Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I'm female. She/her pronouns.

And I don't think I'm taking a beating anyway. Everyone here just believes it's a hoax and I believe it's not. Its fine,, disagreements are what discussion boards are all about.

besides all the real scientists and doctors in the world would take my side

Are you 16?
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It's all about the message for them. Doesnt matter what the message is. Doesnt matter if the message is true. Doesnt matter what other people actually believe or think. What matters is the message that they have been given. They appeal to an authority to avoid facts, try to cloak it in reasonable terms; and push it no matter what the evidence says.
It’s called lying.
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@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?
@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?

it’s no longer a pandemic in Britain.
Covid pandemic is over, claims experts, as vaccines cut cases by 90%
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@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?
They dont have a real metric. A standard that they will admit too. That would limit the newfound power of the government. They will just "lower" or until there are "few enough cases". Some vague language that avoids anything that they can actually be held too.
That was the question I asked him

India has recorded about 200K deaths due to C19. In our country we've had about 600K. India's population is about 4x ours. Until India gets to 2 million or so deaths, their numbers are less alarming than ours. As for 7 day avg deaths, we were at 3K for awhile. India would have to be at about 13K/day to be comparable. They're currently at about 2300.

Those facts put these numbers in context and directly answers your question. What say you?
@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?
I think they backed themselves into a corner with all the silly mask and distancing rules while Trump was in office and now they have no way to back track without admitting they were wrong before. Since Trump is the devil, they would rather keep falling on Fauci's sword rather than admit they were and are still wrong on the "science".
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@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?
I don’t think there is going to be a date where “the COVID pandemic is over”. People were warned at the beginning of this that pandemics are measured in seasons and years. I know that’s inconvenient for most, but it’s reality. Always has been.

I would say the simplest goal to set is % vaccinated. Countries are naturally going to try to vaccinate their own, but the goal needs to be worldwide %. Then, once the vaccination % is satisfactory or at least approaching it, monitoring outbreaks and allocating resources to those areas to try and tamp it down would be a priority. This is epidemiologically speaking of course.

Personally, I think we are on the downhill portion of massive danger, as well as on the upswing with study and understanding of the virus. Most things should be 100% open ASAP, although it’s getting harder to find things that aren’t “back to normal.”

So I guess that leads me to a question for you. What metric do you use to measure “normal?” How would you define “over?” At this point, what things are lacking in your life due to covid that you wish you had back?
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@Tastylicks @OHvol40 @evillawyer

Or any of the 'bros on here....I figure much of what you guys are doing is trolling at this point, but in case it isn't and you are actually serious about this, I have a legitimate question:

What is the end game here? What does "the COVID pandemic is over" look like? I'm curious as to your metric, number, statistic, etc? # of cases, transmission rate, hospitalizations, and by what metric should we all know this is over and life can go back to normal?

It's really not that hard of a question.

I am not a doctor or a scientist. When the doctors and scientists say the pandemic is "over" and/or Covid has been reduced enough that life can go back to normal then that's my metric. Its called humility. Recognizing you dont know all the answers and trusting the people that know more than you
I don’t think there is going to be a date where “the COVID pandemic is over”. People were warned at the beginning of this that pandemics are measured in seasons and years. I know that’s inconvenient for most, but it’s reality. Always has been.

I would say the simplest goal to set is % vaccinated. Countries are naturally going to try to vaccinate their own, but the goal needs to be worldwide %. Then, once the vaccination % is satisfactory or at least approaching it, monitoring outbreaks and allocating resources to those areas to try and tamp it down would be a priority. This is epidemiologically speaking of course.

Personally, I think we are on the downhill portion of massive danger, as well as on the upswing with study and understanding of the virus. Most things should be 100% open ASAP, although it’s getting harder to find things that aren’t “back to normal.”

So I guess that leads me to a question for you. What metric do you use to measure “normal.” How would you define “over.” At this point, what things are lacking in your life due to covid that you wish you had back?

yes thats true for all the bitching you'd think we are still in strict lockdown but basically life is "normal" now as everything is opened back up

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