Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Hubei province reporting 2,103 new cases and 56 deaths. Waiting for the update for the rest of China later today.
Here's the thing I don't get; WTF kind of person wouldn't quarantine themselves if they thought there was ANY chance they could expose their loved ones (nevermind others, or possibly just getting oneself diagnosed for that matter) to something like this?

I also think this is a different scenario than most interpretations of "personal freedom" because the whole idea of "intent" is off the table. Arguably the whole idea of quarantine isn't about the person at all but rather the infection. It's what has always given me the heebee jebees about bugs. Though not sentient they have a type of volition and purpose and have no concept of friend, foe or negotiation. So are we really talking freedom of people or freedom for a possibly lethal pathogen?
That was me jesting. If i truly thought id been exposed i would allow them to hold me in a single bed isolation room for 2 weeks. Not at my house. Too many precious people at my house.
I used to sit and listen to my microbiology teacher talk about the nastiest bacteria and viruses possible. He had a very healthy respect for both because not respecting them when working for the cdc gets you dead.
You are exactly right, not sentient, but if they were their message would be "how can I kill you quicker and survive to do it again". So I'm inconvenienced for 2 weeks, I'll get over that. Being responsible for someone I love dying or even a perfect stranger because I infected them, not so much.
Yea, that's what the mandatory quarantine is, mob rule.
I think you understand the ridiculousness of your position when carried to extreme.
I also understand your reluctance to concede that, as with almost all things, there is a reasonable and rational line.
Because then you would have to deal with how that line is established and adjusted.

So, in hog's world: A plane carrying 220 people from Wuhan lands in Nashville. Hog meets them and says, it would be nice if you guys would quarantine yourselves, but your individual freedoms over the next 14 days are more important than the unnecessary and unknowable risks you present to millions of innocent people. 210 right minded people immediately and voluntarily quarantine themselves. Ten, for ultimately selfish reasons, avoid the request to quarantine.

As opposed to, in a rational and reasonable world: A plane carrying 220 people from Wuhan lands in Nashville. They are informed that, even though individual rights are highly respected and protected, because of the unnecessary and avoidable risk they pose to millions of innocent people, they will be placed in quarantine for 14 days. 210 say of course, that's only appropriate. Ten say damn, that's not right, but are forced into quarantine against their wishes.
Or we’ll send you back to Wuhan, or if we find that you infect someone you’ll be charged with assault or murder if they pass
Or we’ll send you back to Wuhan, or if we find that you infect someone you’ll be charged with assault or murder if they pass
And if the person they infect unknowingly infects 10 people who unknowingly infect 10 people who unknowingly infect 10 people then he can charge them with 1000 murders.

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