This is where it’s not a black or white thing .. it’s a Sheeple thing . People want to believe their government wouldn’t hurt them , fear is the main motivation of getting the vaccine one way or the other and the government has had its grubby little fingers in these stats from the beginning. I’ll give you a great example of it being mindless sheeple following the governments wishes .. I’d bet a donation to any charity that you can walk up to 25 people in San Francisco and find 1 person that could tell you about operation “ Sea Spray” . Black , white or brown , and yet these people willing fall in line with every law and mandate the government puts out in the name of “ Public Safety “ Now if there’s a case to be made about a population being in fear of the government and not wanting to take anything new from them like a vaccine, the population of San Francisco has it .
There would be more vaccinations, but by no means would all Republicans jump. Remember, to the extent he thought it was politically advantageous, Trump has bragged about the vaccine.
He didn't create the conspiracy crowd, he just knew how to manipulate it.
I wouldn’t get if Peyton Manning offered to come pick me up , sign every jersey he ever wore saying that I was his best friend and how I taught him to throw the football , much less an ad guy or politician or some idiot named Fauci.
And if your doctor said so?
@Septic has shown healthcare workers are not to be trusted.
No one said "healthcare workers" aren't to be trusted. The black community cites numerous examples of malfeasance in studies by the government and healthcare industry as a rationale for their mistrust.
I wouldn't have thought that this would be a distinction that would be too difficult to reconcile, but here we are.
No one said "healthcare workers" aren't to be trusted. The black community cites numerous examples of malfeasance in studies by the government and healthcare industry as a rationale for their mistrust.
I wouldn't have thought that this would be a distinction that would be too difficult to reconcile, but here we are.
So does “ The white community “ , “ The Brown community “ , hell if martians lived on earth then “ The Green Community “ would be represented in their mistrust of Big pharma , Big Government and the healthcare industry .
So govenrment is not to be trusted. I get that. But in general that population votes for the party that thinks more government is the solution. Odd.
Perhaps, but the white, brown and green community hasn't been used as Guinea pigs as horribly as the black has. You can be mistrustful - but they have, unfortunately, earned the rights to their claims.
I'm not disagreeing with that assessment though I'm not sure why suddenly they'd be expected to live in a vacuum. I often chuckle that people who make $40k a year freak out when the top 1% of earners may be required to be taxes more. Who can be sure what drives people to draw lines in the sand or let things slide?
We can talk after you peruse this . Notice the Tuskegee Study is mentioned along with the others .
Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia
How about not trusting the fact that it isn’t approved?Lack of thought is usually what drives such illogical delineation.
In summary, I get not wanting the vaccine because you dont trust govt (maybe you think they are evil and/or incompetent). I dont agree with specifically pointing at something like Tuskegee and using that as your reason, this isnt that.
How about not trusting the fact that it isn’t approved?
Myocarditis in Young People After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Higher Than Expected
Is it your contention that trumpers are the largest group of vaccine resistant people because of experimentation by healthcare or the government? I'm trying to figure out what your point is, is this an attempt to discredit or undermine the black communities position because it has happened to another group and since they aren't butthurt, it's not a valid rationale? What point are you attempting to make?
The real issue is if the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of the vaccine are better or worse than the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of having COVID.My Dr ? Did you see what I said about Peyton ? A Dr is just a man , he is only as good as the information he has read and that’s available to him . Do you know why we ask for second or third opinions ? ANY Dr (IMO ) that recommends you get this vaccine without having an in depth conversation with you about the possible short , mid and long term side effects is just going along with the crowd and popular opinion at this point because we don’t have the results of those side effects yet .
The real issue is if the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of the vaccine are better or worse than the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of having COVID.
The real issue is if the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of the vaccine are better or worse than the possible short-, mid-, and long-term effects of having COVID.