Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

You made my head hurt having to read this. Captain Crunch, Ruffles potato chips and Coca-Cola are not choices made based on poverty or because they cannot afford broccoli, spinach or bottled water. Nor is it due to lack of education because everyone knows what junk food is and what it is not.
A bag of chips these days costs as much as a 5lb bag of potatoes. For the cost of a small box of cereal (4-5 jumbo servings like most people eat), you can buy a load of vegetables for the same number of meals. Meat is a little expensive, but by the time you factor in people using their resources on ice cream, soda, and other garbage there isn't much difference. Eating poorly largely comes down to laziness and pleasure-seeking. One can just walk into the grocery store to figure that out now.
Go to a distressed/working class area in Memphis and see how much "fresh choices" you have.

Yeah, there is absolutely laziness involved but people eat what they have access to.

And do not be surprised by how dumb a lot of people are. There was a time where 30% of Americans thought you got Coronavirus by drinking Corona beer. There are lots of people who fall for the "Nutritional packaging" on Captain Crunch or that 1 calorie Diet Coke is good for you...
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Go to a distressed/working class area in Memphis and see how much "fresh choices" you have.

Yeah, there is absolutely laziness involved but people eat what they have access to.

And do not be surprised by how dumb a lot of people are. There was a time where 30% of Americans thought you got Coronavirus by drinking Corona beer. There are lots of people who fall for the "Nutritional packaging" on Captain Crunch or that 1 calorie Diet Coke is good for you...
The solution is simple, you shouldn’t be allowed to use food stamps at a 7-11 and things like sodas, candy bars and ice cream should be excluded products.
Go to a distressed/working class area in Memphis and see how much "fresh choices" you have.
It is based on demand. You make it sound like it is based on some malicious scheme. It is actually based on what the people choose to buy.

Yeah, there is absolutely laziness involved but people eat what they have access to.
Lack of demand for fresh vegetables is the reason.

And do not be surprised by how dumb a lot of people are.
It never surprises me.

There was a time where 30% of Americans thought you got Coronavirus by drinking Corona beer. There are lots of people who fall for the "Nutritional packaging" on Captain Crunch or that 1 calorie Diet Coke is good for you...
Now I do know we have dumb people, but even I am cynical of that stat.

Report: 38% of beer drinkers won’t drink Corona because of coronavirus

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said 38 percent of Americans won’t drink Corona because of coronavirus. Thirty-eight percent of beer drinkers are refusing to drink Corona beer, according to the poll.
It is based on demand. You make it sound like it is based on some malicious scheme. It is actually based on what the people choose to buy.

Lack of demand for fresh vegetables is the reason.

It never surprises me.

Now I do know we have dumb people, but even I am cynical of that stat.

Report: 38% of beer drinkers won’t drink Corona because of coronavirus

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said 38 percent of Americans won’t drink Corona because of coronavirus. Thirty-eight percent of beer drinkers are refusing to drink Corona beer, according to the poll.

Agree that groceries invest in locations/products that make them $$$$

Before going off on the tangent, the point remains is that for a multitude of socioeconomic reasons the population that was not vacinated does not have the same life expectancy as those who were vacinated.

All of that has to be factored into any analysis....
Agree that groceries invest in locations/products that make them $$$$

Before going off on the tangent, the point remains is that for a multitude of socioeconomic reasons the population that was not vacinated does not have the same life expectancy as those who were vacinated.

All of that has to be factored into any analysis....
I'm not sure what kind of connection you are trying to make here.
Agree that groceries invest in locations/products that make them $$$$

Before going off on the tangent, the point remains is that for a multitude of socioeconomic reasons the population that was not vacinated does not have the same life expectancy as those who were vacinated.

All of that has to be factored into any analysis....

*Edit- I see you just answered my question in the post above

To be clear, this same group of people had a shorter life expectancy pre- covid correct? They have shortened life expectancy from the choices they make and the garbage they put into their bodies.
It's all related. Lower income has less access to fresh food, less money to eat right, less likely to be in a gym, less likely to have access to proper health care, and less education to know what they should be doing healthwise...
I'm sorry, but this just doesn't hold up in pretty much any area of the US in 2024. Even Piggly Wiggly sells vegetables, fruit, and chicken, and it doesn't cost money to talk a walk.
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I'm sorry, but this just doesn't hold up in pretty much any area of the US in 2024. Even Piggly Wiggly sells vegetables, fruit, and chicken, and it doesn't cost money to talk a walk.

The average life expectancy (pre COVID) in rural TN counties is 4-5 years less than national average. So you are saying those people are lazier or do you agree there's some socioeconomic trend (income, lack of access to quick, quality healthcare) that is causing that?
The average life expectancy (pre COVID) in rural TN counties is 4-5 years less than national average. So you are saying those people are lazier or do you agree there's some socioeconomic trend (income, lack of access to quick, quality healthcare) that is causing that?
I blame Kiffin, Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt.

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