Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the virus that causes Covid-19 in late December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed details of the deadly virus to the world, congressional investigators said, raising questions anew about what China knew in the pandemic’s crucial early days.

Documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by a House committee and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show that a Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded a nearly complete sequence of the virus’s structure to a U.S. government-run database on Dec. 28, 2019. Chinese officials at that time were still publicly describing the disease outbreak in Wuhan, China, as a viral pneumonia “of unknown cause” and had yet to close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, site of one of the initial Covid-19 outbreaks.

China only shared the virus’s sequence with the World Health Organization on Jan. 11, 2020, according to U.S. government timelines of the pandemic.
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You racist conspiracy theorists are proven right yet again...

In Early 2020, A Chinese Source Trusted By FBI Said Covid Leaked From Wuhan Lab, Sources Say

“A person working at the Virology Institute lab in Wuhan, China was infected, left the building, and spread the virus outside the lab in Wuhan,” the CHS told the FBI, according to a source. “It didn’t have anything to do with the wet market or the bat soup story they were going with.”

The sources asked Public to protect their identities and those of their colleagues. The sources say they are speaking up now out of concern over abuses of power within the FBI. They reached out to Public after seeing our story yesterday about how scientists, who Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had in the past funded, sought to insert a furin cleavage site right where it exists on SARS-CoV-2.
Have yall seen this? Its 7months old so probably not anything "ground breaking"...but lots of details. For example she names the 3 scientists at the Wuhan Lab that 1st fell ill with cv19

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Hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since all of this crap began. I lost respect for so many people during this pandemic. It truly brought out the worst in humanity. I'll never forget the toilet paper shortages and fighting, people spraying their groceries with lysol, calling the police on their neighbors for violating unconstitutional covid restrictions, calling the police on their neighbors for coughing, police logging license plate numbers of churchgoers in Kentucky, a mother being arrested for taking her children to an empty playground in Idaho, celebrating the deaths of every unvaccinated person (mad4vols was a prime example of someone like this), non-stop media deception and propaganda, getting arrested for not wearing a mask, arbitrary restrictions with no scientific basis (like the magic 6ft number), continued pushing of the vaccine despite its known ineffectiveness and side affects, a female barbershop owner in Texas being arrested for not shutting down her business, etc. There are many more where that came from.
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Hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since all of this crap began. I lost respect for so many people during this pandemic. It truly brought out the worst in humanity. I'll never forget the toilet paper shortages and fighting, people spraying their groceries with lysol, calling the police on their neighbors for violating unconstitutional covid restrictions, calling the police on their neighbors for coughing, police logging license plate numbers of churchgoers in Kentucky, a mother being arrested for taking her children to an empty playground in Idaho, celebrating the deaths of every unvaccinated person (mad4vols was a prime example of someone like this), non-stop media deception and propaganda, getting arrested for not wearing a mask, arbitrary restrictions with no scientific basis (like the magic 6ft number), continued pushing of the vaccine despite its known ineffectiveness and side affects, a female barbershop owner in Texas being arrested for not shutting down her business, etc. There are many more where that came from.
Yep... all is true what you said. Yet you believe these same people, govt officials and media outlets right now when it comes to Ukraine/Israel/Iran wars...

Make it make sense.
Maybe there is hope to survive this next wave after all....A study published in Cell & Bioscience in November 2023 found that drinking approximately one to two cups of coffee daily is sufficient to inhibit the infection of multiple variants of COVID-19.

Coffee Consumption as a Preventive Measure Against COVID-19 Infections and Depression Coffee Consumption as a Preventive Measure Against COVID-19 Infections and Depression

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