Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Are you talking about this varicella vaccine? The one that's only "100% effective" at preventing "severe varicella"? And "only" (using this word only because it's less than 100%) 92% effective at preventing all varicella after two shots?

As for MMR, are you talking about the one that's "97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps" after two shots? Again, I think 97 and 88 are less than 100, even if your goal is to prevent illness entirely.

I merely said vaccines aren't 100% effective at preventing illness, which makes the COVID vaccine no different. Find me data that suggests otherwise and I'll recant.

Kind of a bummer when I see healthcare professionals who allow political dogma to overrun common sense.
OK, smart guy, let's try this for common sense:

How many cases of invasive Haemophilus B infection do you think I've seen in 20 years?

Invasive Strep pneumo?

For reference, those were the top 2 causes of sepsis and meningitis in children prior to vaccines.

Rotavirus in 15 years?

We used to have an entire wing of the hospital full of inpatients with rota GE.






Bacterial Meningitis?

Hepatitis A?

I spend most of my waking hours caring for children and keeping up to date with current medical literature, so forgive me if I pass on reading your links.

You can take your political rhetoric BS and shove it. You were duped, and now you can't stand the fact that you were wrong and, in turn, complicit to the harm caused by all the feigned "science."
I've done two boosters since then. Not to insult your intelligence, but it's a lot like the flu shot in that they're always trying to make vaccines available that are most effective against the current/most prevalent strain of COVID.
Hmmm... interesting that even you still refer to it as a flu "shot" but a covid "vaccine" while making this comparison.

But we weren't lied to.
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You can take your political rhetoric BS and shove it. You were duped, and now you can't stand the fact that you were wrong and, in turn, complicit to the harm caused by all the feigned "science."
Ha! Sounds like I struck a nerve, brotatochip. You made a claim that I disproved easily with actual data, and now you're throwing a quasi-condescending fit. Your anecdotal experience is nice, but it doesn't negate facts. I'm thankful you brought up two vaccines that are categorically not 100% effective. It made my case for me.

My brother is a neonatologist, so this is going to make for a good dinner conversation.
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Ha! Sounds like I struck a nerve, brotatochip. You made a claim that I disproved easily with actual data, and now you're throwing a quasi-condescending fit. Your anecdotal experience is nice, but it doesn't negate actual data. I'm thankful you brought up two vaccines that are categorically not 100% effective. It made my case for me.

My brother is a neonatologist, so this is going to make for a good dinner conversation.
Some doctors bought mRNA technology hook, line, and sinker. Some of the brightest guys bought that bill of goods. A lot of smart folks were fooled.

Again, if you are not on an aspirin regimen you may need to discuss it with a clinician.
Vaccination reduces susceptibility and infectiousness (read all about it here), but nobody with two functioning brain cells should be under the impression that it makes you immune from infection. I do the COVID and flu shots every fall because I want to give my body the best chance at "success," even if that means coming down with a more minor version of whatever I catch.

Does that answer your question, boss?
Then why take the vaccine? Why risk it?
I would love for someone to present a reasonable argument for why any young person or healthy adult should take a CV19 test, at this point.
According to this article, the CDC is recommending a Covid test for merely being exposed. You don't even have to feel sick:
If you were exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms, which include fever, cough, shortness of breath, among others, you should get a test. Isolate until you can obtain one.

This is nuts. We're all exposed these days. It happens
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Ha! Sounds like I struck a nerve, brotatochip. You made a claim that I disproved easily with actual data, and now you're throwing a quasi-condescending fit. Your anecdotal experience is nice, but it doesn't negate facts. I'm thankful you brought up two vaccines that are categorically not 100% effective. It made my case for me.

My brother is a neonatologist, so this is going to make for a good dinner conversation.
Does you BIL wear a blue paper towel mask while he drives his Prius?
Ha! Sounds like I struck a nerve, brotatochip. You made a claim that I disproved easily with actual data, and now you're throwing a quasi-condescending fit. Your anecdotal experience is nice, but it doesn't negate facts. I'm thankful you brought up two vaccines that are categorically not 100% effective. It made my case for me.

My brother is a neonatologist, so this is going to make for a good dinner conversation.
You are 4x jabbed with a quasi-vaccine, still got sick, and lamented the fact you didn’t get jabbed a 5th time.

And your 4 jabs apparently didn’t even provide you with the like, totally not as bad Covid experience. As it “kicked your ass for 2 weeks”.

Godspeed on your 5th & 6th experimental jabs. Is your neonatologist brother also jabbed 1/2 dozen times lol?
Ha! Sounds like I struck a nerve, brotatochip. You made a claim that I disproved easily with actual data, and now you're throwing a quasi-condescending fit. Your anecdotal experience is nice, but it doesn't negate facts. I'm thankful you brought up two vaccines that are categorically not 100% effective. It made my case for me.

My brother is a neonatologist, so this is going to make for a good dinner conversation.
Sounds good, hope you enjoyed dinner. If he's in Knoxville, I probably know him. I take care of some of the local Neo's kids, and I have a good professional rapport with my other staff at Children's.
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The researchers noted that there are limitations to the study. The uninfected group tracked in the analysis includes those who were asymptomatic or did not seek medical care, which may have led to misclassification. Individual health measurements such as blood pressure and body mass index, which are associated with the risk of heart complications, were not considered.
It's always important to read the fine print
It's always important to read the fine print
Yup and the overwhelming evidence now says there’s no difference in the amount of side effects between vaccinated and unvaccinated. New data is beginning to split in favor of vaccinated with fewer side effects.

Unless you think the unvaccinated tends to be more unhealthy and therefore higher side effects.
Yup and the overwhelming evidence now says there’s no difference in the amount of side effects between vaccinated and unvaccinated. New data is beginning to split in favor of vaccinated with fewer side effects.

Unless you think the unvaccinated tends to be more unhealthy and therefore higher side effects.

Data shows that your two largest groups of unvax (rural working class and African Americans) had shorter life expectancies pre-Covid.

Life expectancy is directly related to access to quality health care, education level, and income. It's why the average life expectancy in California is higher than MS....
Data shows that your two largest groups of unvax (rural working class and African Americans) had shorter life expectancies pre-Covid.

Life expectancy is directly related to access to quality health care, education level, and income. It's why the average life expectancy in California is higher than MS....
A completely different tangent but the whole life expectancy has everything to do with what you put in your mouth day to day. If you’re a fat bastard eating garbage and not exercising then you won’t live as long.
A completely different tangent but the whole life expectancy has everything to do with what you put in your mouth day to day. If you’re a fat bastard eating garbage and not exercising then you won’t live as long.

It's all related. Lower income has less access to fresh food, less money to eat right, less likely to be in a gym, less likely to have access to proper health care, and less education to know what they should be doing healthwise...
It's all related. Lower income has less access to fresh food, less money to eat right, less likely to be in a gym, less likely to have access to proper health care, and less education to know what they should be doing healthwise...
No, I get what you’re saying. But in relation to the topic, it could explain why the unvaccinated have more side effects than the vaccinated but doesn’t negate the evidence that the vaccine is conclusively not the cause of those side effects.
It's all related. Lower income has less access to fresh food, less money to eat right, less likely to be in a gym, less likely to have access to proper health care, and less education to know what they should be doing healthwise...
You made my head hurt having to read this. Captain Crunch, Ruffles potato chips and Coca-Cola are not choices made based on poverty or because they cannot afford broccoli, spinach or bottled water. Nor is it due to lack of education because everyone knows what junk food is and what it is not.

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