Well, there you go again trying to interject logic and truth between democratic talking points.Since you brought it up (and several of my friends are surgeons), try looking up the peer-reviewed evidence on surgical wound infections and masks. Turns out, they function only to keep nasty ish off the surgeons' faces.
Yep, show me some science there chief. You're vaccinated, are you wearing a mask wherever you go?
Good job Texas! You showed those damn vaccine apologists who the boss is!
Dude, what do you think “prevent the spread” means? Those are YOUR words. Tell me again how no one is saying it’ll stop the spread. Plus, look at all the mask rhetoric out there from the beginning. Whether explicitly stated or just implied, the message was masks=no spread=you don’t care about killing grandma. Maybe the maskers meant slow the spread but prevent the spread, as you stated, means you stop the spread from happening. Now you can go back to sleep.Masks, together with personal hygiene and social distancing work to slow the spread. No one has said all or any of those STOPS it. Literally no one.
And you've proven my point that you've refused to take a moment to discern the distinction, subtlety or nuance. It's clearly easier to you to foist a hyperbolic argument than to accept that there are measures that can be taken by society to help prevent the spread.
There’s nothing to invoke. You’re equating 2 completely different reasons for wearing masks and you know it. You’re smarter than this.Sorry, I'm invoking the appeal to authority since the prevailing peer reviewed science explicitly indicates that source control is a thing (even for a virus.)
We could sue.
United States v.![]()
Good job Texas! You showed those damn vaccine apologists who the boss is!
I stopped at “worth a read”.Stopped after it called Rand Paul an "anti-vaxxer". You complained about Trumpers being black and white yet you and this author cannot distinguish between asking some questions or speculating on whether someone with natural immunity needs the vaccine (which is supported by science) and being "anti-vax".
All must pledge unyielding fealty to the vaccine for all in all conditions or they are anti-vax.