the BS lies for over a year that this thing is so deadly we should all walk around in freaking hazmat suits. That we can’t do anything without getting an unproven vaccine that was super rushed into production and the blessing from a hack physician who has manipulated his way to power.

Think about this. We have let a virus, with almost a 99% survival rate absolutely cripple us and dictate our lives for a year. What are we going to do when a virus that’s a real threat shows up? My God..

S**t the bed? Oh, wait...
😂 that probably would’ve given the girl a heart attack
We were in Florida last summer and there was a family .... a huge family of Asians.... all wearing masks on the freaking beach. I was walking back up towards the condo and met 5-6 of them at the end of the walk way and I couldn’t help myself.... I started an over exaggerated coughing and hacking episode. The people behind them on the walkway all started laughing

"Increases in other leading causes, especially heart disease, Alzheimer disease, and diabetes, may also reflect disruptions in health care that hampered early detection and disease management. Increases in unintentional injury deaths in 2020 were largely driven by drug overdose deaths."

"Heart disease deaths increased by 4.8%, the largest increase in heart disease deaths since 2012. Increases in deaths also occurred for unintentional injury (11.1%), Alzheimer disease (9.8%), and diabetes (15.4%)."

huge spikes across multiple categories that can be traced to lockdowns.

also missing from this data is information on young/teen suicide which is where most of the reported increases were said to occur. Here's one study:

Study: Suicidal behavior in youths higher during COVID-19 closures than in 2019

I know you live in a tweet world but use some critical thinking once and a while
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My mom fell ill. I forced her to go the hospital. She wouldn't go bc of covid. It was too late for her. So F off. Millions were scared to get treatment bc of hospital rules and being alone.

Sorry to hear. The data posted show the tweeter buried the lede. Big increases in deaths from chronic disease (in those without Covid).
Very interesting. Here's the full speech:

This video is interesting, particularly re: Ivermectin, but includes a couple of factual errors and also commits an ecological fallacy when talking about masks. On India, they are not back to normal; cases are spiking dramatically there. Additionally, it is not true that half of healthcare workers have declined the shot. It's more like 5-10%. Lastly, the last graph he uses to make the point that masks don't work does not demonstrate his point. It is evidence that mask mandates do not work, but is not in itself evidence that masks do not work.
This video is interesting, particularly re: Ivermectin, but includes a couple of factual errors and also commits an ecological fallacy when talking about masks. On India, they are not back to normal; cases are spiking dramatically there. Additionally, it is not true that half of healthcare workers have declined the shot. It's more like 5-10%. Lastly, the last graph he uses to make the point that masks don't work does not demonstrate his point. It is evidence that mask mandates do not work, but is not in itself evidence that masks do not work.

In regards to India, he was only referencing one area. It's an enormous country. As to healthcare workers refusing the vaccine, I don't think we have any hard data yet but I can see why he gave the number he did:

Nearly Half of Frontline Healthcare Workers Not Vaccinated: Survey

As to masks, he was being rushed at the end. He did not have the time to fully present his case on that

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